
Content analysis of 9 creative concepts Essays

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2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Declaration 3 1. Introduction 4 2. Quantitative content analysis 4 3. Media audience theory 4 4. Questionnaires surveys in media research 7 5. Self assessment and self reflection 9 Sources consulted 10 Declaration I hereby declare that this assignment is my original work, written by me and that is my own effort and that no part has been plagiarized without citations Student name: Petrina Shitalangaho Date: 18/08/2013 Introduction In this assignment one can expect to see the discussions on effect of mass communication on people and …show more content…

Georges Poulet (1969:54), a phenomenologist, described the relationship between readers and text as you are inside it (the text). It is inside you; there is no longer either inside or outside. 2. The expansion or fusion of Horizons The text always contains blanks (gaps) that only readers can fill. During the cat of reading that is, when we appropriate messages there is a fusion or encounter between our own ‘historical horizon’ and the alien “horizon of the text itself (Eagleton 1989:433-4) 3. Wandering view point Wandering view point means that we can hardly experience and understand a text as a whole while reading it because we wander inside the flow of the text. Iser uses the metaphor of a traveler to explain wandering viewpoint. While within a moving vehicle, the reader is always inside the flow of the story and can at no time have a complete or total view of that journey 4. Pro tension and retention While traveling through a text, we continuously alternate between these two dimensions. Pretension means that we have certain expectation about how a story or plotline is going to develop. These expectations are based on our retention. That what we remember of characters and events in the story we are reading. 5. Dialectical Interaction Dialectical interaction between pretension and retention encourages us to form links and to fill the gaps in the text with our own imagination based on our social and cultural background. 6. The syntagmatic and paradigmatic

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