
Congenital Dyserythropoietic Anemia (CDA)

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Congenital dyserythropoietic anemia is a blood disorder r that is inherited and it is also present at birth. Congenital dyserythropoietic anemia is just one of the many types of anemia, which are conditions that affect the red blood cells. When a person has anemia they have a shortage of RBC’s. Red blood cells are important in maintaining homeostasis in the body. The main functions of the red blood cells are to transport oxygenated blood to the tissues of the body. With that being said, when people suffer from anemia do not get the adequate amount of oxygen to the tissues of their body. The symptoms of anemia vary from person to person, some experience weakness, while other are more fatigued ( Other symptoms include pale skin, chest pains and tachycardia or fast or irregular heart rate/ beat. There are three versions of congenital dyserythropoietic anemia, and they are classified by types, they all have different signs and symptoms and also have different genetic effects. CDA type I, ranges from severe to moderate. Most of the time, this type of anemia is diagnosed as a child or during adolescence. However, in some cases CDA type I may be detected even before birth during gestation. Individuals that have CDA type one often have Jaundice or yellowing of …show more content…

Most people that have this type of anemia do not suffer from the enlargement of the liver and spleen. They also do not suffer from the overloading or building up of iron like the other conditions. Instead, in adulthood the tissue in the retina seem to be affected. In most cases people develop visual impairments because of the retina being affected. To add, people who have CDA type III also may suffer from a disorder known as monoclonal gammopathy, a condition that can lead to cancer of the white blood cells. There are several other variants of this blood condition, but they are very rare and not much is known about

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