
Connections Between The Work I Have Done And The Course Outcomes

Decent Essays

There were many connections that I have experienced, between the work I have done and the course outcomes. I have used a lot of the outcomes such as research process, style conventions, multimodal design, and reflective interactions in my writings throughout the semester. Three of the outcomes I will discuss our research process, style conventions, and reflective interactions.
One of the various outcomes that connects to the work I have done throughout the semester was the research process. The research process connects to a great deal, if not all of the work I have done this semester. I say this because, all the work done since the beginning was leading up to the final project, hence why I believe the research progress connects to most of the work.
A specific assignment that certainly ties down to the research process was the very first concept map. Though at first I thought this assignment was busy work, it turned out to be extremely helpful and handy when it came down to writing the essay out. The concept map at first was a little difficult for to start, owing to the fact that I was not sure where to find and look to for the information I would need to create the map. After receiving helpful tools and information in the class about using databases and what cites, the map was easier to understand and gathering information was a lot less stressful.
The research process connects to concept map, because during the assignment I was able to use different research methods

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