
Congo Rebellion Essay

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Fighting between the government and the Tutsi, Mobutu’s state of emergency, and the swearing in of Laurent Kabila’s son as president after Laurent’s murder were major events in the Congo Wars. Dangerous fighting and rebellions in close proximity to towns made civilians and refugees move. As these rebellions started closing in on major cities, Mobutu Sese Seko declared a state of emergency giving the military (and himself) more power. During the next war, President Laurent Kabila was shot and his son was sworn in. Dangerous fighting between the corrupt Congolese army and Tutsi rebels in October 1996 forced Rwandan refugees and civilians out of their camps and homes, respectively. (Congo, the Democratic Republic of). Many groups started rebellions throughout Congo. Their driving force was a shared hatred of President Mobutu and the …show more content…

(Congo, the Democratic Republic of). This state of emergency, Mobutu’s last ditch effort at staying in power, signifies the beginning of the decline of the first war. The end of this war also brought a new leader, President Laurent Kabila. Rebellions started up again only a few months after Kabila had become president. Soon after, he was assassinated by one of his bodyguards on January 16, 2011 and his son Joseph Kabila was sworn in. The new President Joseph Kabila met with the South African and French Presidents, the US secretary of state, and the United Nations secretary-general in January 2001 in an effort to bring peace to the Congo. Kabila also “met with the Rwandan president, Paul Kagame, who supported rebels in the east of the Congo. In February 2001, Kabila made concessions to Rwanda and Uganda in peace talks held in Lusaka, Zambia. The two countries withdrew some troops from east Congo.” (Q&R: DR Congo). UN troops arrived in March 2001 and confirmed that all of the warring parties were pulling back. (Congo, the Democratic Republic

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