About one in 15 people has asthma and it still continues to grow each day. Asthma is a condition where people experience and struggle breathing issues. The breathing issues affect the human' lungs. Asthma is not curable, but most people able be to control the condition. Controlling asthma could be a struggle or easy lead in a person's life. There is many different things that set off asthma attacks. The definition of asthma is a respiratory condition that has complication located in the lungs where the airways are inflaming and swelling causing the person difficulty to breathe. Asthma has no slang term, but it does have a Greek verb form, aazein. Aazein translated means to breathe hard. Rumors, whether it's false or true that the discovery …show more content…
The types and doses of asthma medications a person needs will depend on their age and symptoms. Asthma medication have types: long-term medications and quick-relief medications. Long-term medicine are taken regularly to control the symptoms and prevent attacks. While quick-relief medicine are rescue medications and its taken as needed for rapid, short-term relief of symptoms, it's used to prevent and treat an asthma attack. The main goal of the treatment is to control it. The doctor will decide which asthma medicines the person should use. The medicine comes in several brands and various forms such as sprays, pills, powders, liquids and shots, but most are taken using an inhaler. An inhaler allows the medicine to go directly to your lungs. Here mention are some medication/devices for asthma: bronchodilators, Cromolyn, nedocromil, metered-dose inhaler, dry powder inhalers, and nebulizers. As an example of how one of the devices, dry powder inhaler in this case, are used. Simply slide the lever away from until a sound of a click is heard. Meanings the medicine has been released. Then place the inhaler in your mouth as you next seal your lips tightly around it. Next take a quick, deep breath in for 10 seconds, and then exhale out. Finally they rinse their mouth with water and spit water
Asthma is a respiratory disease that many people deal with every single day. “According to World Health Organization, approximately 180,000 people die from asthma each year.” (Jardins and Burton 187) Most people never think of asthma as a life threatening disease, but it can be crucial. As the number of people with asthma increases, the more likely you are to come in contact with someone who has been diagnosed with this disease. Asthma is a severe breathing problem that has many complications that is dealt with daily like shortness of breath, chronic cough, tightness of the chest and shortness of breath, my main focus is childhood asthma, allergic asthma, and medication to treat asthma.
Avoiding and controlling asthma triggers is important in every phase of the intervention process in order to manage the disease. However, many times because of lack of awareness and education, asthma
Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airway that impacts a person’s and their family’s quality of life. In people with asthma, their airway becomes constricted with swelling and excessive mucous. This constriction or narrowing of the airway makes it difficult for the person with asthma to breath (Massachusetts Department of Public Health, 2009). If asthma is left uncontrolled, it leads to further wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath, tiredness, and stress. (Massachusetts Department of Public Health, 2009).
Asthma is a chronic condition affecting the respiratory system and has a considerable impact on both individuals and a population. Everybody is susceptible to asthma, some more than others, depending of a variety of factors including, age, sex, geographical location and income. Asthma is particularly prevalent in younger children and the elderly and while it can be fatal, most people have mild cases of asthma that are relatively easy to treat. The condition mainly impacts an individual’s physical ability to contribute to a community.
Asthma is a disease that affects your lungs. It causes repeated episodes of wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness, and nighttime or early morning coughing. Asthma can be controlled by taking medicine and avoiding the triggers that can cause an attack. You must also remove the triggers in your environment that can make your asthma worse.
As the world population grows, so does the amount of people in this world with Asthma. “In the last decade, the proportion of people with Asthma in the USA grew nearly 15%, with 479,300 hospitalizations and 1.9 million emergency department visits in 2009 alone”(Kaur, Bani Preet). Asthma affects the bronchi, bringing of air into and out of the lungs. When an Asthma attack happens, the airways or passages to the lungs, swell up and close so the air passing through is very minimal, causing air not to be able to reach the lungs and pain to the person. In most cases it is not deadly unless not handled properly. This disease causes it to be harder to stay active than it is for others. It is easily manageable if properly diagnosed and properly treated. “4 million americans under 18 have Asthma” (Bronson). It is mistaken in young children for their crying and hiccuping is mistaken for Asthma. Especially when they are sick since they are unable to speak. Asthma is a painful
I. Introduction: Looking at Asthma and breaking it down to fully understand the chronic disease.
Asthma Clémence Néron Champlain College Approximately 300 million people worldwide currently have asthma. Asthma represents a serious global problem, impacting the quality of life of the people who suffer from this disease. It is a chronic lung disease and there is no cure for asthma. If this condition is uncontrolled, it can be life threatening. This paper will suggest more information about this illness.
Breathing techniques such as inhaling through the nose and breathing out from the mouth slowly can be helpful for a patient to be aware of. Last, the patient should always have the physician’s information if asthma attacks become more frequent or they believe their inhaler to not be helping.
According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, Asthma is a chronic lung disease that affects the airways, which is comprised of tubes that carry air in and out of the lungs. People who experience difficulties breathing have inflamed airways. The inflammation causes the tubes to swell and become sensitive, especially when inhaling strong substances. As a result, the airways tighten and the muscles around the tubes become swollen and narrower. In addition, cells in the airways might produce more mucus. This sticky and thick mucus makes it even more difficult for air to pass into the lungs.
Breathing is a vital process for every human. Normal breathing is practically effortless for most people, but those with asthma face a great challenge. During an asthma attack, breathing is hampered, making it difficult or even impossible for air to flow through the lungs. Asthma is an increasingly common problem, and has become the most common chronic childhood disease. At least 17 million Americans suffer from it(1), and although it can be fatal, it is usually not that severe(4). There is no cure for asthma, but with proper care, it can usually be controlled.
Asthma is a serious condition that involves the chronic inflammation of your airway, and can partially or completely inhibit your ability to breathe properly. It was most recently reported that around 8% of the American population has asthma, and this condition is only becoming more common.
Literature is representative of the time in which it is produced. Literature can reflect societal views, attitudes, and fears.Vampire literature, in particular, often represents the fears of a society.In the Victorian Era, a time of intense sexual repression, it was common for vampire stories to reflect the fear of sexuality that was rampant in society.
You can look for suitable bodybuilding workouts routines that you can do at home if you are embarrassed to go to the gym to exercise. Even if you are not overweight, you might still feel self conscious and just don’t like the idea of exercising in front of other people. This is quite a common feeling and one of the main reasons that many people put off getting fit.
Asthma is a chronic airway disease that can be difficult to manage, resulting in poor outcomes and high costs (Kuhn et al., 2015). It is characterized by episodes of expiratory airflow obstruction, which occurs in response to multiple stimuli or triggers. Asthma is a lifelong disease, and symptoms include wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness, and coughing. Attacks can be mild, moderate, severe, or even life threatening and limit a person’s way of life (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 2011). There is no known cure for asthma, but symptoms can be controlled by avoiding the triggers and taking prescribed medicines that prevent or minimize symptoms.