2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Declaration 3 1. Introduction 4 2. Quantitative content analysis 4 3. Media audience theory 4 4. Questionnaires surveys in media research 7 5. Self assessment and self reflection 9 Sources consulted 10 Declaration I hereby declare that this assignment is my original work, written by me and that is my own effort and that no part has been plagiarized without citations Student name: Petrina Shitalangaho Date: 18/08/2013 Introduction In this assignment one can expect to see the discussions on effect of mass communication on people and …show more content…
Georges Poulet (1969:54), a phenomenologist, described the relationship between readers and text as you are inside it (the text). It is inside you; there is no longer either inside or outside. 2. The expansion or fusion of Horizons The text always contains blanks (gaps) that only readers can fill. During the cat of reading that is, when we appropriate messages there is a fusion or encounter between our own ‘historical horizon’ and the alien “horizon of the text itself (Eagleton 1989:433-4) 3. Wandering view point Wandering view point means that we can hardly experience and understand a text as a whole while reading it because we wander inside the flow of the text. Iser uses the metaphor of a traveler to explain wandering viewpoint. While within a moving vehicle, the reader is always inside the flow of the story and can at no time have a complete or total view of that journey 4. Pro tension and retention While traveling through a text, we continuously alternate between these two dimensions. Pretension means that we have certain expectation about how a story or plotline is going to develop. These expectations are based on our retention. That what we remember of characters and events in the story we are reading. 5. Dialectical Interaction Dialectical interaction between pretension and retention encourages us to form links and to fill the gaps in the text with our own imagination based on our social and cultural background. 6. The syntagmatic and paradigmatic
I attest that the work submitted for this assignment is entirely mine, that no another person has written or dictated this assignment in whole or part, and that all material relied on (if any) is fully and properly attributed and cited.
This assignment represents my own work. It is not a recycled assignment from another course and it has not been purchased, borrowed, or obtained from another source. Nor has any part of it been plagiarized. I did not include sections written by or summarized by other students. I have not shared any part of my paper with other students. I have made myself familiar with the definition of plagiarism and I have properly documented and cited all of the referenced data and quotes in the
I declare that this assignment is my individual work. I have not worked collaboratively nor have I copied from any other student’s work or from any other source except where due acknowledgment is made explicitly in the text, nor has any part
I declare that this assignment is my individual work. I have not worked collaboratively nor have I copied from any other student’s work or from any other source except where due acknowledgment is made explicitly in the text, nor has any part been written for me by another person.
Reading and writing should be seen as interactive subjects rather than just reading or writing words on paper in ink. John Beans suggests that individuals should look at both reading and writing as conversations. In his article “Reading and Writing as Conversations” Bean states by envisioning yourself having a conversation with the author, referenced individuals, and characters, readers are more likely to better understand the text. Texts are seen as different conversations each text has a connection to another text. Such as if you were referencing a particular article,book,or quote in your text. Many people have a reason for reading different types of text. Some reasons could simply be because the individual wants to, needs to, discover new
To read like a writer means knowing in advanced type of writing will be assigned. This is beneficial, Bunn argues, because when reading like a writer, knowing the style assigned, allows one to look for specific techniques in writing that they could adopt in their own work. To understand how piece was written, or to look back on his architect analogy, it is important to ask questions, assessing what “construction” techniques were effective in building a text. Before reading, one should ask himself who the audience is and the author's purpose in writing. While reading the texts itself, Bunn recommends looking at the style of language used and the effectiveness of evidence as well as the parts that don’t work or are confusing. While reading like a writer and asking these questions, Bunn encourages students to look for whether aspects are appropriate and effective as well as the positive or negative effect they have on readers. Bunn, in recognizing that every word choice made in a text has a certain effect, encourages readers to look critically at that effect in order to decide what strategies work should be adopted in their own
Throughout the semester of TE 348, I was able to read many books of various genres, themes, messages and characters. Due to the variety of text I read, I used a range of lenses when engaging with the text in my responses. This has shown me how I tend to react to a text, and what lenses I don’t use as often. Also, I am able to reflect on the advantages and disadvantages that come with engaging with the text with certain lenses. All of this has led to my development of engaging with literature.
By submitting this assignment, I declare that I have retained a suitable copy of this assignment, have not previously submitted this work for assessment and have ensured that it complies with university and school regulations, especially concerning plagiarism and copyright.
By typing my signature below, I pledge that this is my own work done in accordance with the UMUC policy on academic dishonesty and plagiarism http://www.umuc.edu/policies/academicpolicies/aa15025.cfm. I have not received or given any unauthorized assistance on this assignment/examination
How do professors read? Do they read like average people, like students, like an adult? The daunting question, only answered by Thomas C. Foster through his book, How to Read Literature like a Professor. This novel is an informational text and each one of the chapters discusses a method in writing that will help readers to better comprehend literature. Readers learn from the novel about all sorts of different methods and devices that they can use to locate and interpret connections and ideas that are normally surpassed when reading. This novel teaches readers to look between the lines and open up a whole new world of understanding.
When people read they often just skim through, “Although there are virtues to skimming, the vast majority of writing tasks you will encounter in college and in the workplace require your conversancy with material you have read.” (David Rosenwasser, of Home from Nowhere:Remaking Our Everyday World for the Twenty-first Century, as Rosenwasser defines, become conversant 107).
1. What types of decisions must Chad Thomas make daily for his company’s operations to run effectively? Over the long run?
Our main objective is to explore the mass media's effects on society and see how the media has affected out way of life. Not to mention, compare the life styles of
I confirm that I have read the University regulations on plagiarism, and that this assignment is my own work.
Reader-response theory identifies the reader as an affective agent who imparts real exist-ence and life to the work, completing its meaning through interpretation. Reader- response criti-cism argues that literature should be viewed as art in which each reader creates his or her own-most likely unique, text-related performance. I am using Wolfgang Iser and Stanley Fish’s takes on Reader Response for my study.