
Controversy Of Vaccination Research Paper

Decent Essays

Vaccine Controversy
The idea of preventing diseases by injecting a little bit of the disease itself has been around for over 1,000 years, saving humanity from being wiped out by a simple, common cold. The idea of a vaccination seems perfect, but over the years, some parents believe in the idea of “anti-vaccines”, opting out the only potential protection among their children. The comfort and needs of a child is always on the mind of a parent, but when it comes to sticking a needle into the child that could potentially make them “sick” or “uncomfortable”, red lights start flashing and unethical health decisions are made.
The first vaccinations were made by an Edward Jenner, who made a vaccine for smallpox; The disease was later eradicated because of the precautions of the vaccine. Although it is not mandated by the US, it is still strongly advised. People who are for vaccinations say that, “vaccination is safe and one of the greatest health developments of the 20th century. They point out …show more content…

Vaccines prevent dangerous and contagious diseases and sickness from wiping out an entire population. For those who don't believe in vaccines, they see vaccines as an unnecessary pain. Schools in the U.S. already require certain vaccinations completed before starting school; For those who refuse the shots, they often opt for home school. We as a “Free Country” can’t force citizens to go out of their ways to pay shots a couple times a year. In addition to the fact that we are a free country, we cannot force someone to receive something that you would necessarily die without. A vaccine would only prevent a particular disease, but if you didn’t have the vaccine and you were to contract that disease, treatment would still be able to save you; Meaning without vaccines, technically, you’ll survive. In essence, the mandation of vaccinations by law can cause plenty of problems that could

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