INTRODUCTION- There are many contact sports around the world but some involve physical and touching contact but real contact sports are when you can tackle, kick, punch and even smash. For example if in was in a boxing match i could punch the opponent in the head that is what real contact sports are when you can hurt somebody and make contact.
RULES- In football there are set rules that you follow if you tackle someone above the shoulders it's called a high tackle and if you push someone in the back the umpire will give you a free kick for doing those things. There only allowed 18 people in a field at once with substitutions on the bench that you can change whenever you want. Another rule is if you get the ball then you can only take a maximum of 10-12
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If you're dribbling then stop then dribble again it is called double dribble another rule is if you stop dribbling then you take more than two steps that's a travel and the opponent will take possession both ways. You can get a foul by the opponent slapping or hardly touching the arm or anything you can get stopped by you will earn two shots from the free throw line and they are worth one point.
EQUIPMENT- To play basketball you need a 3D round circled ball a ring, backboard and a net with a hard surface of wood or cement to play on.
FAMOUS PLAYERS- Michael Jordan who made signature shoes and played for Chicago
Bulls and has scored 32,292 points in his career. Shaquille O’Neal was another massive player and broke backboards because of his height and weight and has played for 6 teams in his 19 year career
RULES- For boxing you cannot hit below the belt or the waste and cannot hit behind the head anywhere. You can only hit with your fists or hands but not elbows forearms and head, if you hit them and the opponent falls down you can't hit them when their
This prevents a lot of danger. There are very strict rules such as you can't kick someone who is on the ground, you can't hit in certain places. In addition, it is a sport. Sports such as hockey, football, baseball, and boxing are actually more dangerous due to the lack of rules within safety. There has been deaths within these sports but not one death has ever been recorded in MMA with the proper, closely monitored rule following.
there are so many rules that you cannot hit someone at a so many different areas it is
The ultimate goal of a boxing match is a knock out. The knockout punch brings satisfaction to the winner of the boxing math and the crowd. This one punch can make a fight exciting. However, if there is not a knockout punch, the fight is often times dull. After a knockout punch, one man loses consciousness while the other man dances around the ring raising his hands in victory and is swarmed by his coaches and the press. Oates continues to argue that boxing is the cruelest sport by comparing a boxing match to a tragedy. If a fight has no knock out by the end, it seems like the fight is missing something. The knockout punch is a cruel but key aspect to boxing which makes people love
The basic rules are the most important part of every game, but are extra important in football. Every drive for the offense will start with the opposing team kicking the ball off. If the ball is kicked out of the back of the end zone, that will result in a touchback, which means the offense starts on their own 20-yard line. A football field is 100 yards long with two end zones on each end. Each half you have what is considered your end zone which your defense will try to keep the other team’s offense from scoring touchdowns or field goals in. A touchdown is 6 points plus an extra point kick that is one point or a two-point conversion that are rarer and harder to convert. A field goal can be kicked at any point on offense is 3 points. So if you are on your own side of the 50-yard line, you would say you are on your own 20, 25, 30, ect. If you have the ball on you own 20-yard line it would be pretty difficult to make it 80 yards in the 4 plays you are given. That’s why you can earn what is called a first down every 10 yards. An offense has four plays to gain 10 yards to get a first down or the ball is turned over on downs, which means the other team will receive
Dribbling is all based on conservation of energy and the two different types of collisions, elastic and inelastic.
Punch Boxing offers fighting game followers an adrenaline defeating universe of boxing action. Improved vitality as well as amazing 3d layout share the legitimate boxing background to your hand, while spontaneous touchscreen controls make favorite, arrest, as well as uppercut feel enjoyable and also particular. Go toe-to-toe versus 30+ bone battering pugilists
Boxing is combat sport in which two men or women put on boxing gloves and fight each other, there are rules in this sport and you have to fight in a ring. A boxing ring is where the fight happens, the ring is a square platform with padded corners and three ropes that are hung on each side of the ring. Boxing have been around since the Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece, and the sport is still going on until this day and maybe in the future. Now you have learned what boxing is and how it came about through the years.
The first thing to practice on is dribbling. Dribbling is one of the most crucial skills to have. Good dribbling enables the player to move around more and get to places quicker. The best way to improve this skill is to dribble 2 basketballs, one in each hand. This task will be especially hard for the secondary hand, but improvement should be noticed within a few moments. Once the
Boxing however, focuses on punching the head and body. Boxers take up to 500 hits to the head per 12
Boxing, which is also known as pugilism or prize fighting, has been a highly popular combat sport for many years. In boxing, two fighters are placed in an arena, called the ring. The fighters then engage in hand-to-hand combat with padded gloves specifically made for the sport. Boxing is a sport that many people around the world participate in and watch. It is also a sport which has sparked much controversy. Boxing had reached a high point of popularity in the 50s and 60s, and this popularity stirred American society and economics.
Purpose: to inform the audience about basketball such as the basketball rules and history and development of basketball.
Typically in sports the goal is to hit a homerun, score a goal, or even get a hole in one. However, there is one sport that is not like any other, boxing. This sport is the most brutal of sports. The goal is to knock out the opponent with devastating blows to the head. Boxing can be a very dangerous sport resulting in extreme injury or death, and there is a lot of pressure to use illegal drugs in an effort to win. Boxing also has many benefits, such as physical fitness, stress relieving, and allows an elite professional boxer to earn a very good living.
Firstly is technique or structure of the sports in Boxing the boxer requires a significant amount of stamina and durability. The primary purpose of Boxing is knockout the opponent furthermore the boxer can only land the punch is some specific area in the front of the body as a reason
The first difference between mixed martial arts and boxing is the techniques and fighting styles that are allowed during the fights, and how the rules for each sport are designed around the use of these fighting styles. The UFC mixes completely different forms of martial arts into one sport; for example, fighters in the UFC are allowed to use boxing, wrestling, jiu jitsu, and several more fighting techniques in the ring. The allotment of these fighting styles allows the fighters to take their opponent to the ground, strike while on the ground, kick, grapple, and use submissions. The rules for the UFC allows the fighters to use almost every type of strike, but some strikes like hitting in
Boxing is a sport that has a lot of history. By reading the wikipedia website about boxing history it was understandable that boxing has been around since the12th century. The sport started with the name “Fist Fighting”(Unknown Author). When the sport of boxing was first introduced it was really dangerous due to the fact that they had no written rules meaning that there were no weight divisions, no round limits and to make things worse they did not count with a referee to step in and stop the fight, in case the fight got rough but little by little rules started changing to protect all the fighters . In 1743 the first boxing rules were introduced by Jack Broughton. Those boxing rules were made to somewhat protect the fighters since