I think it would be cool to be an astronaut because you would never know what was going to happen. In the movie that we just watched in class they never knew what was going to happen and what was expected to happen. It would be just one big thrill to have no idea what might happen next could it be life or could it be death.
Humans have dreamed of leaving the earth and traveling space for many years, and up to this day they have taken many steps in the right direction. Yet, with every new frontier they approach, new problems loom over the horizon. Some of these problems arise right here on Earth. Some of the issues have been resolved, such as escaping the forces of gravity to reach outer space. Most of the problems are far more arduous and the solutions need more time to be worked out properly. In “The Coming Schism” by James E. and Alcestis R. Oberg, they posit that humans can colonize space. Humans need to buckle up and build the technology which will help to solve problems that would arise to
It’s not everyday that an ordinary kid from a farm in a city like Milton, Ontario finds himself walking in outer space. To get from here to there, it takes a significant amount of hard work, dedication and ambition as well as perseverance- overcoming all the barriers in life and plowing through. Chris Hadfield had those very traits- which enabled him to make Canada proud in an unforgettable way. Although Marc Garneau was the first Canadian in space, Chris Hadfield rewrote the very rules that bind us, by being the first Canadian to walk in space. What is it they said again, “One step for man, one giant leap for mankind”? Well Chris Hadfield took one step for man and one giant leap for Canadians.
I have been researching my future job and here is what I found. Becoming an astronaut is genuinely difficult on the grounds that they want you to at least have a bachelor's degree in engineering, biological science, physical science or mathematics. NASA wants people with at least three years of experience. You need an extremely well physical condition comparable to 20/20 vision with or without corrective lenses. A blood pressure no more than 140/90 in a sitting position. You also need to have a height between 62 and 75 inches.
If you had the choice to own land in space, would you do it? Some people say yes but many say no. Well I wouldn’t all my reasons are coming down below. Also if you want to go to space and own land then you are reading the wrong essay.
On the Apollo 11 mission, Neil Armstrong said, “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” He was the first astronaut to walk on the moon and this event was a significant point in history for space exploration. Now from the success of the Apollo 11 mission, astronauts will travel to Mars during the 2030’s and I want to take part in the excursion to the Red Planet. In the past couple of years, I have been obtaining knowledge about the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the exploration to Mars. Ever since I was younger, I enjoyed spending time at night stargazing with friends and family as well as watching Star Wars, Star Trek, and other science fiction movies. Over the years my fascination for outer space
The Space Race was between two Cold War rivals, the Soviet Union (USSR) and the United States (US). The race to space began in 1955. Apollo 11 successfully put the first man on the Moon. The end of the Space Race was in 1975. The Space Race is considered very important because it would show which nation had the best science, technology, and economic system.
Space travel? Not on my list. Sure, rocket ships, space, and zero gravity may sound fun, but I would not go. Think about how much all of it would cost, with a rocket and insurance, and plus, making sure insurance can cover your safety would not be easy. Convinced yet? No? Then read along.
It’s cold up there. Cold and inhospitable. It is not easy, and it will take time. These are things the first humans in Africa must have thought of journeys northward. And yet, people still went. They colonized the globe in all its varied environments. When humans first bred dogs and horses, they did not do so to send them into unexplored land in our steed. We did not build crow’s nests on ships to observe and not go. Why is even a question whether humans should go to space? Space is the final frontier that the universe has to offer, and humanity would be remiss not to explore it with their own hands. It’s important to frame the debate. Succinctly, should
On October 4th, 1957 the simple action of launching a beachball-sized hunk of metal into our orbit, reshaped the lives of people in the United States and across the world for the next years to come. This small ball of metal was Sputnik, a Soviet satellite with a radio transmitter inside letting out a small “beeping” sound. This object, as unsophisticated as it was, had the power to set the entire country into panic. To US officials this action not only made it clear that the Soviet superpower of Russia was more technologically advanced, but for all we knew they could be putting nuclear warfare into space. To the US this thought was unbearable, and because of this it would go on to set off a race of the century, the Space Race. A race to put technology into space, a race that would change American life at home and in foreign policy. From changes within the school system, to the Red Scare, life would be changed drastically in the years to come, not only in the U.S, but in Russia as well.
For many years, the United States has accomplished many great scientific and technological progress in air and space. NASA has been shown to be one of the leading representatives of these accomplishments and remains a leading force in the research and public interest of space exploration, as well as science and technology in general. More importantly, this exploration has given us a greater perspective of Earth, ourselves, and the universe. In order to thrive in these creations, steps must be taken in order to reach the point of discovery that launches us ahead of other countries. In all, funding on NASA space program by the United States should be raised to revolutionize technology, create major discoveries, prevent hazards in space, and
Today, ‘astronaut’ is a common career heard when children are asked what they want to be when they grow up. However, this was not the case in the early 20th century or even in the 1950s. The reason for this change was the space race, an extension of the Cold War between the Soviet Union and the United States for superiority of space technology. It all started in October 1957 when Russia launched Sputnik I, the first artificial satellite, into orbit. The launch of Sputnik shocked the American public and brought about the beginnings of the space age, eventually leading to the founding of National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the launch of Explorer I, and finally a man on the moon. Although the moon landing ended the space race,
The Mir operated in very small elliptical orbit at an altitude of 390 kilometers above the Earth’s surface with an inclination of 51.6 degrees. This was more out of convenience for the Russians because it was easy for their main launch complex to launch to and also to avoid launching over China. Due to the Mir’s low altitude, atmospheric drag constantly tried to pull the Mir back to Earth causing its orbit to need to be constantly adjusted. Because of this, the Mir would need help boosting to an optimal operating orbit. In the beginning before all the modules where built the core module had the ability to change the space stations orbit on its own. However, as more modules showed up, resupply ships like the Progress while docked to the
Astronauts didn't get stoves, refrigerators, or enough water to make meals, so they ate and drank dehydrated meals. Astronauts now have ovens to heat food. They can also use water to add to dehydrated food. Now because of new technology in shuttle's NASA has made it so, astronauts can get a variety of drinks. They got coffee, milk, juice, and more, which they like better than before they didn't have advanced technology.
In the past they would look for at least a 1,000 hours in flight time, currently they are looking for someone who has at least 3 years of experience in their specific field. There is no specific ability that you must meet to be looked at however; NASA tends to look at applicants who “undertake whatever they do with the full force of their abilities to reach a level of excellence.” When the top 100 applications are selected personality is what matters the most. The applicant must undergo a personal interview with a board of NASA executives to decide whether they like you or not. Personality is something that is a must when you are chosen to go up in space. Being in a small space for up to six months with six or so other people requires the astronaut to have good personable skills that will make the mission go as planned.
• Space tourism: providing services for humans to access and experience space for adventure and recreation