
Consequences And Implications For The Globalization Of Crime

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1) Held, describes globalisation as “the growing interconnectedness of states and societies” and the “progressive enmeshment of human communities with each other” (Held,2000) ‘over the last few centuries, human communities have come into increasing contact with each other; their collective fortunes have become intertwined’ (ibid) His definition is useful because it points to the long history of the globalising processes. Globalisation also has consequences that come along with its growth and interconnectedness, Held et al claimed that there had been a globalisation of crime due to the increasing interconnectedness of crime across national borders. Globalisation aids in creating new opportunities for crime and new means of committing crime and new offences for example various cyber-crimes. A principal driver that can be identified to explain globalisations acceleration in the last few decades is technology. “Information and communication technology has allowed international trade and finance to become despatialised to a large extent” (J. Pakes 2013) This has allowed outsourcing for instance, and the emergence of a truly global marketplace, increasing the value and proficiency of multinational companies.
Consequences of globalisation for the discipline of criminology has beneficial advantages but it also comes along with disadvantages. A beneficial effect is that Globalisation may help in making people aware of global issues such as deforestation and global warming and alert

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