In my summer course: Consultation and Collaboration Strategies the professor provides us with a few different types of assessments which are: DeBoer’s appendices A-C, the Keirsey Temperament analysis, and the Jung Typology/Humanmetrics to help us determine out communication and collaboration skills. Also, which can help shape us to better works as a team using the knowledge we gain on our interpersonal types. In the assessments that were in class tools as resources to determine my interpersonal style they're all showed different results pertaining to who I am. In the first Deboer’s Appendix my dominant style was Supporter style and then I also little of all other styles: achiever, persuader an analyst within my interpersonal (DeBoer, 1995).
Unit 2, 1.1, unit 3, 1.1,1.2,1.3- I have also learned and familiarised myself with different methods of assessment that can be used to assess competence and knowledge. They are namely: Observation of performance in the work environment and simulated environments- used in practical situation in work environment where a learner demonstrates their competence (natural performance) whilst learners are being observed. Simulation-this is similar to observation but a simulated activity is used rather than natural performance to assessed learners. Simulation is used when it has not been possible to carry out a task. Examining products of work- assesment is done on the culmination of learner 's training, e:g certificates, health and safety reports, memos, checklist for patiaent care, letters, charts. Questioning the learner, witness testimony: any other people who has been involved with the learner 's progress can write a statemen to show how the learner has successfully covered relevant aspects of the courset, learners ' personal statement: it is a reflective account where learners explains the thinking behind their decision to take certain approach or why they decided to change aspects of a task or activity ,
The assessment method that I chose was to ask the students questions about what they
2.2 The strengths and limitations of a range of assessment methods in relation to the individual learner needs:
This report is the second half of a two part study called Solving My People Puzzle. This exercise is used to help the student describe, develop, and manage their personality. Best fit strategies are discussed and examined with each of the four main Disc styles of personality, a predetermined care-seeker from the case study Crossroads: A story of forgiveness, and a chosen mentor’s Disc Profile and M-BTI personality test results. Developing a common behavioral language with each of these personality examples is the goal. It is with expectation and hope that these exercises will expand the relational style development of this student-author.
The initial and diagnostic assessments are closely linked; all information gathered from these assessments are put together to help the learner and the teacher build a clear picture of the individual. This information will then be used to agree goals and actions, personalise learning, develop an ILP, tailor session plans to meet the individual learners needs and use teaching methods to cater for all learning styles.
You are setting up an assessment center to measure the competencies of current or potential counselors for an organization that provides marriage and family counseling for a population that consists primarily of immigrants and people with low-incomes. What types of assessments might you use? What competencies would you be looking for?
Identifying my learning style has allowed me to make more effective decision in choosing learning strategies. By identifying my personality type has helped me evaluate the way I react to people and situations. There are two assessments available to help figure out your learning style and personality. The first is Multiple Pathways to Learning which is based on Professor Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence Theory that focuses on peoples learning strengths and preferences. The second is The Personality Spectrum based on the Myers-Briggs Type Inventory which identifies which personality
6. Explain how you prepare the required resources needed to assess your candidate’s knowledge and prepare and maintain conditions that support the effective assessment of your candidate’s knowledge and understanding.I always prepare my resources needed prior to assessing. I ensure I have the standards I need, any worksheets or handouts needed, Planning forms, feedback forms and addition support handouts. I also take care of the learners portfolio keeping this locked up in a cupboard.I ensure that the environment is easy to work in and somewhere the learner can write or take notes. I try to avoid any distractions that may affect the learning.This evidence will be referenced to Unit 303 Assessment
I received a moderate score of 27 for assertiveness and-and 42 for my level of responsiveness and this information suggests that my social style is amiable according to mapping my results. In general, assertiveness can be defined as a person’s ability to make appeals, actively disagree express positive and negative personal feelings, and stand up for themselves without criticizing another person (Beebe & Mottet, 2016). Likewise, responsiveness is the capacity to be sensitive to the communication of others while being seen a good listener in order to make others comfortable in communicating. There are various ways to respond to others as well as steps that I can use to style flex. Upon sharing my scores with my co-worker, her perception of the results seemed somewhat accurate and she offered suggestions about my social style. Furthermore, there are manners that my social style may affect my listening skills and ways that I can improve as a listener. Also, style flexing can assist with communication effectiveness in different manners.
Initial and diagnostic assessment can often assist the teacher in deciding on the most appropriate teaching method to use in order to meet the needs of the individual learner. An initial assessment could indicate that a learner requires additional support for a number of reasons.
Solving My People Puzzle Phase 1 involves discovering my personality. This paper will bring to light how I operate through the descriptions that are provided, throughout this paper. Part of this assignment, I had to submit a survey to at least two of the people who knew me best and they had to describe me based on the questions that were on the survey. I also had to participate on an online assessment and disclose its results. This journey of discovering me, made me come face to face (according to the assessment), the “me
(a) There are typically six assessment methods that we can chose to employ within your role. These are listed below along with examples of when and how they could be implemented:
The primary types of assessment are formative and summative assessments. Formative assessments take the form of
From the very beginning of the course, teachers should begin to analyse their learners through initial assessment methods. The assessments best suited to guide improvements in student learning are quizzes, tests, writing assignments, and other assessments such as a group activity. These can easily give the teacher/tutor an insight into the learning needs of the learners. Also
In interpersonal communication there are many theories that are similar yet different in many ways. The theories can be combined to describe people and how those people interact and communicate with each other. Many of these theories help explain how people in society form impressions of others, how they maintain these impressions, why people interact with certain people in society, and how people will use these impressions that they have formed later on in life. These theories also help people to better understand themselves, to better understand interpersonal communication, and to better understand people in general. There are two theories in interpersonal communication that, despite their differences, can go hand in hand. The first is