
Constitutional Convention Pros And Cons

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A Constitutional Convention
¬“Progress is a nice word. But change is its motivator.” (Robert Kennedy) A Constitutional Convention is necessary to the longevity and forward motion of the nation. There is no part of the Constitution that says it cannot be changed. In fact, it was made to be changed. In no way did the founding fathers expect the rules and regulations of the eighteenth century to apply to the country over two hundred years later. In 227 years, there have only been twenty-seven amendments to the Constitution! This is, by no means, enough change for the Constitution to accommodate modern day life and support a growing superpower. More amendments are essential for the progression of the United States. Making additional amendments to the Constitution, like reforming the Senate, changing presidential term limits …show more content…

The judges are appointed by the President to serve for the duration of their lives, or until they choose to retire. When the lifetime tenure was adopted, the average life expectancy was much less than what it is now, allowing for the rotation of judges to happen more often. With the new life expectancy of around eighty years old, a lifetime tenure can have judges serving anywhere from ten to forty years as a Supreme Court Justice. To ensure that the alternation happens often enough, there should be a limit to one fifteen year term per judge. These fifteen years of judgeship would be the “lifetime limit” for a term in the Supreme Court (page 115). This term would encourage the President to avoid any bias against the age of a judge. With the term limit, having a younger judge would not have much more of an appeal to the President (page 115). The lifetime tenure may be seen as some judges as an anchor, not allowing them to explore other options with their life. Some judges may have disliked the pressures of being a justice, and the term limit allows for a way

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