
Controversy On Women In Ministry

Good Essays

Women in Ministry
DeAnna Settje,
Liberty University

Women in ministry is a vital part of the church and the community. There is controversy over women in the pulpit but being the head of a church and being in a ministry are two different things. As the leader of a church you leading the flock. Ministry is an outreach to believers or unbelievers. God shows respect, care and love to women throughout the bible. There are several highly respected Godly women in our society today. A few favorites are Elizabeth George, Joni Erickson Tada, and Nancy Lee DeMoss. Elisabeth Elliott and Lottie Moon has since passed on and are now enjoying heaven. Elisabeth Elliot is one of my favorites. Her life has been an encouragement to many, as has …show more content…

He proceeds to ask her questions about God. At the end of their conversation she feels God is telling her to give him, her bible. After much arguing with God, she gives her new friend her bible. The man promised he would read the bible. There was another lady seated on the other side of this man. She gets a chance to speak to Lisa and tells her that she has changed her life.
This lady did not seem to be listening to their conversation about God but had her head turned toward the window the whole time. Both have now made a profession of faith. This reminds me that we are always in ministry.
Women in ministry can be a controversial subject. The opposition to women in ministry comes from the verse: 1 Timothy 2:12 ESV “I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet.”This command comes in a section of 1 Timothy which teaches about the functioning of a local church. Some people believe when the apostle Paul wrote that a woman should not “teach or exercise authority over a man,” he was conforming to a unique situation in the city of Ephesus or to the cultural value system of the time, but that is not the case. (Macarthur …show more content…

Besides her parents there were five girls and two boys. She was born into a wealthy family but the Civil War would devastate the family wealth. Lottie served in the ministry as a missionary in China for 39 years. In December of 1858, Lottie placed her faith and trust in Christ

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