
Contagious Outbreaks

Decent Essays

The article for this critique is Social Network Sensors for Early Detection of Contagious Outbreaks. The individuals at the center of social networks have an increased risk of infection during an outbreak. The mapping of a whole network to identify central individuals at the risk for exposure is difficult. The researchers proposed an alternative to this would be the monitoring the friends of randomly selected individuals. The friend group evaluation could aid in early detection. The researchers studied 744 Harvard College students during the 2009 H1N1 Flu Outbreak. These students were either members of a group randomly chosen individuals or a group of their friends. The clinical diagnoses found in the friend group it was acquired the virus …show more content…

The sample was assembled from choosing from the 6,650 Harvard undergraduates. The friends sample was derived from individuals listed as a friend at least once in the random sample. The by product from the sample students was there information from 1,789 students. These students either participated in the study or were nominated as a friend. The information was used to draw the social network of Harvard College student body. For the study the sample body completed background information such as demographics information, flu and vaccination status since September 1, 2009 and self-report measure of popularity. The administrative data collected from Harvard College was the sex, class of enrollment and intercollegiate sports …show more content…

The students were considered to have the flu if they had a fever of 100 F. As well the student needed to report two other symptoms such as sore throat, chills, cough fatigue, stuffy or runny nose, and body aches. The researchers checked the sensitivity of their findings by the definition of the flu the results were not impacted. From the biweekly self-reports other information obtained was from the University Health Services if the student was vaccinated. The researcher’s objectivities was to only measure the topological factors. The students whom were part of the friend group were proxies for the subject’s location within unobservable social network. The friends were the social marker for the student social network position and observation of the path of infection were

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