Considering a potential research study on “Conflict Management Styles among Corporate Executives in Developing Countries – Nigeria a Case Study”, for a signature assignment as one prepares for dissertation topic requires good concentration. It requires a lot of time for proofreading to avoid errors and as well ethical issues. However, to achieve this, this paper will address: a problem statement, purpose statement, research method, describe potential study participants, research questions, the target group, gaining access and permission to the group, compensation to the participants, ensuring confidentiality to the group, and data collection methods. Problem Statement Organizational conflict arises when an individual or group perceives a threat to her/their interest. Most organizational conflicts in Nigeria emerge due to the inability of the system to fulfill the collective agreement with the employees (Ekong, 2000). This leads to employees quitting from the job. Another source of conflict exists between employees; arguments and competition for promotion, position and performance being the causes. Employees resigning from jobs in large numbers could lead to lower productivity and bad organizational reputation in most situations. However, as a result of large number of cases of poor conflict management, its growing complexity and management in organizational settings in Nigeria; it has become necessary to examine best conflict management styles and also the
Conflicts are realities of life and can be defined as a “situation of competition in which the parties involved are quite aware of the incompatibility of future condition whereby each party wishes to occupy a position that is incompatible with the wishes of the other” (Olu & Adesubomi, 2013, p. 2). They have no boundaries. They occur whether we like it or not, especially when there is disagreement and misunderstanding which stands as major key characteristics of human relationships. The relationship could be domestic, national, or international (Spiroska, 2014). Furthermore, conflicts happen when people are incompatible. In the organizational setting, conflict could arise due to failure of the employer, not honoring certain agreed bargaining. Henry (2009) indicated that if the workers’ right and prerogative is not appropriated rightly, it could cause conflict; such workers’
Conflict occurs in organizations whenever a difference of opinions exists. People disagree over many things including but not limited to, policies and procedures, the overall direction of the company, and distribution of rewards. This type of conflict is substantive conflict, as described in our reading text organizational behavior as a, "fundamental disagreement over ends or goals to be pursued". The second type of conflict is emotional conflict; which involves, "interpersonal difficulties that arise over feelings of anger, mistrust, dislike, fear, resentment, and the like." This type of conflict occurs when two or more persons do not see eye to eye or simply do not get along for whatever reason.
Throughout the years, whenever a policy has seemed outdated or irrelevant in US policy, it has generally been gotten rid of. Slavery, prohibition, and discriminate voting laws were all done away with once people realized that they did not belong in the modern world, but there is still one piece of US policy that has long overstayed its welcome. This piece of policy is the use of the electoral college in our presidential election system. The electoral college is a group of individuals who each cast a direct vote for the president. The way that this works is complicated but essentially it boils down to this. Each state has a number of electoral college votes equal to the number of seats they have in the senate plus the number of seats they have in the House of Representatives for a total of 538 votes. Before each election, each party picks a group of people who they tell to vote for their candidate from each state to be their electors. When a citizen votes for president in November of election years, they are not voting for the president directly. They are voting for which party gets to send its group of electors to cast their vote in the electoral college. These electors then cast their votes in early December, and from those votes a winner is declared. Does it seem convoluted and overly-complicated? That is what I think. So, I say that the electoral college should be abolished because it causes problems in presidential elections, the arguments for the electoral college are
Conflict is inescapable, having the ability to recognize, understand, and resolve conflicts are important in both personal and professional lives. Myatt (2012) states that conflict in the workplace is unavoidable; if left unresolved, workplace conflict may result in loss of productivity and the creation of barriers that can inhibit creativity, cooperation, and collaboration. It is vital to embrace conflict and address problems through effective conflict-resolution tactics because if not handled appropriately, conflict will escalate. “If not handled properly, conflict may significantly affect employee morale, increase turnover, and even result in litigation, ultimately affecting the overall well-being of
Greek philosophers have had a great impact on the world. Emphasizing on rhetorical, they were able to persuade people to agree with their thoughts or ideas. Greek philosophers debated questions that are still pondered today and tried to find a reasonable answer to these questions. Greek philosophers are remembered for their wisdom and insight that helped shape the world. Their ideas were used to help set up governments and find inner happiness.
