CONSOL Energy, Inc. SWOT Report
Carmelle Fajota
A leader of coal production in the US, CONSOL Energy, Inc. produced 56.0 million tons of bituminous coal in 2013 and the product continues to be the company’s leading producer of revenue. The company’s underground coal mines hold reserves of 4.2 billion tons of coal. CONSOL mines and markets its coal for energy utilities in the US and industrial manufacturing domestically and internationally. CONSOL’s continued success in the coal industry translates into consumer trust of the company’s stability held by its core coal operations, even as CONSOL diversifies and transitions into the natural gas industry.
CONSOL Energy, Inc. is also a leader of natural gas exploration, development, and production in the eastern US. The company possesses extensive gas reserves throughout the Appalachian region and mid-western US. The company also produces coal-bed methane as a by-product of their extensive coal mining operations. CONSOL’s presence in the natural gas industry gives the company a competitive advantage over rivals with a singular dependence, especially in the energy industry, where certain products are increasingly preferred over others due to
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A most notable example is approximately 7,500 asbestos claims held against their subsidiary, Fairmount Supply Company. Because many of CONSOL’s subsidiaries continue to do business under their own brand names, actions against them may not have as large a negative impact on CONSOL’s brand name. A tighter rein (perhaps emphasizing personnel safety and increased awareness of changing environmental regulations) on operations and subsidiaries that may draw more such claims and lawsuits may minimize such negative brand impact on
The name of the union is Unifor. It was created as a result of a merger between CAW (Canadian Auto Workers) and CEP (Communications, Energy and Paperworkers). (Unifor website)
Rossi Inc. is a diversified manufacturer of industrial products. In 2008, Rossi updated its asbestos litigation liability, including the costs of settlement payments and defense costs relating to currently pending claims and future claims projected to be filed against the Company through 2017 for losses incurred to date. Before 2008, the Company’s previous estimate was for claims projected to be filed through 2011. As part of the 2008 update to the asbestos litigation liability, Rossi engaged Thompson and Associates, a consulting firm, to serve as an external specialist to estimate the claims liability for December 31, 2008. As a result of the 2008 update and the external specialist claims estimate, the Company significantly
Husky Energy Inc. is a company that produces several different forms of energy but most specifically known for their crude oil work. They do work with natural gas and several different kinds of oil (Warnock, 1). They are well known for their gas and diesel sales as the “Husky” or “Husky Truck Stop” gas bars. They began as a small oil refinery back in 1938 out of Cody, Wyoming, U.S (History). Their growth began slowly, but 1970’s, they had grown nationally, were able to be sold on the stock market in North America, and exceeded 1 billion dollars in value (History). Natural gas is becoming a huge player in the Husky Energy Inc. plan as they have natural gas asset “Liwan” valued at 6.5 billion split at 49/51 with China’s CNOOC Ltd. (Catteneo). The relationship between CNOOC has been going on for many years thanks to their current owner.
is an "independent energy company engaged in the acquisition, exploration, development, production, marketing and sale of crude oil, NGLs, and natural gas production"(Canadian Natural Resource Limited: TSE:CNQ quotes and news, n.d.). The company is environmentally conscious, very
When it comes to the CAPTA as a whole I do feel the strengths perspective was intended but it did not thoroughly follow through. For example with involving consumers although research is constantly conducted on methods we should try to have effective child welfare systems, research using actual children and families affected by child abuse and neglect were slim. Most of the research showed percentages and data on how many are affected but none showed what those victims said we, as a system should do to investigate and treat others whom may be faced with this situation. With the CAPTA focusing on providing the federal funding to investigate, prevent and create treatment activities and programs for Michigan I would say its focus is on correcting
Duke Energy is one of the largest electric power companies in the United States, therefore giving it an advantage over the other competition. More than 7 million people are powered through Duke Energy. The competitive factor will always be a part of this company due to its high demand of power and electricity throughout the states it supports. Other companies would gladly come in and take the spot if the chance was given.
