within the tissue. Although there is obvious evidence that ultrasound temperature heats up thetarget tissue, there is a lack of evidence depicting exactly how much the tissue is heated, so themajority of evidence-based science regarding this aspect is qualitative in nature (Haar, 1999). Itis theorized that the positive effects of ultrasound therapy, referring to strictly the thermal effects,result from increased flexibility of tendons, ligaments, and scar tissue. These effects increasejoint movability, decrease stiffness, aid in pain relief, and increase blood flow to the area treated.The non-thermal effects are quite a bit more complex, involving more physics that centeraround sound-pressure dynamics. The largest non-thermal effect is thought …show more content…
If ultrasound therapy is applied during the inflammation phase,the total amount of time in this phase is reduced (Haar, 1999). During the proliferative phase,cells rapidly divide in the area, and collagen is synthesized resulting in healing of the tissue withscar tissue. Ultrasound therapy during this phase stimulates the fibroblasts to create collagen at aquicker rate, and the resulting scar tissue is more pliable than scar tissue that wasn’t treated withultrasound therapy (Haar, 1999). Ultrasound therapy even increases the chances for skin grafts tobe accepted and become living tissue.Bone injuries also can benefit from ultrasound therapy tremendously. Bone repair healssimilarly to soft tissue damage, following the same pattern. During the inflammation andproliferative phases, ultrasound therapy quickens the healing process. However, people must becautious of the timing of ultrasound therapy, because during the late proliferative phase,ultrasound therapy actually hinders the healing process. The mechanisms are not exactly known,but it interrupts the calcification of the broken bones coming together (Haar, 1999).Ultrasound Application ProcessThe first step to the application process is ensuring that the application area is clean anddry, then applying a gel matrix to the head of the ultrasound transducer (the head that generatesthe sound waves). The healthcare provider should move the transducer in a circular stroke, with½ of the previous …show more content…
The sound waves heat up the tissue, offering thermal benefits, while at the sametime slightly oscillating the tissue, offering non-thermal benefits (Watson, 2015). The thermaleffects including bringing more blood flow to the treated area, decreasing joint stiffness, andincreasing the elasticity of tendons (Haar, 1999). The non-thermal benefits include moving thetissue in a form of miniature massage and altering the concentration gradients of potassium andsodium in the target tissue. Ultrasound therapy can be beneficial for soft tissue, bone, and jointdamage. Ultrasound stimulates tissue repair by increasing blood flow and collagen production indamaged soft tissue. In damaged bone, ultrasound applied during the inflammation and earlyproliferative phase speeds up the recovery process (Haar, 1999). During the application process,the area being treated should only be roughly two times the size of the transducer head, and thehead should be perpendicular to the area being treated. It is also important that the transducerstays in contact with the gel matrix on the skin (Watson, 2015). Although ultrasound is typicallyagreed upon as an effective treatment, there is still a group of scientists and healthcare providersthat disagree. There is a lack of evidence of exactly how ultrasound works, which is needed toensure the utmost safety for patients being treated (Powers, 2017). Another
Soft Tissues Injuries: Deep Tissue Massage therapy targets precise areas in the body experiencing trauma induced stress. Deep, firm pressure breaks down muscle tissue and adhesions facilitating natural healing. This treatment is especially helping for our Boca Rotan patients would have delayed seeking medical attention because rigid scar tissue often forms after an auto accident. These scars prevent normal circulation, impair flexibility and increase inflammation. Breaking down the adhesions reduces
The five interviews completed with relevant experts, including two radiologists, an anaesthetist, an ultrasound specialist and a patient with knee osteoarthritis, proved to be an invaluable research process which provided a significant amount of credible and relevant information. The interviewees were highly esteemed in their respective medical fields which provided credibility to their answers. For example, Mr Bird, a senior musculoskeletal ultrasound specialist with over 20 years’ experience, provided valuable and concise insight into the
Being able to identify lumps, swelling, tissue damage, cysts, and the overwhelming news of the sex of a baby all have something in common, an ultrasound. Swelling of the spleen, kidney stones, blood clots, aneurysms, cancer and so much more can be identified through the works of an ultrasound’s imaging technique. Ultrasound involves many concepts, procedures, and careers. The amount of medical possibilities involved with ultrasounds is useful in major medical diagnostics. The field of ultrasounds and career opportunities are widely growing. As medical careers flourish, needs for technicians in many fields of medicine are increasing. Instead of a doctor choosing complex and risky surgery to find out problems within the body, they can now
Ultrasound relies on high frequency sounds to image the body and diagnose patients. Ultrasounds are therefore longitudinal waves which cause particles to oscillate back and forth and produce a series of compressions and rarefactions
I am here to explain an ultrasound, so that way you are not nervous. First, there are different types of sound waves, and how they travel. There are transverse, longitudinal, and surface waves. The transverse waves are a mechanical wave which means that the wave travels like an S- wave sideways. Longitudinal waves travel parallel to the direction the wave travels. When the longitudinal wave travels it compresses through the particles in the medium that it passes through. Longitudinal waves are like contractions because they can compress together really high, and or low which could make the pain hurt more, or hurt very little. Surface waves move in circular motions around the medium. In an ultrasound you can see your baby move around in your
Contraindications for ultrasound must be taken into consideration when treating patients. Over the years, ultrasound has been utilized and at times, used with negligible risk. However, this depends on the part of the body being treated. Therefore, a clinician must take every patient into consideration when administering therapeutic ultrasound. It is also equally important to be cautious of the patients’ safety. There are risks when using ultrasound therapy machines that the patient must be made aware of. These machines can cause substantial bioeffects and deliberate caution must be taken to lower the risk of injury for each individual patient (J Ultrasound Med, 2012, p. 10). This is also true when treating a pregnant woman. An embryonic and fetal when exposed to a situ temperature above 41C (4C above normal temperature) for 5 min or more could be potentially hazardous (International Congress Series 1274 (2004) p. 126)
Ultrasound has been used as a therapeutic modality for decades. Depending on the frequency and duration of the ultrasound there has been speculation of possible effects of healing of a wide variety of conditions. Some including fractures, tendinopathies and overall healing of tendon and muscular injuries. Therapeutic ultrasound is a deep penetrating agent that produces changes in tissue through either thermal or non-thermal mechanisms6. Ultrasound uses acoustical energy, depending on the frequency and wavelength of the energy ultrasound can be used for imagining, therapeutic deep tissue heating or tissue destruction6.
