I am doing my controversial term paper on abortion. Abortion is the termination of a human pregnancy. There are different views to be seen on this topic which will be discussed in this paper. Depending on how far along the pregnancy is, determines what type of abortion procedure is performed on the human body. I am against abortion, but there are two different points of views that must be considered when talking about abortion; the mother’s point of view and the baby’s. The only thing keeping abortion legal is women’s rights and freedom to make your own decisions concerning one’s own life. You must be accountable for your own actions and not take the easy way out of a hard situation. Some women view abortion as escaping their problems, when they need to face reality. “If they notice a pregnancy, they'll go to the hospital. It sounds very easy; however, it sounds that they lack responsibility for their behavior” (Kuroda). The one factor that is …show more content…
The mother automatically chooses for her baby, whether it is in her best interest or not. Women choose their future with a child when they decide to have sex. Whether they like it or not, should not be their choice. They should be held to their responsibilities of being a mother to the child. They should be there for the child they brought into the world, care for it and act like a mother to it. From my perspective abortion is an act of murder, taking someone else’s life. Someone who cannot make choices for them self yet. This procedure needs to be abolished and done away with. These humans do not get the chance to fight, they do not get to choose whether to be born or not because their mothers take that away from them. Babies are precious and in some instances if not wanted can be given to a married couple who cannot have one. Someone must stand up for these unborn babies who cannot fight
Abortion is a very serious situation in the world. It is a medical procedure to end a pregnancy. There are many reasons why women abort their babies but none of these reasons are valid. Therefore, mothers should think of other ways instead of termination. These innocent babies are victims in the womb. Abortion needs to stop because it is clearly wrong to kill our children, our faith teaches us otherwise, and we should protect human life.
Abortion is a very controversial topic in today’s society. Abortion is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks (Abortion). Many people have issues regarding this topic, while some support the idea. This paper will be covering the pros and cons, people’s attitudes, and how a researcher could possible change your perspective on the topic at hand.
The ongoing dispute of abortion has condemned the idea of women aborting their unborn child. Whether it be lack of support, critical physical or mental health, rape, or not being ready for such responsibility - all women have a reason for having an abortion. Therefore, women should have the free will to do what proves necessary and beneficial to themselves and their pregnancy.
The controversial topic known as abortion has been around for centuries. The matter has been forever the women’s choice. However, the arguments continue on whether abortion should be pro-choice or not. Abortion should no longer be a scapegoat for women and instead should not exist at all. Women should take responsibility for their actions and face the consequences, killing an unborn child due to the fact “it was a mistake” is no excuse.
To this day, abortion has become one of the most controversial topics across america. The biggest reason for this is that people override their logical reasoning with their emotions on a regular basis. If a person can surpass their emotions or can remove them from the conversation, the more logical choice becomes so obviously clear. Pro-Choice is the fair choice to all women in America and across the world, considering it is their body and what they choose to do with it is completely up to them. I am of the Pro-Life opinion, but for the purpose of this paper I am a Pro-Choice advocate.
One reason why abortion should not be legal is because it allows selfish and irresponsible people to take the easy way out of the situation. This causes people to avoid the responsibility sexual intercourse exacts because, after all, sex is in fact for reproduction. This type tactic to evade responsibility is portrayed best in the documentary “Abortion Diaries” by Penny Lane. This documentary is surprisingly facetious and acts as if the people interviewed did no wrong to get into the situation in the first place. In this documentary, Penny Lane interviewed several women who had gotten an abortion due to an unwanted pregnancy, and most of their stories, unfortunately, revealed their immaturity. Many of them were having plenty of safe sex, or surprisingly, plenty of unsafe sex, when they were financially unstable. One woman, named Bridget, even graphically says “he asked me if I was on the pill. I said ‘no.’ We had
“Judith Arcana (1994) argued that abortion is a motherhood issue, a decision a woman makes because she believes it is the best for herself and her baby” (Arcana, p.216). The decision to have an abortion is one of the most difficult decisions a woman can take. What the woman wanted is not to be pregnant and they abort only when they have no other way to take. Also, the profile of the women who abort are very varied. For example, economic problems, health, to continue their education and even for deeper reasons that no one has the right to question. It is not possible to trivialize the decision of a woman, and it should not be forgotten that an abortion is a medical intervention, with its risks, causing fear and pain. On the other hand, today's
