
Conserving Bodies of Water by: Rabp

Decent Essays

I. Objectives 1. Identify ways of conserving bodies of water. (PELC VI, 4.4) 2. Show care and concern practice ways of conserving bodies of water. 3. Appreciate the importance of bodies of water.

II. Subject Matter a. Topic: Ways of Conserving bodies of Water b. References: Science and Health III
Science, Health and Environment III, pages 225- 226 c. Concept: 1. Water may come from different sources such as rivers, lake and other bodies of water, rain and underground.
2. Underground water is the best water because it is potable.
3. Conserving bodies of water shows we care for it.
d. Values: Appreciation, Conservation
e. Processes: Observation, Description and Inference …show more content…


2. Presentation/ Free Exploration | | Today, we will learn on how to conserve bodies of water for the people and other living organisms, but let us now first recall some rules or standards to follow when doing an activity. | | 2.1 Setting of Standards | | “pupils name”“pupils name”“pupils name”“pupils name”“pupils name”“pupils name”“pupils name”“pupils name”“pupils name”“pupils name”“pupils name” Always bear these on your mind and make sure to do them. Clear? | Know your time.Remain silent or work silently.Listen to the instructions of your teacher.Cooperate with your group.Handle things with care.Don’t run or play while performing an activity to avoid accident.Immediately notify your teacher if any accidents happen.Always clean up your work area.Follow directions or procedure listed in the activity sheet.Work at the designated area.Make a clap.Yes Ma’am. | 2.2 Group Activity | | Okay class, by this time I will group you into 5. Count 1 to 5. Aejna, starts counting.So we have 5 groups with 7 members. And again, I have here 5 pieces of envelopes with corresponding activity. Representative of each group please go here in front and get an envelope.I will give you 10 minutes to do it. So finish or not finish we will check it. | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 …..The representative of each group will get an envelope.Yes Ma’am.

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