Millions of Americans vote every four years to pick a new President. They could pick the same one or a new one. But do you think voting should be mandatory? There is some positive and negatives about mandatory voting. I believe there is more negative than positives. Mandatory voting should not be allowed. What if they aren’t educated and don’t know who to pick? Just randomly vote for a president that they probably never heard about before or don’t even know why they are running for president? In text 4 (line 19) it says, “It’s certainly true that in countries where voluntary voting, like the USA and UK, voter apathy is highest among the poor and uneducated.” This quote is saying that lower class citizens don’t vote because they aren’t well educated enough to know how to vote for and are dealing …show more content…
In text 3, line 27, it says “ In fact, some people might even interpret mandatory voting as a violation of the First Amendment’s prohibition of compelled speech.” If mandatory voting becomes a law, it will be against the First Amendment so the national government basically breaks that Amendment. Which also means that the government could most likely make more things mandatory and start breaking other amendments or laws. Will most likely lead to chaos. The only positive I believe is that it will show more of the country’s interest, more than normally. Only 60.4% percent of America votes. Which is actually a pretty high number. Most of the country complains that there’s a bad president. So go vote for someone you would like to be president. Instead of complaining of a president you don’t like until he’s gone from the president office. In conclusion mandatory voting should not be allowed because it violates the First Amendment and is forcing uneducated people to vote. Let people wait until they’re comfortable with voting and know enough about the country and the problems. Then see which president will help out the
In recent years, due to non compulsory voting, our national affairs and international affairs have been affected. America should have compulsory voting because of increased voter turnout rates, the questionability of the legitimacy of our government and the education of politics for the people.
Much like a draft persuades those involved in it to learn about what they are fighting for compulsory voting would lead to many people becoming more passionate about the subjects that they are voting on and as such learn about these topics. If the state compels their citizens to vote then a lot of the burden shifts from the individual that plans to vote moreso to the state. This would lead to the area having to introduce new and quicker ways to vote such as one day voter registration, moving voting locations, and locations to vote in everyday locations. Mandatory voting would also allow or at least comple lower income, younger, and non-white voters to take part in the system whose voices would usually not be heard as much as the general populace. A better informed and more diverse electorate are more prone to participate in the political
One reason that Americans shouldn’t be required to vote is because not very many people vote due to their education level or because of their age. People who have an education level less than a highschool diploma are less likely to vote than a person that has gone to college and is a postgraduate (Doc. B). People who are 60 and older have 70-75% voter turnout as to where people who are
Since the turn of the twenty first century, in Canada voter turnout has made a significant and consecutive decline. In the last five federal elections on average only sixty-one per cent of eligible voters voted. If each eligible citizen voted in an election the government would be on par with the primary interests of the people. The easiest way to achieve this objective is by implementing a compulsory voting system. Mandatory voting systems are appealing because all citizens are affected by decisions made by the government, so it makes sense to have all those affected apart of the election process. As a result, the voting results would be more representative of the country and that would lead to an increase of stability and legitimacy.
In some countries there are legal repercussions for not voting, such as Australia. In ancient Grease, all citizens were required to vote at election time under penalty of imprisonment. This may not be the best course of action for America, were people might see it as imposing on there freedom of choice. There are other less dramatic options that can be considered.
The second reason i feel this way is because it will save our government money. Political parties would not have the need to go out and spend money on advertisements telling us to go out and vote(“Compulsory voting”13-14). This means our nation's debt will not be raised nor
Is there any way to increase voter turnout? Compulsory is a way to increase voter turnout. In 2016, only 57.9% of eligible voters voted. Should Americans be required to vote? In my opinion, Americans should not be required to vote. There are three reasons why Americans should not be required to vote: many young people don’t have time to vote, citizens have the liberty to choose vote or not, and people that’s inexperience have to vote will be dangerous.
In America, many citizens choose not to vote every year. Although, The United States of America is a democracy, Americans should be required to vote. Whether the voting is for local places or for the government, citizens should be required to vote. This will give everyone a chance to speak their minds and learn more about politics. Compulsory voting is important because everyone should have a chance to vote for what they believe in.
Americans should not be required to vote, the amount of votes will go up. But since they are not aware of who they are voting for would cause chaos. If they have a problem and want to have their say in the elections they should be able to without be required to with an influence of something. They would still need more ways to higher the voting percentage. But they could do that with several ads convincing them so they have the mindset of voting. Now the odds of the least liked candidate to be voted in to win is fifty fifty.
At last, its 21st Century Democracy in United States, that is why nothing but a general view for mandatory voting has nothing to do with today’s politics. It’s almost signifying the central promise of American citizenship. Generally saying, let’s eat the cake for which many generation marched, fought and died. As discussed in the paper, everyone have their own problems but giving a few minutes to vote can solve this problems for future generations. Making federal voting mandatory will bring a big change in the way the candidates offer beneficial speeches. And this will make America
A very controversial topic in the United States is whether or not Americans should be required to vote. Voting is a very essential piece to democracy, but many Americans today are not attending their voting location and supporting the candidate they feel is best. In recent elections, just 60% of registered voters casted their vote for a candidate. This is an issue that many people are not happy about, but whether or not there is reason to fix it is the other side to the case. Voter participation is an issue that has been going on for years, and no laws are in place currently to bring it up. Americans have been proud to live in a “free country”, and a law forcing citizens to vote may be against America’s principles. Compulsory voting should
The reason voting should be optional is because in democratic countries that have made voting mandatory it hasn’t worked out well. It is mandatory to vote in Austria and Belgium. In those countries it is mandatory to vote and if you don’t vote you there are consuconsis. For example in Belgium if you don’t vote in 4 years you aren’t aloud to vote four the next ten years. “A general social
What is more American than voting? This right has been fought for by many groups and people throughout the life of our country. From the people in our history books to the everyday person fighting for their rights, voting has been yearned for by many. However, even with voting being such a big deal, voter turnout is low for America and still there are some Americans who can’t vote. With so much being done throughout the years to get the vote to Americans, we’d expect high voter turnout and everyone being able to vote, but that isn’t true and it needs to change. We should make voting required as turnout will rise, more people would get involved in the government, and more people will be able to vote.
Selecting the right candidate is hard and need more people to participate and to achieve that all citizens need to voting and select the future leaders to benefit themselves and their country. By adding the voting as mandatory will ensure more responses and also keep the country on the right path. For example, In the United States, the recent studies conducted by various governments show that twenty percent only of the population gave their voting voice in the
Several countries have mandatory voting for its citizens. Is it something the United States should pursue? Mandatory voting would definitely increase the percentage of votes cast. It would make voting a duty and no longer a right. With most people who vote straight party this would be an advantage to the party who has appeased the most voters as they would come in and cast the quickest vote by straight line voting. It could be possible that knowing you had to vote, one may take more interest in learning more about candidates or constitutional amendments that are on the ballots. However, I am in favor of the opposing view. I think it is a right and privilege and should not be forced upon a person. If you force people to do something they don’t want to do then the you will reap the results. You will have uniformed voters become the majority and making decisions for the country. The politicians base will no longer be the main concern as they now will have to make a push for the politically uneducated voter which will be more about what they can give them than policy issues. This also makes what the