
Construct Questionnaire

Decent Essays

Construct Questionnaire Part 1
Dawn Carlton
Psychology 245
August 10, 2015
Tracy Masiello

Construct Questionnaire Part 1
I chose motivation as my construct because I am very curious at what drives people and keeps them on track to reach goals, deadlines, and thing of this nature. Motivation of course is not something that can be measured, nor could it possibly measured accurately. First motivation can be defined in multiple ways to different people. Internal and external influences that fuel desire and energy in people to be continually involved and faithful to a job, role or subject, or to make an effort to attain a goal. Motivation results from the interaction of both conscious and unconscious factors such as the strength of desire …show more content…

An example is a student that spends extra time studying for a test because he or she wants a better grade in the class. In order to measure motivation I had to break it down and look at what types of motivation there are and which if any could be measured. You have intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and you can be motivated to do almost anything if there is enough of a reward for the person. After I broke it down and defined my problem, I posed the question, what motivates students academically; more specifically as well is academic intrinsic/extrinsic motivation that drives students academically. The questions I have come up with I feel can help measure this and truly define what motivates students academically. 1.How will I know if a student is motivated to learn a particular subject? One way to find out whether a student is motivated to learn the subject would be to help him/her be aware of how they are motivated rather than how motivated they are. 2. Are students learning the subject because the knowledge is intriguing, or useful in their current practice, or necessary in future practice, or introductory for other studies, or something they are required to do? 3. Is …show more content…

Ultimately it would need to be broken down in many sections and even further than just intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. I think on a higher level if I were to really gain an accurate measure of motivation on academics it would require much time and man power. I think it would also need to view and measure learning strategies because not all students learn the same or in the same pace. Motivation is a very valuable construct that can be very beneficial in all aspects of life. I find that motivation is hard to come by for some when it comes to academics and that is why I chose this construct within this dimension of academics. Although I was able to come up with questions to help test or measure motivation, I almost feel that I could have better more confined questions if given more time to provide. Due to motivation being so vast within the academic community, I think there are better findings that could come from more critical questions in finding the motivation from students academically. I know that each construct can have a continual and ongoing study and that the research is forever something that is done. Just like what motivates people, people are always changing and

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