Raytheon Company (RTN) is headquartered in Waltham, Massachusetts and provides technological advanced products, services and solutions to governmental agencies around the world. Raytheon designs, develops, manufactures, integrates, supports and distributes a comprehensive range of products and services such as mission systems integration, cyber security, integrated defense system, space and airborne systems and intelligence information and services. Raytheon primarily serves the U.S Government and its allies and operates business across North America, Europe and Asia.
Alaska is widely known for its vast untouched wilderness, abundant wildlife, and its coal. Sam Weis explains in “The Local and Worldwide Impacts of Mining Alaska’s Coal,” that Alaska is home to an estimated 5.5 trillion tons of coal, which is approximately one-eighth of all the coal on Earth (25). The energy that comes from burning coal is in great need not only in the United States, but also all over the world. According to Gail West, in his article titled Alaska’s Coal Clean Burning and Abundant,” “Japan, South Korea, and Chile are three primary markets for Alaska’s coal exports (113). This dire need for coal has led many people wanting to turn towards Alaska as a primary source of coal. There is just one problem; the coal and the
Suncor Energy Business overview Suncor Energy Inc. is an integrated energy company strategically focused on developing one of the world’s largest petroleum basins – Canada’s Athabasca oil sands. Business focus Their oil sands (a mixture of bitumen, sand and water) operations. Mission We create energy for a better world. Vision To be trusted stewards of valuable natural resources. Guided by our values, we will lead the way to deliver economic prosperity, improved social well-being and a healthy environment for today and tomorrow.
EnCana Corporation (EnCana) is one of North America’s leading natural gas producers. It is among the largest holders of natural gas and oil resource lands onshore North America and is a technical and cost leader in the in-situ recovery of oil sands bitumen. EnCana’s other operations include the transportation and marketing of crude oil, natural gas, and natural gas liquids; as well as the refining of crude oil and the marketing of refined petroleum products. Its operations are located in Canada, the US, Ecuador, and the UK.
Although new competition is quite unlikely, ConocoPhillips must be quite cautious in terms of price sensitivity and integration. The reasoning behind this is the extreme competitive nature of the industry, and the minute differences between the top tiers of competition. The years leading up to the formation of ConocoPhillips were marked by moments of triumph and challenges. Several of these moments highlighted both Conoco and Phillips’ pioneering spirits. Phillips led the path in innovation by becoming the first company to develop and market propane for home heating and cooking, building the first long-distance multi-product pipeline and inventing a process to make high-octane gasoline possible. Conoco used its pioneering spirit to develop the first filling station in the
The current energy policy for the United States of America is quickly becoming obsolete in current times. With issues of national security, pollution and global warming, and sustainability all becoming ever more important in today’s world the nation is in need of a serious energy overhaul. As it stands now government entities and officials rely primarily on private companies to create and transport the energy that the American public uses daily. The problem with this energy policy stems from the three main features of how private companies handle the production and acquisition of energy: relying on fossil fuels, importing fuels, and operating in an unsustainable fashion.
Tesla Motors designs, develops, manufactures and sells high performance fully electric vehicles, advanced electric vehicle, powertrain components and stationary energy storage systems.
Tesla’s internal environment has been affected of strengths and weaknesses, and there are various external factors will affect the operation of Tesla. For example Opportunity and Threaten.
The hypothesis is incorrect. There are distinguishable characteristics between Steers and its competitors (Mc Donald’s: poses a big threat within South African “burger” industry). Through the SWOT analysis of Steers and Mc Donlads differences will be clearly seen. Customers are driven by there preference of choice to aquire a certain product. What drives this element Is the quality of the product. Customers will generate a sense of loyalty and thus will only buy select products or services from specfic manufactures or service delivry companies. The differences will likely been seen in the questionaire and SWOT analysis where Steers and its competitors are compared head to head. By doing so customer loyalty can be witnessed and differences