Listening, feedback and questioning are beneficial interpersonal communications skills to excel in the nursing profession because they demonstrate a caring attitude and interest, aid performance development and clarify information .Active listening allows a nurse to convey a caring attitude and genuine interest to the patient to develop a therapeutic relationship Constructive feedback increases performance development by building collegiate relationships in the healthcare profession. Effective questioning, specifically open and closed questions ensures accurate information is gathered by nurses for achieving relevant patient centred goals. Therefore, Listening, feedback and questioning are essential skills within the nursing profession because …show more content…
Eunson (2012) states feedback is a two way communication between a sender and receiver that encourage a response. Constructive feedback is information specific, addressing issues or concerns that are based on factual observations and performance organisation orientated goals, not personal feelings (Baron, cited in Sommer and Kulkarni 2012). Constructive feedback aligns performance through praise or criticism (Baker et al.2013). Given in a timely manner, being aware of body language, tone and avoiding confrontational words demonstrates constructive feedback (Eunson 2012). Levett-Jones and Van De Riet (2015) suggest development of trust and respect between nursing colleagues can occur with open, direct and honest communication. Baker et al. (2013) maintains the importance of constructive feedback delivered with supportive suggestions ensures greater effectiveness in communication and encourages positive learning performance as an outcome. Baker et al (2013) emphasises that frequent and timely constructive feedback builds trust, reducing formality encouraging a feedback friendly organisation. In contrast, feedback not applied constructively or in a timely manner, causes anxiety and perceptions of a one way conversation, leading to feelings of mistrust and bias in the process (baker et al. 2013). Sommer and Kulkarni (2012) suggest that ways to avoid negative impact are through use of scheduled performance and appraisal development meetings. Baker et al. (2013) suggest implementing mentoring novice program, providing learning opportunity while establishing good interpersonal relations. What is more, constructive feedback is also very useful in Nursing. As stated by Ali (2013) a benefit of constructive feedback is increased reliability in employees. Through use of structured performance
Communication is usually taken for granted in our every day to day living as we use it without thought. Good communication skills are needed in the workplace and especially with nursing staff to and from patients when giving first hand care. Good or bad communication can make there experience within the health care setting a positive or negative one and can leave a lasting impression. A good health care provider can use there communication skills to put a patient at ease with a few comforting words or gestures, a lack of positive communication in the health care setting could leave the patient feeling neglected, ignored and not valued as a patient.
Communication is any form of expressing and receiving of messages between individuals. The importance of Communication in the nursing profession is to maintain high quality care for the patient but also maintain effective collaboration between professionals. Boykins, D (2014) states that the “registered nurse is expected to communicate in various formats and in all areas of practice”. Various formats include speaking to patients and coworkers as well as utilizing appropriate protocols and systems to effectively communicate regards to patient’s status.
An important aspect of nurse practice is communication as it is the process of transferring information, feelings and ideas (RCN, 2015). It also provides knowledge based on identifying behaviour patterns, establish a relationship between nurse and patient and it is also
Listening and attending, empathy, information giving and support in the context of a nurse-patient relationship are identified as essential communication skills in nursing (Timmins, 2007).
In nursing practice, communication is essential, and good communication skills are paramount in the development of a therapeutic nurse/patient relationship. This aim of this essay is to discuss the importance of communication in nursing, demonstrating how effective communication facilitates a therapeutic
As a nurse, communication is an essential and important factor to building a therapeutic relationship between a nurse and patient as it is the difference between average and excellent nursing care, as it helps maintain a good quality of life and allows nurses’ and patients to interact and provide comfort when needed. The importance of good communication can become apparent with patients especially when they are in the hospital, as it helps the nurses build a positive relationship with patients and helps overcome barriers including physical, psychological and social. A therapeutic relationship is built on many factors which include both verbal and non-verbal communication which helps maintains the relationship and strengthens it due to the positive impact it has not only on the patient’s experience but also the nurse’s.
I think the feedbacks that I have received were really useful and will certainly help me with my future personal and professional development. I feel that the given feedback has pointed out my weakness and that point that I need to work on for the future. It has motivated me to join in group deciosituon and to express my ideas. I feel much confidence when talking to others especially in group discussions. I understand that nursing is a profession that requires you to be more confidence with communication as you have to work with lots of different people from all sorts of different backgrounds and therefore, practicing these skills will become handy for the future.