As mentioned earlier scars or metal in the abdomen can absorb or deflect the ultrasound beam causing pain and severe burns skin burns. This can sometimes be avoided by
Originally ultrasound in physical therapy was used mainly for treatment of soft tissue injuries, acceleration of wound healing, and resolution of edema as well as softening of scar tissue (Haar, 2007, p. 113). However, with ultrasound being one of the most popular therapeutic modalities, more research has been conducted into what else the modality could be beneficial towards. In recent years there has been research done on ultrasound being used for things such as bone healing and enhancement of drug uptake. Previously ultrasound has been known for contraindications in treatment of injuries such as fractures, however the modality is being studied for possible benefits if used at low intensities. Due to this recent research ultrasound as a therapeutic modality is being looked at more for non-thermal aspects versus the traditional thermal usage.
In the year 1940, H Gohr and Th. Wedekind exhibited their paper revealing the possibility that an ultrasonic machine could be used as a diagnosis tool (“History”). They stated in their paper that using ultrasonography to diagnose a patient would be able to reveal tumors, abscesses, and such. Using ultrasonography, doctors would be able to treat their patients and would be able to remove the tumors inside of them before they became a problem. Unfortunately for them, however, they were unable to write any valid answers from the experiments that they had
Development of modern ultrasound technology has been associated with increased acoustic outputs, such that they are capable of emitting intensities that are able to produce measureable effects in biological tissue. Biological effects occur by mechanical and thermal mechanisms at high acoustic intensities (Bushberg et al. 2012). This report will focus on thermal effects produced by acoustic beam propagation, focusing on neonatal cranial ultrasonography.
Sound waves ranging from one to five megahertz hit boundaries between tissue. The boundary may be soft tissue, or soft tissue and bone. Reflected waves are sensed by the probe and relayed to the ultrasound machine. The machine will calculate the distance between the probe and the boundaries found, such as an organ or tissue. The calculations are based on the time of each echo’s return using the speed of sound (1,540 ft. /s). This produces a two dimensional image on the ultrasound machine’s screen, displaying the intensities and the distances of the echoes. Using this information, doctors can then diagnose many medical issues while not using invasive surgery. (Odorico, Jon, Dr., UW-Madison Transplant Surgery, Personal interview. Tuesday Apr.
There have been many technological advancements in the health care field. Ultrasounds have played a major role in these advancements. Many people have heard of an ultrasound or even undergone an exam themselves. Medical ultrasound imaging uses high-frequency sound waves to produce images of the inner body. Ultrasounds give health care professionals a visual of tissues. Sonographers are the skilled medical technicians trained to conduct ultrasounds. “A technician (sonographer) trained in ultrasound imaging will spread a clear, warm gel on the skin of the abdomen” (Shannon 205). Next the sonographer will rub the transducer over the gel. (Shannon 205). “The transducer converts electrical pulses into mechanical (sound) waves that are transmitted
Gill, R., 2012. The physics and technology of diagnostic ultrasound: a practitioner's guide. Abbotsford, N.S.W.: High Frequency Publishing.
Ultrasound or ultrasonography is a medical imaging technique that uses high frequency sound waves. It is a high pitch frequency that cannot be heard by the human ear. In ultra sound the following happens: High frequency sound pulses (1-5megahertz) are transmitted from the ultrasound machine into your body using a probe. The sound wave will travel into your body until it hits an object such as soft tissue and bone. When the sound wave hits these objects some of the wave will be reflected back to the probe. While some waves may carry on further till they hit another object and then reflected back. The probe picks up these reflected sound waves and relays them to the machine. The distance and time from the probe,