The concerns and perspective the source expresses, I feel are appropriate and consistent with the consequences that nationalism has caused over the course of history. Nationalism is a concept that must be approached with great caution, because if it is unmanaged it may grow into ultranationalism; and consequently cause an uprise of feelings of racism, stereotyping, and hatred towards other nations. Oftentimes, governments will control how their citizens think and act by withholding some information and adding other, simultaneously, governments glorify the fallen soldiers in order to manipulate citizens into fighting wars.
Sailing overseas from England to a new world were two colonies The Jamestown Colony and The Plymouth Plantation colony travel for their own beneficial reasons to better their lives . both colonies were very different and had different ways , but both faced similar survival situations.
It makes people only care about themselves and could care less about the harm it could have on others in the process. The first source shows how the germans did not show any remorse or emotion when looking at something completely horrifying which was caused by someone of their race, Hitler. Hitler used ultranationalism and in turn this made him greedy and selfish and he didn't care about the innocent people he was killing. The second source shows how the leaders of ultra nationalism are very dodgy and suspicious. They have secret peace treaties and only care about their own security and will do anything to benefit themselves. The third source shows how the United States were selfish for not helping the helpless Tutsis, They just stood and watched as nearly a million Tutsis were slaughtered just because the United States did not benefit. These sources all tie together by Ultra Nationalism and how it can lead to selfishness and
Below is another example of Head Coach Bolanos’ lack of competency as a head coach for the PRHS Girls Soccer Program. In these text messages to his players he makes dishonest statements, shows his preferential treatment for other players, and demonstrates his lack of consistency among other things. Fist off, all players knew that the real reason why he was having issues with enough players for the junior varsity team was due to his lack of organization and because he had made cuts without considering the needs of the teams. Secondly, when given the suggestion to use the rules he was applying to another one of varsity players whom he was being played down (in her first game ever for PRHS) as punishment for missing a practice on a Monday after
Nationalism is pursuing national interests of a nation and usually putting that nation's needs and interests first. Canadians should embrace nationalism so as to be able to pursue Canadian national interests, but not so much that Canada disregards internationalism and becomes ultranationalist. It is important to be somewhat nationalistic so Canada can pursue Canadian national interests, like the safety and security of Canada. But it is also important that Canada embraces internationalism so Canada can remain an active part of the global community. If Canada disregards internationalism, then Canada would be ultranationalistic which would only hurt others in the long run.
“Roosevelt was among the best-liked Presidents and, in many respects, the most interesting” (World Book 149). Theodore Roosevelt did many things, some in which impacted America.
Nationalism has been extremely important and influential in shaping the modern world we see today, causing revolutions, rebellions and the constant reshaping of world maps continuing even today. Its appeal is something that I don’t believe will diminish in the future. Many theologians and political commentators alike agree that Nationalism has perhaps been one of the most prominent political ideologies of the modern world “No single political doctrine has played a more prominent role in shaping the face of the modern world than nationalism” 1, and doesn’t look like ceasing to be as influential anytime
Nationalism is a widely debated ideology that differs based on the historian’s definition. For example, Benedict Anderson attempts to define nationalism as "an imagined political community [that is] imagined as both inherently limited and sovereign"(Anderson, pg 6). Anderson also believes the main causes of nationalism can be
Nationalism can be described as a deep devotion to one's country, and in this case, can be used as a device for propaganda. They used it to evoke loyalty in
“Nationalism cannot only aggravate ethnic relations within the state, but it can also spill over borders and increase the likelihood of international conflict”
In this source it is talking about the topic of ultranationalism and crimes against humanity, ultra nationalism can be best described using destructive force in the world and extreme force as well the ultranationalist shows that they have a strong sense of their own identity of their own country for example after the second world war when the country germany faced the great depression they have elected adolf hitler to be the new leader in the nation he promised to rebuild the country by armed forces in the country, The dictatorship germany had promoted propaganda and extreme nationalist values by getting rid of people who will question the nazi values and the friendship between jews and germans were forbidden in the country the propaganda was
Nationalism has played a crucial role in world history over the past centuries. It continues to do so today. For many, nationalism is indelibly associated with some of the worst aspects of modern history, such as the destructive confidence of the Napoleon’s army and the murderous pride of Nazi Germany. Large numbers of people, descent in their hearts, have carried out unbelievable atrocities for no better reason than their nation required them to. Authoritarian and totalitarian regime have crushed dissent, eliminated opposition, and trampled on civil liberties in the name of the nation.
The second chapter of the book, "The Plague of Nationalism," fits into the myth of war by telling the people of any country that it is o.k. to hate and it is o.k. to kill even though the cause might not be just. He states that: "Lurking beneath the surface of every society, including ours, is the passionate yearning for a nationalist cause that exalts us, the kind that war alone is able to deliver. We abandon individual responsibility for a shared, unquestioned communal enterprise, however morally dubious" (45). There is a myth within nationalism that it is right. However morally wrong the reasons of war are, the myth of nationalism brain washes us into thinking that we are right. We are doing this for the right reasons and therefore to support our military however morally dubious the cause is. Chris Hedges writes about a general who, "during a dispute with Chile, flew his helicopter over the Chilean border in order to piss on Chilean Soil" (42). Coming from the view of a person who wasn't involved on either aspect of the war, this sounds a bit over the edge. Chris Hedges talks about how nationalism and racism are almost directly related in war time. People do things they wouldn't normally do under the circumstances. War drives us to do things we wouldn't normally do, thus dominating a
Nationalism was coined back in the 1770’s it has a major role in the shaping many nations throughout the world. Nationalism has many positive and negative aspects to it. Nationalism has the strength to unify people despite their classes. It also has the ability to united people to lead movements against oppressive governments. There is a downside Nationalism can as method to evoke fear. The biggest negative is that most nationalism movement’s inevitably led to some form of conflict. Nationalism is a dangerous movement that can lead to oppression of opposition groups and lead to conflicts.
Nationalism can be described as a mix, multidimensional morally developed or created concept involving a shared common identification with one's Nation. It is more on politically motivated towards working and maintaining self-governance, or full sovereignty, working towards to a specific land or a territory of historical significance to the group such as land and its belongings. In simple Nationalism is a nation command and lead itself, free from foreign influence, it is the concept of self-rule. Nationalism is further formed towards maintaining and developing a Sovereignty based on shared features such as religion, language, race, culture, or either political goals or a belief in a customary ancestry. So its pride towards nation's achievements, and the concept in world history has shown positive and negative impact, moreover in a political dimension it leads either unification or disintegration.
Today, the scourge of nationalism continues to infect humanity. Without doubt, in some circles, nationalism is hotly debated. For most people, however, the concept of nationalism is rarely questioned. In fact, it 's a foregone conclusion that people should love the nation in which they reside. Some people even take great pride in the fact that they were arbitrarily born in a specific geographical location. Unfortunately, like religion or capitalism, nationalism is alive and well in the 21st century.