Abortion is not always the only option there is. People always have other options such as, giving them up for adoption. There are many people who would be lucky enough to adopt a baby. Many of these people are ones who aren’t able to have children of their own but would want to adopt to at least have a child. Abortions can put one's’ health at risk if they have multiple depending on the women’s body.“For women who have had multiple abortions, it’s the same risk as a woman who has had multiple pregnancies in general,” said Kimberley A. Thornton, MD, a reproductive endocrinologist and infertility specialist. You never know the dangers that may or can happen. Let’s say later on you decided you want to have a baby there’s a chance in which you won’t be able to get pregnant because the abortions have caused damages to your body. There has also been an increase in abortions over the years and many women don’t know the dangers of getting one. “Poor women accounted for 42% of all abortions in 2008, and their abortion rate increased 18% between 2000 and 2008, from 44.4 to 52.2 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15–44.” (Guttmacher.org). Many of the people that get abortions are most likely young girls who weren’t careful( it doesn’t …show more content…
People wonder why some would get an abortion but some don’t know what they are told. People say that the baby would interfere with school, work , responsibilities, and that you won’t be able to afford to take care of the baby and buy the baby things they need but it’s not always like that, there is help you just have to want it to achieve your goal and prove those people wrong. Some will regret getting one, others wouldn’t mind at first but sooner or later they will realize that it was probably not the right decision for them to make. They will regret taking an innocent
Abortion can cause people to be careless with the means of contraception. Lack of information or deliberately, too many people may think this is a trivial solution that does not involve risk.
The procedure used for abortion is not only harmful to the baby obviously, but it can be dangerous for the mother both physically and mentally. Many of the risks of abortion include bleeding, infection, damage to organs, and sometimes even death but it is very rare (considering abortion). It is healthier for the woman to have birth than going through this dangerous procedure, and if the mother is not ready or does not want the baby, she can give it up for adoption. It is only fair to the baby to at least give it life to live with a family who adopts it than no life at all. After the abortion is over, women think that they are going to feel relieved to finally get this over with. For most women, this is not the case. After going through the procedure and seeing the baby get removed from their body, they almost always feel immediate regret. Seeing a dead baby the size of the palm of the doctor’s hand catches mothers off guard and traumatizes them and it should. Studies show that most women wish that they had known more about abortion before they got one (considering abortion). So, even though there are physical risks to abortion, the mental risks are the most harmful.
Life can be really harsh on a woman, especially when she is opting to have an abortion. Abortion may emerge as the only way or option for some women. Although a mother may have a difficult time when opting for this option, she may ultimately consider this harsh reality, keeping in mind all the pros and cons of this decision. In fact, abortion has been and always will be a hot and heated topic amongst the masses as people have their own thoughts and opinion regarding it.
The topic of aborting an innocent fetus has been overwhelmingly controversial in the United States. The two sides to this ongoing debate is pro-life advocates and pro-choice advocates. Abortion is the ending of a pregnancy by removing a fetus or embryo before it can survive outside the uterus; whether it is an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy. Abortions are most often performed during the first twenty-eight weeks of pregnancy and can be performed as a medical or surgical procedure. Medical abortions include two types of abortion pills; while the surgical procedures include vacuum aspiration and dilation and evacuation. Ultimately, I am one of the many “pro-lifers”, and I strongly agree that abortion should be illegal because it negatively affects our people. Women across the nation are becoming impregnated and following a short amount of judgement time, turn to abortion to solve their problems but in the end hurt themselves with this decision. Abortions should be illegal because it is immoral and unconstitutional, causes severe mental and physical issues, and negatively impacts the economy. “During the ancient Roman times it has been supposed that abortion and the destruction of unwanted children was permissible, but as our civilization has aged, it seems that such acts were no longer acceptable by rational human beings, so that in 1948, Canada along with most other nations in the world signed a declaration of the United Nations promising every human being the right to life”
Many people think of abortion as murder and that killing an innocent, unborn human being is wrong. Abortion is a fundamental right and a right of privacy for a woman. She should be able to make a decision of whether or not she has the child. If a woman doesn’t want to have a child and has no choice but to have it, then that child is more likely to be given up for adoption or even neglected or abused. Unexpected pregnancies can lead to birth defects, depression for the mother (which can affect the baby) and reduced amounts of breastfeeding.
