
Confucianism And Hinduism Essay

Decent Essays

Communicating the Universal Way in Confucianism and Hinduism
In life the moral excellence of a person is to be achieved, in most societies. As with virtues which can define a person, the habit of being virtuous can have a greater fulfillment in life. The Code of Manu sets forth that a virtuous man can be the result of ensuing the guidelines of conduct. Within Confucius Analects which shed light on qualities of leading a good life, by virtue that has rule to joy and be shielded from unhappiness. As both works show that leading a virtuous life will lead to great enjoyment in the end. As one of the main religions of the world, Hinduism or also known as Santana Dharma is the world’s oldest religion (Knapp). Hinduism which is the present name for the Vedic culture is a way to a spiritual path that leads the soul towards the Divine (Knapp). While Hindus who worship a Supreme Being who is both immanent and transcendent, although the Supreme Being is called by many names (Knapp). As for Hindu’s the soul is of most importance, as the soul goes through many forms, samsara (Knapp, "Vedic Culture / Hinduism: A Short Introduction"). Therefore, one is born over and over, this is so they experience the results of one’s good or bad actions in previous life’s. More importantly, …show more content…

The Code of Manu can be known by many names however two of the names is Manavadharmashastra and Manu-smriti (Naegele). The text within the Code of Manu is set between a teacher and from others who are gaining knowledge from him (Olivelle). Furthermore, values and morals found in the body of the Veda inspired the Code of Manu. The Law Givers work places an understanding of an individual’s actions as a rule of conduct. The main goal of the work is to set forth the ways a human can achieve happiness. Manu created universal values for all of humans, so that an individual or society can

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