
Consequences Of Redemption In Wuthering Heights

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In the Gothic novel “Wuthering Heights” shades of redemption rather than just simple “love story” elements can be foreseen. The reader could find almost impossible to see a sort of salvation in the book and mostly because it is what he is waiting for since the first chapters and that he does not see it, yet it is still present. At the end of the second volume, when all the characters from the previous chapters, who represent the “roots” of the two families, die, redemption emerges the most. With his strong education and kindness, Hareton cleanses off all the sins committed by all the people before him in his family tree and mainly Heathcliff’s sins. As Hareton, Young Cathy, eradicates all her mother Catherine’s sins. The two last …show more content…

Not being aware of what her mother did in the past, and living in another kind of situation, calmer and more tranquil, Young Cathy’s vision of reality, including wickedness and maleficence, was very limited. The two cousins are the last two characters in the novel and they are the only one to bring peace in the story. Nelly says:
I had long been proud of one, and now, I was sure, the other would be a source of equal satisfaction. His honest, warm, and intelligent nature shook off rapidly the clouds of ignorance and degradation in which it had been bred; and Catherine’s sincere commendations acted as a spur to his industry. His brightening wind brightened his features, and added spirit and nobility to their aspect. I could hardly fancy it the same individual I had beheld on the day I discovered my little lady at Wuthering Heights, after her expedition to the Crags. (Bronte 321-322)
Nelly loves the way the two cousins are, she admires them and she considers them to be a source of satisfaction; Hareton and Young Cathy are extremely positive figures.

Secondly, Hareton and Cathy, at the end of the book, get married. Their union represents the “purging” of the “bad blood” of their relatives now dead. The benevolence of the two cousins is reunited with their marriage. A purer and finally unadulterated future generation is envisaged, and maleficence and wickedness will not appear anymore. Young Cathy and Hareton’s

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