
Continuing Professional Development Essay

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Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is a method of constant learning, for all individuals and teams which meet the demands of patients and distributes the health sequels and healthcare prerogatives of the NHS and which allows professionals to extend and bring to completion their potential (ST Patricks college, 2017).
CPD is important because it guarantees that the individual continues to be efficient in the workplace, it guarantees that ongoing learning is advanced in an organised, reasonable and appropriate way to ensure that there are used and efficiencies in learning. CPD acknowledges individuals to core on what particular knowledge and ability they need over a period, in order to be certain, there is a recognisable amelioration within their competence and skill sets.
CPD is a sphere of activities which participates in an individual’s development one of which is CE (continuing Education), the expression CE attributes to traditional methods of learning equivalent to study days, postgraduate courses for example; diploma, organised reading etc. These techniques of learning are still probable to attribute within the individuals CPD. CPD is more comprehensive and beholds the individual’s long-term growth, not just short-term …show more content…

It supplies evidence for job search; many employers are currently searching for CPD in a job application. It ameliorates individual’s performance in their present workplace; CPD allows the individual to be on point with new analysis, electronics, techniques, proof, new ways of working and new companies. Proof of growth for Personal Development Reviews (PDR). It helps the individual to meet the KSF (knowledge and Skills Framework) plan for individuals work. It enlarges the individual’s limit of volume to learn and ameliorates the individual’s knowledge and confidence to answer assuredly to

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