
Continuous Quantities Experiment

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As a teacher it is important to be able to recognize children’s developmental process, and their conservation ability. Piaget created an experiment called the Conservation of Continuous Quantities. This experiment measures students thinking ability. I interviewed a seven-year-old child, and was able to measure his abilities. The experiment requires that you pour two clear drinking glasses that are the same size, with the same amount of water. You then grab another glass that is long and thin. Take one of the glasses filled with water, and pour the water into the tall thin glass. After doing this put the two glasses filled with water right next to each other and ask which glass has more water, and why? The child will either give you a nonconservation …show more content…

It is important to understand the process of children’s thinking, and to understand the method the child used to find the answer. In the experiment I watched the child figure out the glasses had the same amount of water, and I was fascinated on what method he used. When he gave me his answer on why they were the same, I was able to identify it. Another thing that is important for teachers of young children to remember is you need to accept individual different in the developmental process of your students. Piaget’s theory says that all children go through the same series of development, however, all children go through development at different paces. Teachers must provide classroom group activities along with individual activities so children can work with children at their same stage of development. Something that I believe is that children at young ages should be tested on individual process rather than the normal standard assessments. There may be times that require this kind of reasoning when teaching young students. An example of this would be the identity property for addition. Zero added to any number is then number itself. This is something that young children may be confused by, so being able to come up with methods to help them learn is

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