United States Presidential Election is not directly elected by the voters, but electoral candidate votes. That is the reason why over half voters vote Hillary Clinton but Donald J. Trump became the 45th president of the United States. Massachusetts supported Democratic party in the presidential election 2016 with more than sixty percent approval rating without a doubt. In history from 1928 to 2016, Massachusetts has voted 19 times to democratic party and four times to Republic party. Why Massachusetts becomes a real deep-blue state in just shy of past two hundred years?There are three texts illustrate this phenomenon from historical factor and human factor.
In “Boston, the Great Depression, and the new deal,” the book describes the Boston economic
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Most Americans with higher education have become more and more freedom in the past few decades. Much delicate evidence proves that college could extend students’ tolerance so that they could own more freedom attitudes on social issues about accepting nation differences and refusing gender discrimination (Kurtzleben.) Then, Kurtzleben lists three reasons why this might happen. First, the whole country is becoming more ideologically polarized. People with higher education tend to be a more consistent ideology; this could mean that they particularly easily affected by polarization forces (Kurtzleben.) Second, women are another possibility, it is likely to be more and more women get college and advanced degrees, and women usually tend to vote for Democrats than men (Kurtzleben.) The third reason is insularity. Easy to see, if all your friends have strong willing to support democratic party, and you can quickly change mind from Republic party to Democratic party (Kurtzleben.) Kurtzleben claims why the majority of highly educated people more liberal than ordinary citizens from polarization, women and insularity …show more content…
For example, some research finds that gay marriage owns more supports among highly educated students in U.S., on the contrary, non-college people could not accept this new type of marriage (Callahan.) More exactly, Massachusetts was the first state in the United States where passed the law to permit gay marriage, because education could help people more likely to accept different points of view and many other types of individuals, tolerance -the key foundation of social liberalism (Callahan.) Massachusetts has the majority of international students. Low level of education, by contrast, voters- base on research- are more likely to accept intolerant, arrogant, and regulating social behavior. Therefore, in common, most white American who have no bachelor's degree more likely to live in the countryside or small town. They tend to own static political preference to support the Republic party, and they become the core of the Republican party. Moreover, most American education students have grown up, and after people live in the liberal cultural metropolis for a long time, your environment could affect things you believed ever. In Kurtzleben’ article, he explains the reason why
Massachusetts has always been known for its politics. From the days of John Hancock and John Adams to the Kennedy Compound and failed Dukakis presidential campaign, the Bay State is, has been, and always will be a hotbed of political activism. But that does not mean that Massachusetts has a vibrant two party system.
Brittany LamberthProfessor Wells English 102June 15, 2018Paul Krugman, agrees that the country is becoming economically diverse bit by bit. The middle ground amongthe richest and poorest is vanishing, and inequality is`widespread. His essay, “Confronting inequality” revealsonly how inequalityaffects us, but, as McClelland opposes, how recurringinequality can be. He references a study performed by the National Center for Education informationfrom the 1988 to 2003, in which eighth grade students were arrangedboth by academic skilland the socioeconomic rankof their parents, and the college graduation percentage. If our educational system truly gave all students equivalentopportunities, then we would expect the graduation rates to depend onlyon
As he provides the statistic that 90 percent of professors in some universities that are “in the arts and sciences who had registered with a political party had registered Democratic” (Brooks 135), he gives the reader opportunity of debate. However they are connected with very specific subjects, in this case education, which does not include the amount of neighborhoods he is considering. On the other hand, supporting Brooks’ main point, the detail he provides explains to what level of diversity is not as widespread as we think it is.
Liberals had dominated American society for most of the 1900s. The 1960s was widely known for being the age of counterculture, social reforms, and liberals. The era witnessed many advancements like racial equality such as the Voting Rights Act of 1965, a strong advancement in political liberalism, and a significant increase in the power and influence of government-funded social programs as a result of Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society reforms. Beginning with the election of Nixon, however, followed a gradual return to conservatism whether religiously, politically, or economically. The resurgence of conservatism in American politics and government in the years 1964-2005, was caused in
In which ways did the Fifties and Sixties in the USA set the scene for the rise of conservatism in the Seventies and into the Reagan era? Was the rise of the right inevitable? Please explain your point of view.