Abortion has been widely controversial and still is controversial to this day. Opinions on the topic continue to change over time as well as laws changing to allow it or make it illegal. These changes will vary on factors like politics and the religion that is practiced in the country. Just like countries vary on whether it is widely accepted or not, the same goes for religions. Catholicism has been traditionally conservative and has taken a pro-life stance over the years. Buddhism, while not conservative has also taken a pro-life stance. Abortion continues to be ethically controversial based on the question on whether life begins at conception, at a later time during development, and whether or not we
Abortion is the ending of pregnancy by removing a fetus or embryo from the womb before it can survive on its own. An abortion can also be induced which means steps are taken purposely to end the pregnancy. “Induced” abortions are legal, safe, and usually done by doctors. Almost half of all pregnancies in the United States are unplanned, which means about $1.3 million in 1996 were aborted. A woman has the ‘right’ to choose if her child lives or dies, but what about the baby? Doesn’t the baby get a say? How would a person feel if someone took away their ability to live? Women are a mother as soon as they become pregnant, how could a mother tell her child they are unwanted and should be killed? Some people think it’s all right to abort children,
Abortion has been one of the most popular and argumentative topics that has still yet to be settled. Ultimately the question we can ask when trying to solve this issue is whether or not pregnant women should have the right to kill an unborn baby. Abortion is the ending of a pregnancy before birth takes place and is a moral wrong. Can we as a society call ourselves human if we allow the deaths of unborn babies to take place? Those who take the side of pro-choice or as also known as pro-abortion often use statements concerning life, humanity, human rights and freedom to support their claims. I believe abortion should be illegal because we as a society must protect the human lives that are in danger whether or not they are in their first
In conclusion, Miki Kuroda explains why abortion should be illegal and Linda Lowen explains why abortion should be illegal. Woman are always being banished for just simply thinking about aborting their child. “Nearly half of all pregnancies among American women are unintended, and 4 in 10 of these are terminated by abortion. 22% of all pregnancies end in abortion.” Women must choose whether their child deserves to live. Miki Kuroda feels that way because people should take responsibility for their behavior, it is dangerous for a woman’s body, and the baby has a right to live. She believes that if a person can lie down and have unsafe sex, then they can handle the consequences. If a woman has an abortion, she is minimizing the chances
Woman have the right to choose to have a baby. They should also have the right to an abortion. There are many reasons why women might choose to have an abortion. What if she was raped, or had a life-threatening medical condition? Abortion has been heavily debated before and since the 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision. Abortion was created in 1550 BC, and throughout western history it was legal, as long as Procedure was performed after 13-25 weeks of getting pregnant (British Broadcasting Corporation ). In 1821 abortion became criminalized and it wasn't until the Roe vs. Wade case that it was declared legal again (Duke Law Journal, Mar. 2003) . Many might say that abortion is murder and that mother will have long term side effects. However, abortion should remain legal because women should have the right to an abortion when they know the baby will have severe health issues, it reduces crime, and prevents self-harm.
How would you feel if someone had the right to choose whether you live or die? How would you feel if you can't speak up and say whether you want to live or not? How would you feel if you can't do anything to save your life? Millions of human beings around the world, experience that. Women abort their babies every single day, but they don't realize that they have taken a life away. They have committed murder for selfish reasons, as Alveda King said, "..Abortion and racism stem from the same poisonous root, selfishness". I believe that abortion should be illegal because you are taking away the life of a human being. There is absolutely no reason for women to abort babies as a solution to their problems.
Abortion has been a constitutional right since 1973. Everyone should have the option of deciding what do with with their unborn child. People should not be able to judge the decision of the person considering abortion as an option. Abortions are a huge thing all around the world mainly in the US. The US is the biggest “provider” of the option to abort an unborn fetus. What are abortions, my personal opinion, and Medical opinion.
Abortion is an issue that can go both ways and a topic that is very controversial. Some may have questions such as, is a fetus a human, and does its life matter? It was not supposed to happen to me or I was raped. Many people see abortion as a good or bad thing. One’s institution can greatly influence their thought over abortion. I have decided to write over abortion because I feel that it is a broad topic which can go into two different directions as in one defending abortion while the other seeing the subject as immoral. Through this research over abortion, I will be including two articles, “A Defense of Abortion” and “Why Abortion Is Immoral”. These articles will describe the difference in how one’s perspective over abortion can be taken. For instance, the first article will talk about why Judith argues over why abortion is not too bad to be allowed and how there can be different situations that can cause a person to make certain decisions. The second article by Marquis will demonstrate why killing a fetus is morally wrong. He will also be including how someone who is anti-abortion and those who are for abortion can have strong opinions in cases like these. The following paragraph’s will go more into depth about each article over abortion.