
Confucianism Influence On Australian Society

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Confucianism is a system of philosophical and ethical teachings founded by Confucius. It explores and teaches a sense of doing what is right, serving their superiors diligently and loyally, and to display benevolence towards others. It also practices rituals and teaches morals on how we were created which are aspects that define a belief system to be a religion. Confucianism, in terms of relating to other countries, does not have a strong connection or relevance to the 21st Century Australian society in regards to the search for meaning. The only reason that our Australian society has for understanding Chinese culture is the need to understanding it when trading goods and supplies, which to some degree does not highly influence Australian society. …show more content…

Therefore, it is important that Australians develop their understanding of this tradition in order to collaborate better with their engagement with these societies. Confucianism effected Ancient China in many ways. Confucianism brought a steady nature into the country which had been effected in many ways from previous changeovers in dynasty's. But after being so consistent from the end of Ancient China and beyond shows how valued it is. Confucius believed that every person had their place in society, for example merchants were at the lower end of society because although they were some of the richest people, they didn’t endure the hard labour that farmers did. This was not only controversial but had a huge impact on society. He made another impact on society when he created one of the first schools in his region. It was a school for only boys where he taught them his own teachings and they learnt calligraphy. Many of these boys went on to be scholars. The religion made women subordinate to men, which is a common theme/issue that is seen all around the world in many different cultures these day. This didn’t completely stem from Confucianism but the teachings would have had this impact to some degree especially in …show more content…

What happens to us after death? What is our purpose in life?), Confucianism doesn’t actually explore the afterlife and that is why it is controversial as to whether it is a religion or not. But in terms of these big questions and what our purpose in life is, Confucianism teachings explored very wise, simple concepts such as “treat others the way you want to be treated”, or “If I am walking with two other men, each of them will serve as my teacher. I will pick out the good points of the one and imitate them, and the bad points of the other and correct them in myself”. It is many teachings like these that gave Confucius followers a sense of meaning and purpose. When referring to the ‘Ten desires that dive us’, by Hugh Mackay, Confucianism fulfils many of these desires including, ‘the desire to be taken seriously’, Confucianism fulfils this in his teaching of “treat others the way you want to be treated”. The desire to connect is in nearly all of Confucius’ teaching because they all involve interacting with other people. The desire to be useful, because Confucianism gives you a purpose in everything you do. Confucianism fulfils so many desires and this, in a way can relate to not just Australian society but all of society. Large manufacturing and trading businesses would have to understand Chinese culture through doing business with their country which has a high relevance to 21st century

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