Throughout the years, the form of media being disturbed has been progressing. Going from only having newspaper in the 1605 to where it was only local rather than broad, to when radios were invented in 1900s, where almost every house hold had radio to tune in on broadcasts from radio stations. However, after the televisions where disturbed to every house in America more and more people were able to keep up with the political world and news. Growth of cable television has expanded throughout the years going from few channels to couple hundred depending on the provider. The role of the media is to scrutinize the actions of the government officials, in other words be the watchdog by informing its citizens of what is happening around the country …show more content…
Infotainment tends to have more of broad variety of audience rather than a specific type. Infotainment stays neutral on political information distribution also neutral on whether the politics lean towards Democratic or Republican side. An example of infotainment would be CNN, where the new disturbed is broad and challenges each side with arguments on its views regarding and issue. Pros of infotainment is that it generally has many viewers and the information can be disturbed with entertainment such as scandals which hooks the audience into keeping up with what issues American encounters. Some cons of infotainment are that most of the times it tends to focus more on entertainment aspect that the information part, where issues that are important seems to cheapen and become less serious than in reality when more people should be more aware of the issue. For example, most people are more interested in what Donald Trump is doing rather than his political views or what he intends to change once being in office, it is more about the …show more content…
The information disturbed tends to be more informational than having any hint of entertainment added in to the issue. An example would be channel like Fox News where the information is very objectives and biased towards Republican Party; whereas, NBC News is more Democratic. Both channels have certain political views they favor therefore, the information being disturbs is only regarding what is more favorable for that specific party not including both sides of the issue. Another example would be the History Channel where only a specific group of people have the tendency to watch the documentary shown, most people think watching history as irrelevant since in the modern world it is about looking ahead in the future with an optimistic mind set rather than looking at the past with all the mistakes. Pros of narrowcasting is that the news it more informational and specific than being a broad idea on the issue, it tends to be focusing on certain issues beneficial to the party. Major con of narrowcasting would be the bias presented in the distribution of the political issue at hand. The growth of distribution of media has an impact of facilitation of both infotainment and narrowcasting on politics in the United
Press, media, news, and entertainment today are used to both influence, shape and mold our minds. Whether it is politics, fashion, sports, conflicts, or finance the way and how it makes it's way to the people is very important. The perspective and delivery of the news determines if the message will come off as propaganda, gossip, or informative. News can be both a positive and negative weapon given the impact that is has on the minds, views and behavior of the people who are consuming it. The impacts and effects of the news can either unite a group of people or separate them. Although
These news outlets, as well as talk radio, at least get people involved in the political world and drive conversations. Many who watch or listen to them have other sources from which to gather information, such as their local newspaper. For every disparaging remark made about my choice of news outlets, I can find 10 more to counter the remark anywhere on the web. For example, Rush Limbaugh said that Bartlett has now gone over to “the dark side.” Another example is from The Christian Science Monitor, “Fox News was among the top four outlets cited as people’s main source of news.” For a 19 year old actively involved and working college student, I do not have the time to find and read scholarly papers because any and all elections would be over by the time I did. In the meantime, I will continue to listen more to the news radio and read news websites while discerning what is actually news and what part is for entertainment
In chapter two, Wattenberg discusses television broadcasting and its impact with news networks such as NBC, CBS, and ABC. He quotes a 1972 study by Patterson and McClure in which they believed that although broadcasting allowed for Americans to see the campaign, it did not help teach voters anything of importance (32). TV news has become increasingly directed towards the elderly, with young people elsewhere or watching something else when politics are broadcasted (33). He illustrates this point with an example of the types of commercials aired for medications that while are suited for any age group, they are remedies for maladies or health concerns that older generations experience more than younger ones. Today, there are multitudes of television channels available for specific topics such as sports and music rather than the general topics the original major networks broadcasted, making it easier for young people to avoid the political events that once captivated the attention of Americans in previous generations. One study found that 21% of respondents under 30 years of age learned about the Presidential campaign or candidates from a comedy show instead of from newscasts (40). Although some find information indirectly through entertainment TV, a 2004 survey proved that 7% of respondents who followed the campaign closely enjoyed it and were familiar with facts heavily relied on cable news channels as a source of information, proving that if
Narrowcasting is targeted media programing at specific populations within society. Within the realm of cable news, MSNBC and Fox News are the most notable for engaging in this niche in journalism. They divide viewers by ideology, with Fox emphasizing the conservative
Media has completely evolved from what it was twenty years ago and now the media plays an extremely large role in politics. Mass media refers to the means for communicating to audiences. In the past, mass media would be considered newspapers, radios, and television announcements. Now, there are social media platforms and apps that deliver news and information to the people wherever they are. Even the current President has no qualms using such platforms as he is a frequent, and not so loved, user of the Twitter app. Almost every government agency and organization has their own website, or even their own twitter/instagram account. This provides the public easy access to information and updates regarding who they follow and what party they identify with. However, this leads to the problem of “newsworthiness”. Newsworthiness is the degree in which a story will likely appeal to the public. This can have very negative consequences as many journalists will write their pieces biasedly to attract the attention of fellow supporters. They will forgo the facts and instead, pick and choose what they want to include in their articles. This leads to a misinformed public, as they never receive the full
Media is everywhere. Television, newspaper, cell phones, movies, as well as numerous other sources. Today, just about everyone depends on information and communication to keep their lives moving through daily activities. We need to be aware that the values we hold, the beliefs we harbor and the decisions we make are based on our assumptions, our experiences, our education and what we know for a fact. Mass media is relied on for the current news and facts about what is important and what we should be aware of. Media is considered a trustworthy source for news, information, education and entertainment. Though someone has to have thought behind an issue to write it.