Communication is life long learning skills for nurses. Communication can be in different forms. It can be verbal or non verbal. Communication is important
The interpersonal communication skill of feedback is essential for hospital nurses to give a suitable care to each patient because it enables the nurses to learn, and improve their motivation, performance and efficiency that assist to achieve their goal which is to help the patients heal. The interpersonal communication skill of feedback is a system of conveying information between two people regarding the receiver’s performance (Baker et al. 2013). In general, feedback is employed to deliver information about interim objectives and recent behaviour or performance, and to guide individuals on expected enhancement and outcomes for the organisation (Baker et al. 2013). Receiving feedback provides individuals with information on their strengths and weaknesses, which allow them to have an opportunity to build self-improvement plans if the individuals are willing to change their behaviour or performance (De Janasz et al. 2014). Suitable feedback within an organisation results in positive behaviour changes which improve efficiency of the organisation (Baker et al. 2013). There is evidence showing that supportive feedback employments promote improved openness to feedback, increased feedback-seeking behaviour, and inspiration to use feedback and change performance behaviour (Baker et al. 2013). When nurses identify feedback as a helpful resource that can enhance the quality of care, feedback can lead to an outstanding advancement promoting the nurses’ well-being (Giesbers et al.
Communication is one of the basic survival skills of human and also a fundamental part of nursing. Effective communication would help to promote a positive nurse-client relationship which is crucial for the delivery of quality nursing care (Sheppard, 1993; McCabe 2003).
Different feedback strategys have been used as efficent tools in the promotion of progress and improvement in the professional world (Baker, A. Perrault D. Alain, R., 2013). De Janasz et al. (2014) explains some positive outcomes that result from shariying, asking and getting feedback from others in within a workplace; such as improving and reforcing employee relationships, enforcing a gainnful comunication, promoting teamwork, and increasing the performance of employees. Specificly De Janasz et al. (2014) develops the idea that providing constructive feedback, sustained by strong interpersonal communication skills, enables the individual recognize their strengths and wiknesses in a clear and non risky way, in order to look for the most accurate plan to improve, and obtain significant and necessary behavioral changes. Everyday Feedback as part of an organization strategy help employees feel confident about their possition and process inside the company, and promotes a clear path to achieve personal and organizational goals (Baker, A. Perrault D. Alain, R. (2013); citado en Levy and williams,
Each nurse also has specific ideas or beliefs about what information should be communicated during a verbal report. Valuable information may not be provided or may be forgotten (Casey & Wallis, 2011). Writing information down may help a nurse recall the data later, but if there is no consistent format for recording the information, it may be lost regardless. Interruptions, distractions, and the frequency of communications also may negatively effect the communication process and contribute to a nurse forgetting to share important information (Cacolice-Hildebrand, 2008). Active listening, which involves reflecting back a meaningful understanding of one’s message, is one of the most important skills in effective communication.
Effective communication is essential for a nurse in a leadership position. If a nurse is not able to convey or transfer pertinent information to other team members or clients, conflict or problems can arise. A nurse is able to effectively communicate through creating synergy, establishing a purpose or goal, actively listening, being truthful, and being responsible. When a nurse leader is able to successfully communicate, patient safety increases and medical errors decrease which leads to a higher percentage of positive patient outcomes. Effective communication fosters positive nurse-patient and nurse-team member relationships.
Communication is not only an essential component of an effective nursing process, but also a key component in every aspect of your life. Nurses use good communication skills to gain the trust of their patient and improve outcomes by doing so. Therefore, we can use the same skills with our family, friends, children and co-workers. Miscommunication can have a negative impact on everyone around you including your co-workers.
Effective communication is of tantamount importance in the scope of a successful nursing practice. It depends heavily upon both verbal and non-verbal methods (AJN). It is inclusive of both behavioral and speech components. Being efficient in both delivering and receiving messages between the nurse and the patient helps initiate and maintain a healthy relationship. Employing both verbal and non-verbal communication between the nurse and the patient will help ensure that the relationship they share remains satisfying to both parties.