Define CPD and analyse its role in professional updating and improvement of practice with particular reference to your own approach to CPD
Continuous professional development (CPD) is a framework of learning and development that ensures a professional’s competency, effectiveness, knowledge, skills and practice are continually kept up to date through ‘lifelong learning’ strategies and activities.
There is not a fixed CPD standard or structure and a ‘one size fits all’ process would not work for all professions and individuals who work for companies with diverse objectives and working practices. The various approaches may have common themes and goals such as setting objectives for development and charting progress towards them, or
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Formal training may include on-line and CD-ROM based courses or full or part time study leading to qualifications. Development on the other hand can be more informal and has a broader outlook on learning and may include private study such as reading, observing and reflection.
Structured continual learning is important in any profession because new research and practices may require new knowledge and skills. For example the QCF Level 6 Diploma in Career Guidance and Development is one example of formal learning that I have considered and want to undertake. This is for both professional and financial reasons. Professionally it proves a level of academic ability, knowledge and credibility. It is the standard that many career companies now expect from professionals delivering career guidance in schools. Gaining the qualification should also help me remain competitive when applying for a job and hopefully keep me within a reasonable pay scale.
Conferences, workshops and seminars also help keep professionals up to date with changes to practice and can be a vehicle for networks to be built up and experiences shared.
On the job training such staff training, shadowing, secondment, coaching and mentoring all provide excellent provision for professionals to learn new skills and build up work based knowledge. Professionals may also learn by taking part in working groups or involvement in research projects.
Babcock recognises the benefit of CPD and
Learning and development can also help individuals plan future career plans and open more career opportunities for themselves.
Humans by nature never stop learning; we undertake learning at different stages of our lives and acquire skills and competences in variety of areas. These learning may have been certified (by an academic or educational body) whilst others are not certified learning through work, social and leisure time activities. Recognising
This object of this assignment is to identify what personal and professional development is, if there is any difference between personal and professional development and what opportunities there are, how this benefits both staff and Lancashire Care Foundation Trust (LCF
It is the King Fahad Medical City commitment to ensure balance, independence, objectivity and scientific rigor in all Continues professional Development (CPD) activities. The desired outcome of this policy is to conduct CPD activities that are free of the appearance of or actual conflicts of interest and the introduction/demonstration of bias in favor or against a commercial product, service, or device in return for known or unknown personal and professional gain. The intent of this policy is to ensure that any potential conflict will be identified openly so that the activity participants may form their own judgments about the presentation with the full disclosure of facts. To comply with government bodies for programs accreditation
Plan for professional development and continuous progress monitoring and support of strategies over a minimum of three years.
As a professional, I have a responsibility to engage in continuous professional development. This means taking action to keep my skills and knowledge up to date and seeking to improve your capabilities across the range of tasks I carry out daily.
1.1 Explain the importance of continually improving knowledge and practice An important principle of CPD is that it includes much more than going on courses. All organisations need to develop a learning culture with work based learning at the heart of this. Continual professional development is a process of life-long learning that meets the needs
I feel it is important for me to continually improve my knowledge to ensure that I am aware of, and follow all the current health & social care standards, legislation, and guidelines for good practice as well as ensuring I follow my company’s policies & procedures.
Professional development is an opportunity to reflect, share common goals, support each other as well as learn from others knowledge, expertise and experience. Regular supervision and training of staff can lead to reduced sickness and absence, it can improve the service that they
This report has briefly summarised the CIPD Profession Map – the 2 core professional areas, 8 specialist professional areas, the 4 bands and 8 behaviours. It has also commented on the activities and knowledge specified within the Performance and Rewards professional area at band 1.
It is important to continue your professional development throughout your career or chosen profession, as this will help your knowledge to grow and expand. There are many ways in which you can constantly keep improving on this. You
Training is a planned effort to enable employees to learn job-related knowledge, skills, and behavior. Development involves acquiring knowledge, skills, and behaviors that improve employees’ ability to meet the challenges of a variety of new or existing jobs, including the client and customer demands of those jobs (p. 9).
I maintain my own CPD by reading material on internet CQC and skills for care are an excellent site, I also subscribe to magazines and newsletters, I attend courses and seminars plus work closely with other professionals. It is important that I keep myself up to date with legislation and changes as I have the responsibility of ensuring all staff are aware of any changes in regulations or current practices, plus touchstones believes a fully trained and developed workforce that know and understand and are able to promote legislation is more beneficial to residents.
Training and development activities include: Inductions, Health & Safety training/law, organisation and delivery of training courses, structuring appraisals & Personal Development framework, holding, recording and updating training information and managing training budgets.
Training and development has become increasingly essential to the success of modern organisations, yet some still look at training as a problem or as something that is not taken seriously. Training and development is one key approach used by organisations to improve and maintain the capabilities of its workforce. However, many experts distinguish between training and development, being that training tends to be more closely focused and adapted towards short-term performance concerns, while development tends to be adapted more towards expanding an individual’s skills for future responsibilities (Snell and Bohlander 2007). The main reason that organisations train their employees is to bring their knowledge, skills and abilities up to the