
Constitutional Act Of Confederation Analysis

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At the second constitutional conference leading to Confederation the delegates discussed terms in which lead to the Constitutional act of 1867. This act was further passed by The British Parliament creating dominion of Canada at Confederation. This act provided union of three colonies; Nova Scotia, Canada and New Brunswick and placed a federal state with a parliamentary statement based on Britain and the United Kingdom. Although the creating of Upper and Lower Canada was a success “its ridged colonial structures also set the stage for the rebellions in the two Canada’s.”(Historic Canada) The act was also known from a voting franchise which included quality from the 18th and 19th century, primarily because it included women who owned a house in Lower Canada. MacDonald had believed that he was responsible for forming Constitution in which he claimed that “not one man at the conference had the slightest idea of constitution making, what ever is good or ill in the constitution is mine” (source). By the end of the Quebec conference, a …show more content…

The 72 resolutions were put together by many delegates especially John A MacDonald. Macdonald contributed to 50 out of the 72 resolutions created to define the future of Canada. The resolutions were formed by what was clearly laid out at the Charlottetown Conference and included also “Constitutional frame work for a new country” (encylopedia CHANGE) The resolutions outlined the idea of federalism , the powers and responsibilities of each province and how a senate would be placed in the middle among the three regions; Canada East, Canada West and Atlantic colonies to contribute and equal voice. The membership in the House of Commons was defined and based upon representation by population, this was outlined in one of the

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