Outcome 1 – Understand own responsibilities, and the responsibilities of others, relating to health and safety in the work setting
1. Identify legislation relating to general health and safety in a health or social care work setting.
Legislations/codes of practice relating to general health and safety in a health or social care work setting are: The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974; Riddor 1995, COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health); Manual Handling operations regulations 1992; Health And Safety (First aid regulations 1981); Fire protection (Workplace) Regulations 1997; Food Safety Act 1990; Personal Protective Equipment and Management of Health and safety at work regulations 1999.
2. Describe the main points
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2. Explain how and when to report potential health and safety risks that have been identified
To report potential health and safety risks I would contact my line manager/duty officer/manager, I would report something when I think it could cause possible harm and create a health and safety risk.
3. Explain how risk assessment can help address dilemmas between rights and health and safety concerns
Risk assessments can help address dilemmas between rights and health and safety concerns by helping reduce any risks created by undergoing certain tasks, risks assessments are not in place to prevent an individual doing things that they want to do, they are in place to concentrate on the risk factors and to look at any other ways to reduce the risk of the task in hand.
Outcome 3 – Understand procedures for responding to accidents and sudden illness.
1. Describe different types of accidents and sudden illness that may occur in own work setting.
Accidents that could happen in my work place could be: cuts and burns, e.g. in the kitchen; Back injuries/strains/sprains from poor handling/lifting techniques; tripping over from things left around the house. Sudden illnesses that could happen are: Strokes; heart attacks; epileptic fits; asthma attacks; diabetic emergencies; seizures; severe headaches; slurred speech; chest pain; difficulty breathing; sickness and diarrhea; vomiting/passing blood.
2. Outline the procedures to be followed if an
State how changing circumstances within the workplace could cause hazards & the methods used for reporting changed circumstances, hazards and incidents.
Describing how health and safety legislation, policies and procedures promotes the safety of individuals in and health and social care settings.
Ill health and accidents are quite common at work because this happened in 2011/12, 1.1 million people who were working were suffering from illnesses, and some people believed that the illnesses were caused from or made worse from their current work or their past work.
There are many ways to access additional support and information on health and safety, this could be accessed by talking to supervisors or management within the home, or more experienced colleagues. Reading the company health and safety policies and procedures can give you extra information, or you can seek additional support from outside organisations.
Some forms of legislation are; • Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999. • Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 • Workplace (
Under this act, employers are responsible for reporting certain types of incidents, accidents or illnesses to the Health and Safety Exectutive, or the local authority.
An identification of the lines of responsibility and reporting for health and safety in the work place.
Other key pieces of legislation that sit alongside and support the Health and Safety at Work
The Health and safety act 1974 this legislation breaks down into many different parts that you should abide by at your workplace such as safe operation and maintenance of the working environment. This means that it is up to you to keep all equipment and resources that are laying around safe and out of the way of service users who are wondering around as it can lead to dangerous situations. Also, accidents and health problems this is because you are taking
Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 – it require employers and others to report accidents and some diseases that arise out of or in
Health and safety legislations and regulations are implemented in own work settings because there will always be a possibility of accidents happening which may damage someone’s health and all work will expose people to hazards, however the health and safety legislations and regulations are put in place and used so that these risks and hazards are under control and so everyone’s health (staff and children) are safe at all costs.
Workers have a duty to carry out their work in a way that does not harm their own health or safety or that of others. As an employee, you have a duty to notify your employer of any work-related illness or injury within 30 days of you becoming aware of it. If you are an employer, it’s important you understand your work health and safety duties. These legal obligations include maintaining a safe workplace and ensuring the safe handling of potentially dangerous items. As an employer, you are required to support workers by giving staff sufficient information, training, and supervision to facilitate healthy and safety working conditions. In addition, you need to consult employees on health and safety issues. Under Section 21 of the OHSA, you could be fined up to around $265,000 (individuals) or $1,328,000 (body corporates) for a
Workplace Safety – 7/21/2014 - 9/14/2014 – Developed an Accident / Incident process that included addressing near-miss conditions in an effort to make the workplace safer for all employees. The program emphasized the importance of bringing potentially dangerous conditions to management’s attention and provided procedures to correct the condition. An accident /incident reporting process was established and a designated industrial medical facility to provide worker’s compensation care was identified. Employees, supervisors and managers were trained on the importance of workplace safety and the procedures to follow when a potential unsafe condition existed, or when a workplace incident or injury occurred.
Work site injury report: I got up late this morning…I had to make my children’s lunches…. they missed the bus…. I had to take them to school, one here the other there…I was forty-five minutes late to the work site and my team had to start without me. One of my best workers hurt his back trying to complete a two-man job. I should have been there. Safety requires of us to be proactive. This is a universal tool, if you will. We must always be aware of what is going on regardless of where we are and what we are doing, especially what others are doing around us. We see this everywhere we go. Whether we are aware of it or not it is a very big issue. We need to make safety a habit and we need to start right now!
No matter what sort of business or organisation you’re involved with there’s always the possibility of an accident or damage to someone’s health. All work exposes people to hazards be they: Dangerous machinery, electricity, manual handling, etc.