
Control In 1984

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The aim in this Extended Essay is to focus on the topic: "To what extent are the means used by the Party (Government) to control people expressed by George Orwell in his novel 1984 different from what has been used in the historical past and the present?". In the Extended Essay I am going to research how the novel is related to our today society, within the aspects of how governments have control over their people. The topic is worthy of researching in order to show that it is not only a fictional novel. That it is actually true that most of the means that are used in the novel are still present today. I will be using the novel 1984 written by George Orwell as well as other internet sources to prove that there is a lot in common …show more content…

These screens both send and receive signals. This is made possible in order to have surveillance over the people, even when they are at home. There is always news on the TV screen where propaganda is being distributed. There is one spot in Winston’s apartment where the recording television has no sight in what Winston is up to. That is the spot where he hides his diary. Already there he is thinking critically, not like the others. He sees the loopholes in the strict system. The control comes out to the severe extent, that they even control how Winston Smith is doing his (forced) morning exercise. They have total power because if he doesn’t obey he will end up in trouble. This “trouble” is so scary that people do anything the government says. The ironic thing behind this is that there is little information about what happens with the people that disappear. It is like they never existed. The fact that we are all being watched by the unknown man the “BIG BROTHER” creates fear but the mind is set to think “oh well. They spy, but not on me”. This leads to a big danger because people are not willing to fight for their beliefs and rights. The only thing they want is for them to be untouched by the system. As long as they are not affected more than the others, nothing will be done in order to stop this system. The posters that were used in the novel talk for themselves. “BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU” . Is said on the posters that were hung up everywhere around town. The fear being created by this can also be observed in the past, where fear was created similar ideas. Like for example referring to Picture 1 in the Appendix. On the picture we can clearly see the Japanese monkey looking creature attacking the American woman. The fear of not knowing something makes people more obedient to whoever that creates this fear. This is probably the reason for why people will flee North Korea rather than fight the

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