According to the book Celebrity Politics, approximately 10 percent of Americans get national political news from nightly entertainment shows such as the Tonight Show. For Americans under 30, the number is nearly five times as many (Orman and West 100). Citizens are looking to be entertained rather than simply educated by the nightly news. As David Schultz aptly put it, “ The new media cover politics, but only politics as it entertains, in part, because the audience the new media attract is a less politically interested audience than traditional news audiences” (20). The fact is that this American audience is less interested in hard news and more interested in
Television is a form of communication that can be used to transfer information to the general public, and its full value and effects can be seen at all times, especially during election seasons. To some extent, this medium has helped people make informed decisions on which candidate is suitable to be president. However, this positive influence could distract people from focusing on policy and turn the election into a popularity contest.
Broadcasting is media programming that focuses on many genres of television. For instance, on a broadcasting channel, you can watch a drama, comedy, and news all in the same day. The three broadcasting networks, known as “The Big 3”, are ABC, NBC, and CBS. When these broadcasting channels present news, they want to stay as close to the middle of the political spectrum as possible. The goal of a broadcasting channel is to appeal to everyone and the more neutral, fact-based information released, the more views “The Big 3” will get, resulting in more money. However, narrowcasting is media programming that is focused on a particular audience. Examples of narrowcasting networks include C-SPAN, ESPN, Fox News, and CNN. ESPN stands for Entertainment and Sports Programming Network so they specialize in sports news and cater to the sports audience. Unlike broadcasting, narrowcasting will not try to appeal to the majority of Americans, so it can lean left or right on political issues and interject slightly more opinions.
The media provides the public political issues, which sets the agenda for political discussion. In theory the media tries to attune themselves to the interest of the public, but “in most instances the media severs as conduits for agenda-setting efforts by competing groups and forces” (Ginsberg, Lowi & Weir, 1999, p. 298). To gain public support, groups and forces need media coverage to promote their ideas. However, the media has great control over which issues they televise. The issues must have media appeal or be considered newsworthy.
Around 50 million people watch CBS, ABC, or NBC every single night in order to obtain information from the day. Since the amount of people watching a news channel every night is so great, the media has had a great effect on the lives of everyone living in the United States. In our state and local government regions, each and every news channel or newspaper is going to take a certain view and stand-point on what the people say, think, and believe. Media effects are classified as direct or indirect, and the Media itself as well as the people behind the headlines can create positive as well as negative publicity. The media also has ways of going about their business and they even have their own terms for what they do, and how it should be
The media influences how people experience social life. Media such as newspaper, television and film, are important sources of information, education and entertainment. It can be used to learn more about the world and the people in it. In this regard it can be said that the media represent, interpret and endorse aspects of social experience (O’Shaughnessy and Stadler, 2005). The media are also implicated in social regulation, or in other terms, the government of society. The media are implicated in government and politics in an obvious way because modern systems of democracy are conducted through the media. But the media have a bigger role to play in government by structuring how society is controlled and maintained.
When a person watches television specifically a news network, they will become politically informed. “Without reading a daily newspaper, watching the TV news, or otherwise following current events, even the best-educated people will probably not pick up much knowledge about the political world.” (Page-69, IVYP) Media on television is constantly reporting what the President or other political figures are doing. Usually the media is criticizing politicians for statements or decisions they made. The problem with the media being critical to politicians all the time is that the negative news coverage is unappealing especially to a young voter like myself.
TV offers more options of news. People are mostly fond of making choices. Watching TV can satisfy this requirement. Because there are many channels for options on news, for example, ABC7 channel news doesn’t provide you the news you want to know about, then you can always change the channel. But the newspaper is published by one publication. Whatever information is on there is what you have to stick with. The point of view and the news are somehow limited and prejudice. So in order to get a comprehensive view, people can try many different channels to get an understanding.
The Role of Media in the Society Media has always played a huge role in our society. For a long time media was one of the methods of controlling people and leisure. In ancient times when there was no newspapers and television, people used literature as source of information, some books like "the Iliad", and different stories about great kings, shows those people the information about them. Nowadays media is one of the main part of our lives and our society, because we use word media, to combine all sources of information. Average man is spending 4 hours a day on watching TV and reading newspapers.