
Constantine's Personal Beliefs

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Constantine I is credited with adapting Christianity to the Roman Empire, ending persecution of Christians, and eventually converting to the religion himself. However, historians have debated over his motives; some consider them to be politically fueled, while others argue that they were based on personal beliefs. After considering the various changes that were brought upon following the conversion, it is clear that while Constantine’s efforts were primarily strategically rooted, personal beliefs did play a subsidiary role. Constantine’s multifaceted relationship with Christianity first emerged during his days as a successful general. Eusebius, a bishop and historian during the time, stated that prior to the Battle of the Milvian Bridge, Constantine had a vision of a burning cross in the sky with a message stating that he would succeed …show more content…

Constantine laid the foundations of what would soon become a religious and profitable hub and established himself as “the Patriarchate of Constantinople” (“Legitimization Under Constantine”). The institution of Constantinople both indicated the break with its pagan past and highlighted its acceptance of Christianity. For example, Constantine did not allow pagan ceremonies in the city. Constantinople flourished as a spiritual and political capital for over a millennium. Constantine was, once again, most probably interested in the strategic location of the city, as it could be effectively used for trade and commercial purposes. Additionally, its position made it difficult to be conquered by rivaling nations. As Constantine was a very intelligent and cunning emperor, he most likely took note of all of these facts and knew that the empire would benefit economically, as well as culturally and socially, from the establishment of

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