
Constructive Feedback In Nursing Profession

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Listening, feedback and questioning are beneficial interpersonal communications skills to excel in the nursing profession because they demonstrate a caring attitude and interest, aid performance development and clarify information .Active listening allows a nurse to convey a caring attitude and genuine interest to the patient to develop a therapeutic relationship Constructive feedback increases performance development by building collegiate relationships in the healthcare profession. Effective questioning, specifically open and closed questions ensures accurate information is gathered by nurses for achieving relevant patient centred goals. Therefore, Listening, feedback and questioning are essential skills within the nursing profession because …show more content…

Eunson (2012) states feedback is a two way communication between a sender and receiver that encourage a response. Constructive feedback is information specific, addressing issues or concerns that are based on factual observations and performance organisation orientated goals, not personal feelings (Baron, cited in Sommer and Kulkarni 2012). Constructive feedback aligns performance through praise or criticism (Baker et al.2013). Given in a timely manner, being aware of body language, tone and avoiding confrontational words demonstrates constructive feedback (Eunson 2012). Levett-Jones and Van De Riet (2015) suggest development of trust and respect between nursing colleagues can occur with open, direct and honest communication. Baker et al. (2013) maintains the importance of constructive feedback delivered with supportive suggestions ensures greater effectiveness in communication and encourages positive learning performance as an outcome. Baker et al (2013) emphasises that frequent and timely constructive feedback builds trust, reducing formality encouraging a feedback friendly organisation. In contrast, feedback not applied constructively or in a timely manner, causes anxiety and perceptions of a one way conversation, leading to feelings of mistrust and bias in the process (baker et al. 2013). Sommer and Kulkarni (2012) suggest that ways to avoid negative impact are through use of scheduled performance and appraisal development meetings. Baker et al. (2013) suggest implementing mentoring novice program, providing learning opportunity while establishing good interpersonal relations. What is more, constructive feedback is also very useful in Nursing. As stated by Ali (2013) a benefit of constructive feedback is increased reliability in employees. Through use of structured performance

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