Did you know 80% of women abort their kid if they have down syndrome? Abortion is where they end the baby’s life well it is still in the womb. Abortion has been an issue since the 1960’s and continues to grow today. About 1/4 of pregnancies end in abortion and 1/3 of americans before the age of 45 have gotten an abortion. ( (Guttmacher.) Abortion should be illegal considering the reasons for it, ethics and medical effects.
A child is a beautiful gift from God, and being a parent is a blessing for most people, but for others it can be a burden. Some women have abortions because they are scared to raise a child on their own, or because they are not financially, mentally, or spiritually ready for that type of responsibility. It’s been proven that after a woman has an abortion she is more careful sexually, and that she is very much aware that her act of being irresponsible comes with some consequence. I am not an advocate for neither prochoice nor prolife. But as a human being I do understand that abortion is immoral; abortion is the act of killing an innocent fetus that have rights to personhood but is unable to fight for it right at the time. However I am also
The barrier that is being constructed between the differing sides of the abortion movement based mainly on misconceptions of the community and action. These false accusations are then being thrown back into the faces of women, thus proclaiming they should not be able to make such rash choices. If society were to take time and examine the facts and statistics they could see that women need to be given the choice in the matter, for it is their body. Once again, the idea that mental issues are increased by abortion is brought up. As discussed before, the only increase of mental health issues, was in women who were denied the procedure of abortion. Unlike many ideas that abortions causes mental unwellness (Belluck). This common misconception must
Should abortion be allowed? Is this a religious or legal issue? These are some of the many moral issues that we face when discussing Abortion. Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy. There are many different points of view when it comes to this issue. For the conservative crowd, abortion is unacceptable in almost any case. On the other hand, the liberal party tends to believe that abortion is ethically acceptable at any point in the pregnancy. And then there are the people who are undecided, and share points with both parties, who believe that termination can be acceptable up to a certain point in the fetus' development.
She sits in the back of her room. she holds her breath to try not to cry, so she doesn’t alarm her parents. They already know she was raped, what would happen if they found out she was pregnant? She won’t get the choice of what happens to the child, her myopic parents have already decided that she would have the child. Though this is not as simple as it sounds. Women should have the right to abortion if they are victims of rape or incest.
Approximately there are 40-50 million abortions performed each year. That means there are roughly 125,000 abortions performed in one day. (Are You in the Know?) Some people may not see this as a problem but others might ,which brings up the question whether abortion should be allowed. Abortion should not be allowed because it’s murdering an innocent life and babies are humans also.
There are many grey areas when it comes to trying to solve the issues on abortion. There have been many different ideas that have sprouted trying to solve the issue on whether or not abortion should be illegal or not. There are many problems with trying to decide whether or not abortion should be illegal because everyone has different views on it. There is no possible way that everyone in the world is going to agree on a certain topic 100% of the way. Many people fight the fact that their rights are being taking from them by telling them what they can and cannot do. No matter what decision is made, there are going to be citizens that do not agree with it. There are three ways that abortion can go. Abortion can either be 100% legal for every woman in the United States, it can be 100% illegal for every woman in the United States, or it can be based on the
I am against abortion and believe that it should be illegal. I believe that all life is sacred, so aborting a baby is throwing away a person’s whole life away. There are many couples that cannot have children who desperately yearn for one. A mother who feels she cannot take care of a child should consider placing the child up for adoption. This loving act demonstrates how human life is precious and all life matter. These unborn children have no say on whether the mother will keep them or not.
The important ways of looking at the issue of abortion are most easily categorized into five major points, legal precedence, birth control issues, human rights, religion and when life begins.
Having a baby is a decision that one needs to put extra thought in, it is the most expensive and time consuming decision that any couple must make. Unfortunately, there are people who are not physically or mentally prepared to for this new kind of lifestyle. The option of having an abortion is available to those who do not believe that they are not fit enough for this role. Even though people do this, there is some trauma, both physical and emotional, that the woman, as well as their significant others experience with this process. There are ways to prevent these things from happening. Women should not get an abortion not only because of the physical harm it causes, or the side effects that come to follow after the abortion is done, like