
Content Analysis and Ethnographic Research in Decoding Children’s Understanding of Friendship

Decent Essays

In recent years there have been a number of studies regarding how children perceive friendship (Brownlow, 2012). Children may have different understandings of what friendship means to them depending on their age or where they live. Two methods used in this field are content analysis and ethnology. This essay will illustrate the similarities and differences between the two methods through the work of two groups of researchers. Content analysis was used by Brian Bigelow and John La Gaipa, and ethnographic research was carried out by William Corsaro. The essay will show that although the researchers worked in the same area of study with some similarity in their approach, they produced contrasting data that was therefore analysed …show more content…

Prior to commencing their research, Bigelow and La Gaipa and Corsaro needed to decide who the participants would be. They wanted to know what children’s personal views were, so a common factor for both types of research was that those taking part were all children. Bigelow and La Gaipa chose a large sample of children aged 6 to 14 years old (Brownlow, 2012). They all resided in the same city in Canada and came from a similar or identical social group. There were 480 participants all together chosen from eight schools, with thirty girls and thirty boys from each. The age-range was a significant factor to them because they wanted to study how children understood friendship at different ages and stages of their life. Using such a large number of children in their study meant that they could make generalisations about children’s friendships and how they develop over time. This data could then be applied to children as a whole. Corsaro chose his participants differently. The children that took part in his studies were about three years old (Brownlow, 2012). In addition, unlike Bigelow and La Gaipa, Corasro did not limit his research to one city, or even one country. He wanted to know what friendship meant for children at different times and in different places. Therefore, Corsaro studied children in different countries including, the United States and Italy (Interview with William Corsaro, 2010). By

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