Content- area literacy uses listening, speaking, reading, writing to gain information within a specific discipline. It does not just apply to core classes such as English, Math, Science, and Social Studies. It can also be applied to Physical Education classes. The truth be told, Physical Education in essence is a science that incorporates physical activity (movement), biological, and social sciences. Physical Education has texts that are written in the content of health and wellness topics that rely heavily on the use of visuals such as graphs, charts, and pictures. Content- area literacy improves physical education students performances because it requires them to plan, reason, strategize, and reflect on health and activities. They also have
Early man/woman developed neural connections in an environment of intense physical activity which created pathways of learning in the cerebellum that were profoundly influenced by movement. The cerebellum also plays a significant role in cognitive functions of the frontal lobe that are stimulated while learning. Movement impacts and reinforces learning, reading, and comprehension due to the creation and strengthening of the neural connections in the cerebellum. Incorporating physical exercise and movement in a curriculum increases levels of student participation and retention while providing opportunities to scaffold while
The Athenian Golden Age was defined in this manner due to the rapid advances seen in such a short window of history. However, that window closed as rapidly as it opened. In the following two paragraphs, the Athenian Golden Age will be described, as well as one of the circumstances that caused this age to dwindle. First, what was the Athenian Golden Age?
Emily, I enjoyed reading your response. I am very new to the concept of Content Area Literacy (CAL) so I totally understand why you (and I) might think that literacy across the board of content area is not important. Perhaps none of us can really “feel” the integration of CAL until we have actually experienced it. As I read chapter 1 and 2 of Harvey and Goudvis Strategies that Work, I consistently came back to the thought, higher level thinking skills. It is true, each area of content has specific needs (documents, charts, latin terminology), and that all needs require some form of comprehension. My curiosity comes into play when I ask myself, “Is CAL simply a way to implement higher level thinking skills into the instructional design?”
All of the topics that have been covered so far in class have all interconnected in one way or another. Learner development, knowledge transformation, and connecting to text are all foundations that lean upon each other in order to surmount and achieve the goal of content area literacy (Hodges, 2015). Content area literacy alone is extremely important, but it requires the aforementioned applied skills in order to be successful. Personally, I consider these concepts to create a fantastic base for students and teachers to build towards content area literacy. Obviously, a student needs to be able to connect to the given text in order to be interested in it, which aids in retaining the information gleaned. Learner development is fairly self-explanatory;
I’m writing an analysis of “Battle Royal” by Ralph Ellison. It is told from the first person point of view. This is a story about a young African American named Ralph Ellison, who is trying to be accepted by white society. He is offered the opportunity to read his speech he had written for his graduation at a gathering of the town’s leading white citizens (p.286). Ralph Ellison is told that he should partake in the Battle Royal before giving his speech as part of the entertainment. The Battle Royal is a fight in which several young African American boys are blindfolded, given boxing gloves, and forced to fight each other until one person is left standing in a boxing arena. There are no time
The author starts the chapter by examining the role of physical education. The author discusses the CDC’S model for school health and the importance in the development of the physical, mental, emotional, and social health of a person. The author continues to discuss if physical education is a discipline or profession. The author then discusses the emergence of the subdisciplines of kinesiology.
Often times when reading about a controversial topic we believe that removing the topic from schools helps create a better environment for students. The freedom to read or speak shouldn’t allow censorship or banning of books for subject surrounding the matter of vulgar language usage, violent situations or often controversial topics to be taught at schools. The removal of banned books is to help protect children and young adults from knowing about the world and the hardship that follow along with it. With banning books we decide what is seen as a good choice in books that we allow students to read for the safety of people's beliefs.
A very common argument is whether or not medical marijuana should be legal throughout our country. As some states choose to be legal, more research is being done to show the impact that it is made. Many worry that it will do more damage than good, giving people to opportunity to abuse it. What we need to be paying attention to is the effect it has on people with diseases, the money involved, and whether or not it is proving itself. I will argue that medical marijuana should become legal in all states of the United States of America.
Currently, my intended career path is to teach English in a Texas High School classroom. Although I’m open to teaching any of the grades encompassed in the secondary- level certification, right now I am looking towards either English II or English IV in the tenth grade and twelfth grade year respectively. I would also like to get my master’s degree so that I may teach dual credit courses, and in the future, am considering getting a doctorate as well.
When we first started discussing content area literacy, my first thought was fabulous. Let’s just add one more thing to worry about when writing lesson plans. After I read a few articles and listened to the lectures in class, I realized that content area literacy was a pretty simple element to include. Being an elementary education major also makes it easier to accommodate. To count the number of children’s books there are on any given subject would be impossible. I have discovered that content area literacy is not as intimidating as it sounds. As I have gained knowledge on the subject, I believe that reading should be a part of any lesson you do. Before reading and sitting through lecture including reading in most of my lesson plans
Good morning, Trina. Thank you for your input on the topic of Content Area Literacy (CAL) from the standpoint of special education. Although I had not thought of it before, including the ability and desire to read in the definition of CAL is quite appropriate. Yet, ability and desire are effectively very different attributes of the cognitive processes, correct? Is it your contention that without one or the other, the learner cannot succeed in literacy?
Critical literacy can be defined as the ability to interpret and analyze text to form an opinion
Physical development provides children with abilities they need to explore the world around them. Physical development allows children to learn how to control their sensorimotor actions and allows the body to grow alongside with their ever expanding capabilities. Programing helps physical development in many ways, such as hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills.
Implementing practice, vocabulary, and content strategies can enhance and further struggling student’s content achievement. Although struggling readers often have a hard time grasping concepts, comprehension, vocabulary, and meaning, “Struggling readers are especially vulnerable to failure with content text” (). In order to build up struggling readers confidence, comprehension, vocabulary, and content text, “teachers' knowledge of content literacy practices is critical” (). The use of content literacy incorporates both “language arts and content material” (). In doing so, students often implement meaningful usage within content literacy and improve their academic achievement. “In order to provide responsive content literacy instruction for
I believe that it is immensely important for the police department to be ‘culturally literate’.