
Conflict Resolution Essay

Decent Essays

Conflict Resolution Conflict in the work place is inevitable. People will argue, disagree, or treat another badly for many reasons. Racial prejudice, sexual prejudice, religious prejudice, or simply not liking someone can and will cause conflict.

Conflict resolution can be handled in a one-on-one manner (the boss talking to employees) or can be handled through mediation or negotiation. The one-on-one method will work in a small business setting where there is employee conflict or business conflict. In a larger corporate setting mediation or negotiation is often used to settle conflicts. Union negotiations are a good example of this. Listed below are some methods that may be used for conflict resolution. Many of these can be …show more content…

In determining you BATNA, a straightforward review of your interest will give you the clearest picture.
If you accept your BATNA, you know when you can simply turn your back on the negotiations. But it is important not to ignore the other party's BATNA. The relative strength of each party's BATNA will determine the balance of power each can exercise. 4. Silence is golden.

This is true for two reasons: If one party is highly opinionated or emotional, if their approach is threatening or extremely demanding, keeping quiet after they finish speaking can be quite unsettling to them. It is like jujitsu; you allow them to be tripped up by their own forcefulness. Most people are troubled by silence in the midst of heated discussion. Sometimes silence is viewed as disapproval -- but since no specific disapproval has been voiced, it cannot be treated as an attack. It has happened on many occasions that, when met with silence, people have modified their previous statements to make them more palatable.

Silence is an important element in the crucial tool called Active Listening. The job of a good negotiator is to listen to and understand what others are saying. After all, you can't make an intelligent response to an opinion you do not understand. The discipline of Active Listening requires that you focus on what another person is saying; don't spend your time shaping a stinging response that

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