
Essay on Contaminated Air: Secondhand Smoke

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Did you know that you could easily be a victim of breathing toxic fumes and having cancer? As of right now, countless people are being poisoned from the effects of second hand smoking. Many people have heard or seen the effects of smoking and yet they still do it. In this case, it’s not about them but about us. There should be certain areas where smokers can go that won’t affect others because it’s a nuisance and cause unrepairable damage to everyone. Have you ever tried catching your breath inhaling something unexpected? If not then you are lucky. For those who have, it must have felt irritating and uncomfortable, definitely if it’s a toxic that you had just inhaled. For instance, I attended a Halloween event at a theme park. …show more content…

For pregnant mothers, they could possibly have miscarriages or still births, low birth weight infants, children born with decrease lung function, or sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). As frightening as it may sound, all these effects could and have happen to others who were exposed to second hand smoking. Not only our daily routine consist of inhaling second hand smoke but also areas such as workplaces experience passive smoke. People have complained about work places because they experience irritating eyes, nose, throat, lungs, headache and nausea. Many employers seeks smoke free area because it improve the health and wellbeing of employees, reduce absenteeism, proved a safe work environment, to reduce the risk of offending customers, improve morale, reduce insurance cost, protect furniture and equipment, reduce the cost of ventilation, and many more. Smokers view that by smoking it is useful in excusing and legitimizing relaxation. Desmond Morris author of Manwatching said “the smoker has an enormous advantage over the non smoker in moments of stress and can actually create the impression that all his fiddling and fidgeting is really part of a nicotine pleasure and therefore a sign of enjoyment rather than an inner conflict reaction.” But does coping with stress compensate for the irritation of others? Smokers argue about freedom and the property rights in a public area. They express that

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