
Contributing Team Member Reflection Paper

Decent Essays

1. What was the Chapter # and name of the Assessment? The chapter number is eighteen, and the name of the assessment is Are You A Contributing Team Member? 2. What was the purpose of the Assessment? The purpose of the assessment is to help identify and measure different types of contributions, which can be made as a team member; which include responsibilities, facilitating, accomplishing team tasks, managing conflict among team members, and meeting social needs of team members. 3. What was your score/result on the Assessment and What does it mean? My total score was a ten, which is one below the eleven rating, considered to be a contributing team member. I scored a three in the areas of personal responsibility and socioemotional needs. A …show more content…

I think that connecting in a more intimate group meets social needs, and people feel safer to risk expressing themselves in these groups. The give and take of an interdependent team would become more comfortable as the relationships grew between the members. I am thinking of the communication assessment in the first journal, the effectiveness would not just grow from the collective work, but from the informal sharing as we are giving and receiving feedback. The climate of trust helps us to work through the unique encoding and decoding that we are processing. This is my socioemotional strength and it is interesting to me, and it does not create the fear that a formal presentation or speech to a group does. You mentioned in the podcast that all teams are groups, but not all groups are teams; I think that the group communications shape and re-shape us, and move our group closer to be a real working team. I believe I would have a strength in this type of communication, and could play an important contributing role in this way. My assessment was very low regarding facilitating team communication, but I see this as a sharing of knowledge. When you mentioned the Abilene Paradox, I was trying to imagine myself in a situation, where I did not value the process of agreement enough and I just let the team drift into a decision that we really do not believe in. I can see myself going with the flow for a little while, but I think I would speak up in that exchange of information in a small team setting, and try to help my team members see that we were giving up on something that was much greater and better; because agreement would be stronger if we stayed with the longer process of conflict, distortion, and improving feedback. I know

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