CIT 246 – CONGRESSIONAL COMPLAINTS Consumers will submit their consumer complaints to the Congress of the United States. The letter will be from a House of Representative or Senate representative. When a complaint of this nature is received, CIT 246 is opened and used for tracking all Congressional Complaints. These are handled in the same manner as the regulatory complaints. An example of the letterhead is below:
RCS is the servicer for the investor, Bank of America (“BANA”), which requires additional research from RCS on written complaints BANA receives regarding one of their loans. An email is sent to the Correspondence email distribution list provided as the point of contact for BANA. Once an email is received, CIT 361 is opened and the email is imaged into Nautilus. The CIT is assigned to a Resolution Advocate for research and response. Once the research and information is gathered, a reply email to the requestor from BANA is sent from Correspondence and includes a CC to Correspondence and the Customer Relations Manager. Once the confirmation is received that nothing further is required, the final email is imaged
Is congress a dysfunctional institution? Columnist Ezra Klein contends that institutional deadlock and partisan rancor have paralyzed congress, causing it to lose power to the president and the bureaucracy. Former Massachusetts Senator Mo Cowan describes he has to come view the work of congress along with fellow members after fulfilling the remainder of John Kerry’s term upon the nomination of Governor Deval Patrick.
All complaints from the state offices will be entered as a CIT 245. Each state has regulatory offices that consumers will send their complaints into for resolution. The complaint will be faxed or mailed into RCS. The letterhead will identify the state agency.
Stemming from a loose interpretation of the Constitution – and specifically the necessary and proper clause -- congressional oversight is one of many enumerated powers bestowed upon Congress per Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution. As the legislative body, Congress is charged with overseeing the inner workings of the Executive Branch and its federal agencies as a part of a system of checks and balances. However, as previously mentioned, this power is one of the implied powers of Congress, thus making it very difficult for many to delineate rightful oversight from reckless meandering. In the Constitution, for example, there is no singular mention of a definitive power such as “congressional oversight.” Consequently, there is no
No, the general public does not have the information or willingness to evaluate congressional effectiveness. There is enough information available on congress to make evaluations. However, the general public does not know most of this information. The fact that only 40 percent of people know who both of their senators are is proof of this. In addition, most people aren’t willing to carefully evaluate Congress. It’s much easier to say Congress is doing a bad job and stop thinking about it. When it comes to evaluating their own representatives, most people are satisfied with their representatives and upset with congress. This is because their representative is the one who represents their interest. This means if their representative does a satisfactory
2.2 Outline steps that can be taken to encourage individuals to raise concerns and complaints
Prompt: Some argue that Congress is broken, while others argue the status quo should be maintained. In your opinion, to what degree is Congress broken and in what ways could it be improved?
Congress plays an important role in ruling the United States. Congress job is to represent the citizens of the U.S. by sharing the power with the current president of the United States of America and Supreme Court. Congress is one of the three branches of the United States. One of the main Congress jobs is to make law, basically, America without the Congress is pretty much without no laws. The Congress today is suffering from partisanship, parties are not working together as one hand causing it to fail its job. The Republicans are now controlling the Senate ( both houses ) when they earned it in 2014 elections making the majority Republican in Congress. Some people believe that the Congress is a broken branch and how it is failing America and we need to get it back on track. While the other believe that the Congress is fine and doing it job. I believe that the Congress is a broken branch since the United States of American government has a lot of partisanship.
One of the most interesting events that occurred in the early days of Congress occurred when George Washington brought the Senate the very first treaty to be ratified. Upon his delivery of this treaty Washington expected, being the President, an immediate ratification. However, before this instance a treaty had never been ratified by the Senate, so they informed Washington that they would have to discuss it. Thereafter, Washington paced the halls of the Capital Building, until the Senate, establishing their newfound power, informed him it would take a day or two to be finished (Burns, 1988). This interaction between the President and the Senate, is a crucial example of how early adaptations of power in America allowed for the
The Speaker of the House, John Boehner, has announced that he “will resign from Congress”. The announcement came on September 21,2015 following ongoing tension caused by the “challenges of divided government” and a “ Republican Party faction”. Boehner has said the he will resign from his position at the close of October. Mr. Boehner has been struggling to lead effectively, as the most conservative Republicans of the House have been pressuring him and limiting his capability to lead. The conservatives in the House have been pressuring Boehner ,mainly, to persuade him to cut funding for Planned Parenthood. Boehner also faced the burden of trying to avoid a government shutdown. In addition to these strains, he
Members of congress are faced with many tough decisions during their time in public office. They have to balance the interest of their constituencies with the interests of outside influences such as political parties, special interest groups, or national interests. These interests are rarely aligned and require tough decisions to be made when voting. When preparing to vote on a major issue congress members are inundated with different opinions sent in by email, mail, phone calls, and social media (How a Member Decides to Vote). Congressional agencies provide reports and studies, special interest groups send in background material, and fellow congress members provide recommendations (How a Member Decides to Vote).
Congress. A word that comes with it, feelings of anger, hope and, frustration to most people. The United States Congress was created to represent and govern the citizens of the United States of America. In doing so it has done a remarkable job. The past 200 years of this country proves this. In recent years though, Congress has gained the reputation of being indifferent in creating and passing laws. Many factors come in to effect in supporting this claim. Republican and democratic congressman are constantly fighting over laws and proposals. Each wanting to be loyal to their own party without compromise. There 's also the constant beating of elections (Every 2 years in The House of Representatives, 6
I assisted with the content of our Service User Guide in this pack I have devised a section which includes a piece about expectations on how complaints will be dealt with. This
Throughout history, there have been many factors that seem to have influenced the operations of Congress. Some of these factors have been the committee system, seniority, and political parties. These are only a few of the factors that actually have an influence on Congress’s decisions of certain operations.
However , Lee H. hamilton differs and believes congress isn’t dysfunctional and is objected to,