Education no longer fits your parent's vision of the three R's. To be career and college ready should be the goal of every high school student today. Students must learn to read and gather information efficiently. This research proposal subject matter resulted directly from the fact my mother, her mother and her grandfather have all been educators. One could say education is in the bloodline. As a high school student, the effects of the controversial Common Core Standards are apparent and personal. For the community, as a whole, the Common Core, if successful, will permit students to enter college or a career adequately prepared. Thus, preparing a workforce that is competent and therefore, better equipped for available employment.
The intention
The American College Testing (ACT), 2010 concluded that a large number of high school students and high school graduates do not possess the knowledge and skills for college level work or career training. With the creation and implementation of common core standards, states and school districts have a clear set of student expectations to target
Adopted by forty-two out states in 2010, the Common Core State Standard Initiative strives to provide an educational structure which details what English language arts and mathematics should be taught from kindergarten through twelfth grade. The initiative is the federal government’s attempt to ensure all students who graduate from high school are adequately prepared to enter a two or four year college or the workforce. Despite their intentions, the Common Core has caused much controversy in the education community. The thought behind Common Core is very valid and has the potential to help students, however changes must be made to unrealistic standards and wordy statements. Common Core must first be rewritten so that the language is clear and can be easily understood by the general public. Next ask experts on childhood development and elementary school teachers to review the standards and rewrite standards they see as unneeded or irrelevant as well as unrealistic.
The national Common Core standards assist in education by the use of a system of academic expectations students across the country must satisfy in order to move to the next grade level or graduate from high school. Consistency can occur because all students’ basic skills in English and math standards are evident. Why, therefore are there concerns about the implementation and use of Common Core standards? To discern this question, assessment of concerns Christians and parents have related to the issue of the implementation and use of the standards are discussed first. Then an analysis of the purpose and perspectives of the standards will demonstrate how there is a solid biblical basis supporting that the standards make sense and are
The educational system in the United States was originally developed using concepts from around the world, created using ingenuitive ideas from countries such as China, Japan, and Korea. However, as the United States quickly moved into position as the leading country for state-directed educational standards, America looked less and less to the systems of other nations and more into how we could improve what was locally and currently being applied in education. Consequently, an improved type of education instruction was officially launched in 2010. These new state standards, practically titled Common Core, were declared to focus on developing a child’s skills in reasoning, problem solving, communication, and competition (Conrad, et al. 52). While the standards are professed to be an extremely practical and beneficial method of teaching today, there are issues which have recently surfaced and raised some concerns. The Common Core State Standards are emerging as the subjects of a provocative controversy in society today as they prompt discussion on global economic efficiency, nationwide academic standards, and the ultimate well-being of school-age children.
Although most senators, representatives and school officials support common core state standards (CCSS), they have not received or researched the history of how CCSS introduced itself. Furthermore, they do not understand that local control is being taken away, which results in the eventual destruction of excellent, local schools, students, and future generations. Two private trade organizations located in Washington, D.C, wrote the CCSS at the request of Achieve, a company created by Bill and Melinda Gates. Thus, CCSS did not arise from the state level but of an interested organization associated with education. Most Americans do not want their local school district sharing their kids’ personal, identifiable data with the federal
Common Core State Standards is being heard throughout the education world. Many cringe when the words are spoken and many fight to support what the words stand for. Common Core was introduced in 2009 by state leaders. Common Core State Standards were developed to prepare children for the business world or the reality after grade school. “The Common Core is a set of high-quality academic standards in mathematics and English language arts/literacy, also known as ELA” (About the Standards, n.d.). The goals for the standards outline what students should know before leaving his or her current grade level. “The standards were created to ensure that all students graduate from high school with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in college, career, and life, regardless of where they live” (About the Standards, n.d.). This is an ambitious goal, but with much support can be accomplished. According to Common Core State Standards Initiative (n.d.) The Common Core has been adopted by forty-two states already and is accompanied by District of Columbia and Department of Defense Education Activity. Common Core was developed to improve the academics in society’s schools. Academics in the past years have not been successful and the United States has fallen behind international education. “One root cause has been an uneven patchwork of academic standards that vary from state to state and do not agree on what students should know and be able to do at each
Introduction: Another important bill proposal is to get rid of Common Core, and instead replace it with a different system that will enforce individual growth and learning . In many schools across the nation, common core is damaging the student’s learning by stopping kids from getting a choice of what they want to learn. Common core also slows student’s learning by not focusing the child’s requirements and needs for education. In addition, parents no longer have much of a voice in speaking for their child’s education. This causes many parents to dislike schools, as it prevents their child from achieving what either the adult or child wants to achieve. In addition, Common Core forces a large group of kids to learn the same thing, the exact same
As our society develops and evolves over time many aspects of our lives change and we find ourselves trying to adapt to new changes. One of the major changes that we have seen over the course of the years is the advancement in technology. We have come along way in many aspects of technology such as wireless internet and we now find ourselves using modern smartphones rather the flip phones. In addition to our technology evolving over time so has the education system in the United States. The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) has been one of the biggest changes in the United States education system in recent
While in a perfect world the government offices at all levels would coincide perfectly, without conflict, we live in a much more realistic world than that. There have been, are, and will continue to be many conflicts amongst the federal and state governments. Texas, in particular, has dealt with many political issues and laws involving, but not limited to, social, environmental and educational issues.