Republicanism: There were 3 different definitions of republicanism that were brought up in the United States. The first form, held by members of the educated elites were influenced by the histories of the popular governments in Greece and Rome, and were believed that republics could only succeed if they were small in size and the same size in population. A republic offered its citizens equality for opportunity in return for sacrifices. A “natural aristocracy,” men who were able to elevate in talent and started from humble beginnings to positions of power and privilege, would govern society. The second form of republicanism, who were also other members of the elite class but also some skilled craftsmen, focused more on economic theory than
As a conservative, I still feel that the social class of the individual greatly affects the political ideology that they have chosen. I have analyzed, that the education of the individual has a great deal of affect on the political party of their choice. Most liberals are only against conservatives due to medias bad review of conservatives. The media can affect our lives tremendously if we believe what they have to say. Education is the key to determining the political party or political ideology of our choice; therefore education is one of the leading issues many Americans feel strongly about today. As I stated in my last paper, schooling is very important to the success of our country. Although there are people that will argue that school should not be mandatory if the family must send there children to work to provide
Within the political world, education is a major factor in whether or not someone votes. According to the table, the higher someone’s education level, the more likely they are to vote in an election. For example, the survey shows that 64% of those with a high school education voted, while 85% of those with a college degree voted. In addition, other factors affect one’s likelihood to vote, such as gender. Historically, women are more likely to vote in election than men are.
According to Neil Gross, a sociology professor at Colby College, there is sufficient evidence to explain why college education can lead to individuals having more liberal views towards social issues, especially on matters of tolerance, difference, and gender equity. However, Gross says that there is evidence that college education only slightly shifts individual attitudes, particularly on issues of broad political views (such as the size of the government). Some reasons for this include “general polarization”, gender, and “insularity”. There is evidence that the entire nation has become more polarized in regards to political ideology due to factors such as distrust in the government, changes in politics regarding race and religion, and even
Beginning with Nixon and continuing with Reagan after the radical changes of American culture in the sixties and seventies, Americans would begin to shift towards more conservative ideas unsure of the rapid radical change. In the 1994 mid term elections, the American people would elect a congress of mostly conservatives for the first time in nearly 50 years. At the core of this success would be the Contract with America. A set of promises and goals devised by conservative congressional representative Newt Gingrich. In 2000 the Republicans (modern conservative party) would retain the Congress and capture the White House. Conservatism has been a leading political ideology since the inception of the United States to
"The civil rights movement had questioned America's commitment to equality and brought the issue of social justice more forthrightly to the table of public consideration" (Schultz, 2014 p 465). Liberalism in the United States is the defined as a philosophy of what was called unalienated rights which means they cannot be repealed or restrained by human law. Modern Liberalism has many examples such as women’s rights and also voting rights. The civil rights movement was a struggle for social justice during the 50’s and the 60’s where you saw blacks try to gain equal rights under the U.S. law since slavery was abolished after the civil war. One of the most noted was the landmark trial Brown vs The Board of Education of Topeka Kansas was ruled that
Neoconservatism is one of the most well-known and distinctive sociopolitical trends to emerge in the 1970s. In modern politics, many neoconservatives are often “dyed-in-the-wool” rightists; however the movement was originally conceived and shaped by a collective of former leftists and liberal Democrats who had become disillusioned with the left due to the many political struggles of the nation during the 1960s, and what they perceived as “guilt-ridden anti-Americanism embraced by the left in the wake of the anti-Vietnam War movement.” (Nuechterlein 1996) In fact, Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines neoconservative as “a former liberal espousing political conservatism.” During the 1960s, Neoconservatives were staunchly opposed to communism, the counterculture movement, particularly “the political radicalism and its animus against authority, custom, and tradition.” (Ball and Dagger 2013)
Neo-conservatism is a political movement that commence in the United States of America in the 1960s. Most of its followers came into the limelight in the 1970s-2000s during the Republican presidential administrations. Neoconservatives became relevant during the administrations of George W. Bush, George H. W. Bush and Tony Blair due to their core involvement in the promotion and planning of the 2003 invasion of Iraq (2). There are a variety of key proponents of the neo-conservatism. Some of the major players in this idea today are; George Bush, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Tony Blair, John Kerry, Al Gore, John McCain, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfield, Newt Gingrich, Rudy Giuliani, Paul Wolfowitz, Michael Bloomberg, Richard Nixon, Arnold Schwarzenegger and US President Barrack Obama.
Right realism takes the view that small government is better than a larger one. In addition, it considers crime, deviance, and the full perspective of it from a political conservatisms view. Right realism tends to take a more realistic view of crime and how it is caused. They also believe that crime and deviance as an issue within society and creates real social problems that will require practical solutions. Many people view right realism as an immoral agency that prefer to sway people act and think in their views by creating moral panics.
The three that emerged were conservatism, liberalism, and nationalism. Conservatism emerged by the belief of rulers, nobles, and so forth, of the lower rank. They also, proclaimed the virtues of tradition, and the limits on people's ability to change the world or governed themselves. Secondly, liberalism was the middle class people that trusted individuals that were given equal rights and they had the maximum freedom to pursue their own interests. The liberals would be prosperous and be an efficient society. The last would be nationalism was a result to long standing for the western tradition of different nations, while sharing a common civilization. They were all impacted by a wider cultural trend, that was romanticism, started as rebellion