Based on the contingency theory of leadership there are three strengths I am going to explore. Staying positive is the first. Since contingent management focuses on change and the idea of change, it is highly important to be a leader that withstand that change and show positivity. When faced with adversity being able to see the positive and portray that to a team is a sign of a good leader. In seeing the positive I can take what could be a tough situation and turn it into something good. I believe the glass is half full and that is how I choose to manage. There have been several studies published that state having a positive outlook does in fact increase your odds in almost every situation.
The second strength that I have is the understanding that coaching and mentoring is of upmost importance in the workforce. Everyone wants to know that they are doing a good job. In situational management, I can tailor my coaching to each individual person. What I may recommend for one person will not be the same for
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This theory is not always the best to apply to type of situation. The first are of opportunity I see in myself is in the ability to give and receive feedback. Although speaking to people has not been an issue, it has always been hard to give someone feedback in a direct respectful way. Often, I find myself fixing the work for them or just letting the situation pass without saying anything. This is also true when it comes to hearing feedback about myself. I will go on the defense almost immediately when I feel threatened. This does not show a strong leader. Not giving your employees the proper coaching is not helping to foster their development. Employees need to feel valued and respected. Giving them proper direction and making sure they understand that mistakes are not always bad shows a strong leader. By not doing this I am setting them back from achieving their
My second key strength is showing gratitude to others. If someone does something for me or helps me develop a new skill. I show gratitude to them by thanking them, and I tell them that really appreciate their help. I am there for that person when they need my help.
A second strength would be an individualized consideration provided to each team member with a focus on self-interest which as a key advantage to accomplishing good work. My team trusts my guidance as their leader because they know that in the end I have their success as individuals in mind. Over time I have proven to them that I have no personal agenda to adhere to and therefore the decisions I make with regard to them are solely for their benefit. I am able to delegate tasks to individuals that I believe are willing and excited to accept the task at hand, whether they believe they are ready or not. It is my belief in others to rise to any challenge that fuels my strength as a leader. Only when they do not succeed, do I find it necessary to intervene and take action. This foundation of trust is also vital to my success as a leader.
Another leadership strength I possess is motivating subordinates. I often encourage coworkers to strive for their goals, whether it be going back to further their education or changing jobs. I truly believe if we are unhappy the retention rates are lower and their work is not high-quality. I often motivate subordinates by offering rewards for exemplary work. A recent night shift two staff nurses and myself received eight admissions in four hours—the reward that night was ice cream.
Barker, R. A. (1997). How can we train leaders if we do not know what leadership is? Human Relations, 50(4), 343-362. Retrieved from
Identifying and understanding your own personal strengths is key to being a successful leader. Knowing your strengths means you can focus your efforts to maximize results, in yourself and in others. Strengths Finder 2.0 is designed to uncover your strengths and utilize these strengths to your advantage (Rath, 2007). Identifying and applying these strengths to your leadership style, will enhance your effectiveness as a transformational leader.
I would expect that every person has experienced a time when they were part of a team with a good and bad leader. In business there are many times when the wrong leadership styles are chosen and have a negative effect on the end results. Throughout history many scholars have tried to understand and improve the art of leadership. They have given us theories, practices, suggestions and models to follow so that we too can reach the goal of the perfect leader. Today’s managers are influenced by many of these ideas but also by past experience, both good and bad, and by how the dynamic of the team that they are leading is built upon. These experiences and observations directly impact the leadership style and many times the end result of the tasks being performed. If a leader has the understanding of what his/her group wants, then they are better suited to make the right leadership and communication decisions, so as not to have a negative effect on the team or outcome.
I have developed mental, physical, and emotional strengths not only from my personal experiences, but also from observing Russ work through his. I feel my positive attitude is easily maintained because I constantly appreciate every ability I possess, both physical and mental. Russ reminds me to be thankful of my natural gifts as he struggles to develop. Remaining a humble, not boastful person is very important to me. I measure my success through the results of meeting
I believe that my competency strengths are teamwork, leadership and communication also referred to as T.L.C. A goal cannot be completed by one person, a leader must not only trust that their team can complete the goal, but trust that they will be able to work together. Communication is also essential for leaders because it helps everyone understand what goals needs to be accomplished and what would be the best way to accomplish the goal. communication is essential because it allows me to form a bond with my team members and get to know everyone's personal strengths and weaknesses. I value everyone on the team and want to make sure that we are utilizing our strengths and improving our weaknesses. At the end of the day my goal as a leader is
Two strengths that I may build upon as a future teacher are compassion, caring and respect. I believe compassion and caring may be a source of leadership in my future classroom because my student will see that I truly care about them in and out of the classroom. Taking the time to connect and build relationships with
Other strengths that I exhibit include being structured, responsible, articulate, task-oriented, determined, confident, effective planner, visionary, and possessing the ability to manage resources effectively. Being structured allows me to set parameters that we can all work within to achieve the overall company goals. Structure builds bonds and a sense of cohesiveness in the workplace. This type of unity will be necessary for the success of the organization. We can all work towards common goals if clear goals are outlined for everyone. The other strengths will all work together as well.
My greatest personal strength is that I am comfortable speaking to large groups. This will enable me to clearly give information and guide the ensemble effectively in any situation.
Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational Leadership Theory (SLT) asserts that a leader’s effectiveness is dependent upon the readiness, or ability and willingness, of the leader’s followers to complete a task. This leadership style is an amalgamation of task-oriented and relationship-oriented characteristics that are employed depending upon the situation and the followers involved. According to the SLT, as followers increase in readiness the leader’s style is to adapt accordingly (Kinicki & Kreitner, 2009).
My current strengths include; my honesty and passion towards my work. I have always been positive and confident regarding my aims and targets. Along with these, I am a good decision maker, due to which I can make right and quick decisions. Moreover, I have ability to motivate others and do team work. I am also a responsible person, when I make a target; I work day and night to achieve my goal.
Chapter sixteen discusses various leadership theories which can implemented by leaders to achieve success. The choice of leadership theory differs from leader to leader as they possess different vision and way of managing. A theory isn 't always perfect in itself, it is the endless effort of the leaders which makes the theory a perfect one. Two approaches of leadership that I prefer are Situational Leadership Theory and Servant Leadership Theory. Among many theories I prefer these two because I tend to practice those principles most of the time and I assume these are theories that I truly tend to continue in a long run.
The biggest strength I have is to be creative with the situation that I am given. This in not only a skill that suggest that one can synthesize material to give it a sense of authenticity, but also can adapt and accommodate in the moment. Even the best planners can have a poor classroom dynamic; the rigidity of these classes is what prevents them from engaging students in the moment. I genuinely believe in effective planning and mythology but I also believe in breaking from the script and to accommodate the needs of learners in creative ways.