
Cons Of Abortion Research Paper

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Abortion is not always the only option there is. People always have other options such as, giving them up for adoption. There are many people who would be lucky enough to adopt a baby. Many of these people are ones who aren’t able to have children of their own but would want to adopt to at least have a child. Abortions can put one's’ health at risk if they have multiple depending on the women’s body.“For women who have had multiple abortions, it’s the same risk as a woman who has had multiple pregnancies in general,” said Kimberley A. Thornton, MD, a reproductive endocrinologist and infertility specialist. You never know the dangers that may or can happen. Let’s say later on you decided you want to have a baby there’s a chance in which you won’t be able to get pregnant because the abortions have caused damages to your body. There has also been an increase in abortions over the years and many women don’t know the dangers of getting one. “Poor women accounted for 42% of all abortions in 2008, and their abortion rate increased 18% between 2000 and 2008, from 44.4 to 52.2 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15–44.” ( Many of the people that get abortions are most likely young girls who weren’t careful( it doesn’t …show more content…

People wonder why some would get an abortion but some don’t know what they are told. People say that the baby would interfere with school, work , responsibilities, and that you won’t be able to afford to take care of the baby and buy the baby things they need but it’s not always like that, there is help you just have to want it to achieve your goal and prove those people wrong. Some will regret getting one, others wouldn’t mind at first but sooner or later they will realize that it was probably not the right decision for them to make. They will regret taking an innocent

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