
Conflict Resolution Essay

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Conflict Resolution

The nature of a work team makes them vulnerable to conflicts and disagreements. Because people carry the weight of personal values, experiences and beliefs into the work team, there is always the possibility that conflict will arise. That is why recognizing the signs and source of conflict will help understand the role of conflict in the work team. Here is list of signs of conflicts that the work team should be aware of:
1. Anger, irritability, sarcasm
2. Without holding of, or willingness to share information needed to do the task
3. Lack of enthusiasm
4. Avoidance of responsibility
5. Difficulty participating in group discussion or decisions
6. An unwillingness to cooperate

Conflicts are rooted in …show more content…

Van Slyke (1999) claimed that conflict and its resolution are complicated issues because there are many factors, influencing it, and these may include the nature and magnitude of the conflict.

Recognizing the signs and sources of conflict, and using the methods to analysis conflict is essential in understanding conflict. One approach to conflict analysis and resolution is known as the 4Rs Method, according to Engleberg et al (2003). This method has four steps, each of which is summarized with a word beginning wit the letter "R".

• Reason. In this step, the causes or reasons for the conflict are explored and openly, yet respectfully, discussed.
• Reactions. In this step, team members look at their own reactions to the conflict. If those reactions are destructive, rather than constructive, individuals can self-correct, and take the necessary steps to recommit to team success.
• Results. If the conflict is not resolved, what might happen? How might the team work together to resolve the conflict in a constructive manner?
• Resolution. Which approach to conflict resolution could be used to effectively resolve the conflict? (p.154)
Recognizing and analyzing conflict is the key element in understanding conflict; which in turn, will assist in conflict resolution. Remember while struggling to understand conflict, conflict is an integral part of work teams; whether, it is constructive or destructive.
Conflict is always

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