
Conflict Resolution Toolkit

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Table of Contents
Reflection Paper 3
Critical Thought and Perception 3
Problem Solving 3
Reporting Inferring and Judging 4
Using Your Judgment for Personal and Organizational Issues 4
Active Listening 4
Argument 5
Analyzing Conflict 5
Working Through Conflict 6
The Communication Process 7
Positive Language and Negotiation 7
Conclusion 10
References 11
Appendix A 12
Appendix B 20

Reflection Paper Conflict Management is defined as “the practice of recognizing and dealing with disputes in a rational, balanced and effective way. Conflict management implemented within a business environment usually involves effective communication, problem resolving abilities and good negotiating skills to restore the focus …show more content…

Resolving conflict is a management strategy where businesses should learn to study and practice conflict management skills to keep up a positive work environment (Reina, 2010).
Hitchcock & Verheij (2006) stated that the Toulmin Model of Argumentation declares that most of the arguments involve the following six elements:
1. Claim
2. Grounds
3. Warrant: A warrant connects the information with the grounds in response to the claim, which legitimize the claim by depicting the grounds to be significant. The warrant answers the claim question whether it is true or not
4. Backing: Backing (or support) for an argument gives additional support to the warrant by answering different questions.
5. Qualifiers and reservations: the qualifier (or modal qualifier) indicates the strength of the leap from the data to the warrant and may limit how universally the claim applies.
6. Rebuttal
Arguments in the workplace can be tricky yet there is a technique to solve them. Arguments can be analyzed effectively by the use of the Toulmin Model of Argumentation.
Analyzing Conflict
Conflict is inevitable in human interactions. Identification and understanding the level of conflict and how the conflict impacts the organization is necessary. Understand the conflict styles between the parties and how it is interfering with their working relationship. The conflict style is important to understand to navigate through the conflict with success.

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