
Confucianism And Buddhism Research Paper

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In Asian countries there were 3 beliefs that were invented during times of struggle. Confucianism, Buddhism,and Taoism were all created to keep the peace for the most part. Confucianism was created to unite warring states, and make people respect each other. Taoism was created in a time of starvation, and depression by someone named Laozi. Buddhism was created by an Indian prince, who was sheltered as a child, and saw none of the tragedies of life. All these different beliefs Helped to unite ancient China. Confucianism was invented in the 400th century BCE. Confucius was just a man who was tired of all the Chinese wars between the states, and created a way of life in China to keep the peace. This happened by making people be respected, as well as training them to respect others. This belief is still alive, and well in China, and many people follow Confucius' beliefs to this day. Taoism was created in a time of starvation, and a Great Depression in China. Laozi was a man who created Taoism, and is not confirmed to have existed. Taoism basically is a belief involving becoming immersed in nature, and learning to live off …show more content…

Buddha was a prince in India, who was expected to be a great teacher. Knowing this fact his parents locked him inside a palace of young rich people. The Buddha never saw death, or aging ever until he came out of the gates to see the world. He saw death, elderly, starvation, poverty, and went into a deep depression. After meditating and thinking Siddhartha became the enlightened one, and went by Buddha for the rest of his life. His teaching basically thought people about being honest, and respectful towards one another, and overall just being good people. His legacy still lives on, and Buddhism is a popular belief all around the world. His teachings helped India get out of their poverty stricken state, and back on

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