worked these positions, he was able to write multiple works. In this time, he wrote the Book of
I defiantly have a high concern for others and their feelings. That’s not to say I don’t have the same high concern for myself but I’m more selfless than selfish in term of someone’s feelings or desires within a relationship. I’m a people pleaser and the person I’m linked to in an interpersonal relationship will most likely come first. Of Thomas & Kilmann’s conflict management styles I’m in the middle of accommodating and compromise because although I’d like to please others in my relationships, I also realize that my needs, idea, and desires are just as important. My conflict management style in my interpersonal relationship is consistent and I remain the same with each partner (which could be my downfall in relationships). I would like to
This paper will discuss how to diagnose a conflict using various conflict models using a case study that involves a workplace conflict between two individuals. Included will be detailed characteristics and attributes of the parties involved and how they may affect the conflict. Confidentiality is important in the workplace and will be discussed in regards to the case study. Resolution solutions that a practitioner may use will be suggested to assist in resolving the conflict. Conflict resolution can be a difficult task but if a practitioner implements tools like conflict models than conflict can be undoubtedly resolved.
As the expression of employees' dissatisfaction and differences with employers, conflict is regarded as bad and irrational for the organization and should be kept down through some forcible ways. Conflict can arise from employees' misunderstanding of the direction of the organisation or the poor communication between the staff and the management, enabling employees to substitute alternative agendas instead of the organisation's agenda (Bray, Deery, Walsh and Waring, 2005). Moreover, conflicts can arise from the poor management that caused by the management's failure to identify and meet employees' basic needs.
The aim of conflict management is to enhance learning and group outcomes, including effectiveness or performance in organizational setting. The outcome of the conflict will depend on how it’s dealt with.
Conflict or disagreement over the range of issues has become inherent aspect of modern organisational life. People from different cultural and education background work in an organisation. People working in an organisation may possess different goal and interest. People working in organisation may tend to different over a range of issues including organisational politics, organisational procedure, personal preference or political preference. It is also argued that conflict is essential characteristics of organisational life. Role of manager is paramount with regard to negotiating the conflict that arises in organisational life ( Often lack of
Conflict is a process in which one party perceives that its interests are negatively affected by another party (Kinicki 2009). This is a normal and natural part of any work place. When it occurs, there is a tendency for morale to be lowered and decreased productivity. However, conflict can be useful, it can push conflicting parties to grow, communicate and urge the flow of new ideas. For this to happen, leaders need to understand why conflict occurs and take the correct steps to resolve it. According to psychologists Art Bell and Brett Hart, there are eight common causes of conflict within the workplace; conflicting resources, conflicting styles, confliction perceptions, conflicting goals, conflicting pressures
Conflict management in general sounds so easy, but that is not true. Conflict management has to do with everything that we do in our everyday life. It is so important that everyone should learn about it. We learned in class that there are five conflict styles, according to Kilmann conflict mode instrument, the styles depends on assertiveness and cooperativeness. There’s no wrong or right style, and it always depends on the person and on the situation. So in this paper I’m going to explain the 5 conflict styles and what I think about them.
Conflict in the workplace is something that’s been going on for centuries. Although we think of conflict as negative, it can also have a positive impact. In this paper we will look at both the negative and positive impact of conflict in the workplace.
Conflict is an occurrence in virtually any organization, regardless of how large or small it may be. It is exceedingly difficult to get people to agree with one another about everything all the time, especially when they are competing for the same resources (Tsang, 2012, p. 84). This difficult is naturally exacerbated when there are stratifications between people, which frequently occurs in organizations. Organizations may have different categories of employers such as those in sale, marketing, finance, human resources, etc. The three main views of conflict which also play a significant part in the resolving of conflict are the traditional, the human relations, and interactionist views. There are points of similarities and differences between all of these views.