
Continuum Of Care Analysis

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To begin with, the continuum of care consists of a comprehensive assessment and evaluation of an individual’s psychosomatic analysis, healthcare information, daily living standards, financial status, and family involvement. In addition, the continuum of care incorporates a plan of treatment and recovery, formatted for an individual's needs. Equally important, there three dimensions regarding continuum of care, consisting of patient-provider relationship, management, and information to service a client adequately. Another key point refers to the continuum of care delivery of health care to populations and opens to all, without limitations. Next, the continuum of care plan consists of identification, assessment, stabilization, rehabilitation, …show more content…

In addition, abstinence is the client’s way to remain substance free, by establishing a stable and healthy lifestyle, develop coping/living skills, and increase support of family members to protect the individual’s best interest. Last, maintenance concept, is a relapse prevention or termination stabilizing their success when in treatment. Fourth, an individual may gain momentum using models such as the CENAPS Model, with self-regulation and stabilization. To clarify, teaching or educating a client about self-regulation helps a person with their thinking, emotions, thought process, memory, and judgment changing at risk of relapse to a minimum. For the most part, self-regulation is achieved only with stabilization, which includes recouping from the effects of stress preceding the substance or drug abuse or detoxification from drugs and alcohol. In addition to, establishing a structural daily routine incorporating a proper diet, reducing/managing stress levels, exercise, and consistent contact with treatment counselors and self-help groups. Equally, important, stabilization is the highest in risk during recovery for a …show more content…

On the contrary, the comprehensive multi-dimensional assessment tool documents medical history, physical exams, family and social history, alcohol/drug histories. In addition to, documentation which includes sexual/mental health information collateral reporting of family and friends signed/or consented from the client, before any contact with others sharing of information and lab test. In summary, relapse education strategies include, teaching clients how incorporate self-regulation and relapse skills or strategies, to avoid a lapse and stay in recovery or continue sobriety. Next, to develop an understanding of General factors as to what causes a person to relapse begins with basic information such as medical social or clinical information. information focuses on recovering stuck in motion warning signs and triggers and complicated factors as to why the person's

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