Common Core standards were introduced in 2010 and now schools all over the nation are implementing Common Core literacy standards for writing in physical education. According to the website SPARK, which is dedicated to creating, implementing, and evaluating research-based programs that promote lifelong wellness, “The standards prepare students for college and the workforce by providing them with various skills that enforce writing, thinking critically, and solving real-world problems” (SPARK, 2013). The Common Core standards are made up of three components: 1) Text types and purposes 2) Production and distribution of writing 3) Research to build and present knowledge. Physical Education teachers create lesson activities based on these components.
Common means to share something mutually, why do people find it so difficult to share? Share one’s feeling? No! Share one’s ideas? Not that either. No one wants to even share a set of benchmarks. The common core standards are only a set of benchmarks to assure students are learning fundamentals at the right grade level. Yes, they are a work in progress but nothing was perfect in the beginning. While some states have decided against the common core standards, others have chosen to build their curriculum around them. However, each state should consider or reconsider using the common core standards. Yes, change is difficult when one has done the same thing for years. It is hard to adapt to changes but when the benefit outweighs the disadvantages, it is imperative to convert. This generation of children are much brighter and know way more than we give them credit. Their way of learning has evolved, they are more creative and innovative; everything should be done to enhance their learning. “One of the greatest mistakes we make in education is underestimating the capacity of our children to learn”, says Former Governor Jed Bush (“National Hispanic Christian”) . The common core standards is only a betterment for the educational system, giving all children a fighting chance, nationally and internationally. According to a 12 year study, not one of the students tested in the United Sates achieved higher that then the
The Common Core State Standards are a state attempt to create strong educational standards. The standard are created to ensure that students in the country are learning and grasping the information that are given in the classrooms for them to succeed academically. The Common Core plan included governors and education commissioners form forty-eight states and the District of Columbia. They wanted to make sure the standards are relevant, logical and sequential. For content all subjects must have critical-thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills. Some positive aspects of this policy is that it prepares our students for a competitive global jobs. It can provide national connections in education. Designed to shape the best standards so that all states will be taking a step ahead in education. These standards had been created after extensive research by professional educators for excellence in education. The CCS focus on what students expectations of learning, and achievements. Educators do not need to worry that the standards will make their jobs look redundant because they are in charge of creating lessons to teach their students the content and skills that the CCS demands. The teachers do not feel that the standards are one-size-fits-all. Some negative aspects of the policy are that is a program created by solely the government. The CCS is a program put together on idyllic situations in education by individuals who have subsidy and students ahead of the learning
The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) was first implemented in 2010, nine years after I graduated from high school. Although I wasn’t personally affected by the new academic standards, it has a direct impact on the current and future generation of leaders, innovators, and world changers including my future children. The initial purpose of the Common Core Standards is to set high-quality learning goals designed to prepare students to be college and career ready. Given the current controversies surrounding CCSS, studies have shown that although the intent was to benefit students in the long-run it may actually be hindering their mathematical and reading skills. To further explore the arguments behind the Common Core initiative, I will
According to Manley & Hawkins (2013) the Common Core State Standards “have been created on the world stage in mind” (Pg. 20, Ch. 1); however, I must humbly disagree with this claim. Although the Common Core State Standards goals are mainly abstract and schematic in structure, they are at its foundation a “one-size-fits-all approach,” which has severely impacted those students identified as having “special needs” or those who have an Individual Education Plan (I.E.P.) – these are the students eligible under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). The Common Core State Standards were implemented since 2009, and I have been a Special Education teacher since 2007 for the New York City Department of Education, and I have seen
Common Core Standards is a topic that everyone in school, and everyone that has been in school, has heard about. The state of Alabama adopted these standards in the early 2000’s and they have been the core curriculum guide in classrooms since. Recently, the standards for Mathematics and English Language Arts have been renamed and are now known as the Alabama College and Career Readiness Standards. Of course, like any new idea, there has been some controversy about the topic. Educators, students, parents and administrators all have their own viewpoint and opinions about the new standards. As a student, and future educator, I believe that the Alabama College Career Readiness Standards are a great addition to the state of Alabama’s