
Confluence Patterns

Satisfactory Essays

Paul: He is a Use First Technical pattern; my proposal to him would get into connection with his Precise pattern. He needs to ask a lot of questions and have complete and through explanations. This would help him on his assignments in creative writing, building structure, the want to be accurate and correct. John: As a Use First Percise pattern; my submission to him is to touch more bases on Confluence pattern. While he will be able to write essay’s he will not worry so much about X, Y and Z. He will be able to take the risk and bend the rules a little and not be so worried. Raheem: He is a Use First Confluence and Technical reasoning. My recommendation is to work on his Sequence more. It will assist him in-group projects needing step-by-step instructions. It will also help him in creative writing to work neatly and from beginning to end. It seems he is having trouble meeting the instructors and teammates’ expectations, this pattern will help create a whole new atmosphere and work ethic. …show more content…

It will give her that opportunity to take a risk and brining her out of the norm. Creating new ideas when writing and being able to be inventiveness while building new bridges to present new

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