With some dogs, meals aren't the only source of oral intake they have. Wool and other fibers, non-digestible plant material, rubber, plastic, wood, and even their own hair are just some of the things a dog may choose to ingest. Called pica - the drive to consume material that is not generally considered food - is what animal behaviorists call a compulsive disorder.
In a human, a compulsive disorder may be repetitive, such as frequent hand washing or pulling one's hair out. In dogs, these disorders can include excessive licking and spinning in circles. Compulsive disorders are competitive, nonfunctional, nonbeneficial behaviors. Although the exact cause of compulsive disorders is unknown, animal behaviorists feel that they are often caused
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The first step in treating a compulsive disorder is to identify the cause and eliminate it. For example, if your dog is crated for a large portion of the day, allow him outside the confined space to help get him on the road to recovery.
2. Don't reinforce the behavior by paying attention to him while he is engaged in it. Providing good quality time on a set schedule is preferable and more effective than petting, stroking, or verbally consoling your dog in the midst of repetitive activity.
3. Do not reinforce the behavior by punishing your dog for the compulsive behavior or for other inappropriate activities. It may make the problem worse.
4. Spray household objects your dog likes to chew with cayenne pepper, essential oils in citrus, cinnamon, or eucalyptus scents, spray deodorant, or perfume that is not your own.
5. Spray favorite chewables with a pet repellent to deter your dog from sticking non-food objects in his mouth.
6. Keep dangerous objects such as yarn or string out of your dog's reach to prevent him from chewing and swallowing them.
7. If your dog is chewing his hair, he may have an allergy. Discuss the problem with your veterinarian before embarking on a behavior modification
Use treats to reward each step towards the desired behavior. 3. Mix treats with an occasional encouraging phrase. This way the animal does not get used to only obeying a command when a treat is present. C. Also according to Dr. Dimitrije Bogunovic, he suggests to switch the treat flavors once in a while.
If your dog licks, sucks, or chews on fabrics such as couches or blankets and of that nature. According to Virtual Pet Behaviorist, “This Behavior results from having been weaned too early (before seven or eight weeks of age)” (1). It may have become compulsive if your dog does this for long periods of time and is hard to distract while it does this.
If you use these dog grooming tips regularly, you'll be able to notice warning signs that your dog may have health problems. For instance, pay attention to your dog's stomach. Make sure there's no flaky, red dry skin or lumps. Wouldn't you rather learn how to deal with minor dog health problems before they become major
This beautifully designed dog rope is highly-recommended for all dogs, starting from the most aggressive ones to the least aggressive. It can withstand any kind of threat of destruction and still remain intact. Its high-quality material is what has made it always to rank among the most durable dog ropes in the market. In addition, it is made of cotton that is harmless to your dog.
Always keep your dog clean and groomed well to keep these common diseases away, and if your
Give limits to your dog and keep them out from your bedroom and other rooms that you spend more time in. This is to ensure that dander on the place you stay the most is keep to a minimum to also decrease allergic reactions.
In the United States alone, there are 78.2 million dogs in homes countrywide. Once someone makes the decision to get a dog, their first thought might be what they are going to feed it. Dog food ingredients impact dogs in many ways, and responsible pet owners want to keep their animals healthy. Doctor Lorie Huston from petMD says "Pet food ingredients can also affect your pet's behavior in various ways. Take the fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid, DHA has been shown to increase mental acuity in puppies and kittens" (Huston). So, the first step is to be aware of what their dogs eat and read the labels more closely. Animals are completely dependent on their owners for their nutritional needs, so dog owners feel morally conscience of that responsibility. Failure to pay attention to what dogs eat could result in major health problems or even death due to the toxins and chemicals they ingest. Dogs' lifestyle depends on the nutritious ingredients in their everyday food to maintain good health, a high activity level, and a happy mood.
By the way, you can also use reinforcement theory to try to train your dog not to do things you don’t want him to do. For example, if your dog freaks out during thunderstorms (and here’s why that might be), you might want to consider not reinforcing his freak-out with tummy rubs and extra
When I was first training my dog I bought a very long rope. This allowed me to let him run from me and come back on his own without ever being in any danger. I am sure we have all heard the saying, “if you love something let it go”. The long rope will work with your man too. Don’t leash him to tightly, give him
If you have a dog that has a barking issue then I do not need to tell you how annoying and embarrassing this behavior problem can be. Fortunately, for the vast majority of dogs some simple training or behavior adjustments can quickly reduce or eliminate your dog's barking issue. This article will provide you with a how-to for correcting your dog's barking issue. The first step in eliminating any behavior issue in an animal is to identify the underlying root cause. The number one reason for a dog bark excessively is that it is looking for your attention. If you believe that this may be the case try taking your dog aside for some extra playtime throughout the day; you may be surprised at how quickly that undesired excessive barking disappears.
Compulsive dog behaviours: tail chasing, fly snapping (snapping at imaginary flies in the air), spinning, sucking on a part of the body, are also known as OCD in humans, and could be genetic
Several steps can be taken by dog owners to reduce allergens and to tackle this problem. Proper management includes the avoidance of allergens (where possible), the usage of topical or systemic medications, immunotherapy and the treatment of any concurrent conditions.
When you brush your dog is careful no to use a brush that is too hard otherwise you can accidentally cause your dog to have brush burn. It may seem like an unnecessary part of dog grooming, but you need to brush your dog's teeth. You need to do so at least once every week. There is also mouth wash that is formulated specially for dogs that will aid in reducing bacteria. A common cause of your doggie's bad breath can be from the source of a build up of plaque and tartar on their teeth. To help prevent this from happening, you can feed them with a particular brand of dog food that will slow the process of plaque and tartar from developing on their teeth. There are also rawhides to chew or a nylon bone to prevent dog breath. So there is no reason your dog should go around with doggie
Grooming your dog is not an easy task. Depending on the breed of dog you have; one must consider the type of hair the dog has, the style that you wish, and how your pet acts when being groomed. I adopted a small breed, a Maltese, three years ago and I have groomed him myself and had him professionally groomed. He has gone from having long hair, like a show dog, to now having a "puppy cut".
Experiment with these simple home remedies for dog allergies and see how best they can help your pet. When dogs experience allergies and hay fever, their skin begins to itch especially on the lower back near the tail. They also experience inflamed ears, itchy feet and anus. No wonder, you see them dragging their rear on the floor. Most of the allergic causes are mild and so you can use these natural methods below for their treatment.