
Copper Mining Essay

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The purpose of this investigation is to determine the following question; “What have we learned about the mining for copper that could minimise environment impacts of mining in the future?” Copper is a metal used for jewellery, copper wiring, electrical motors, engines, but mainly used in electrical generators and powers. This is because copper has a high thermal and electrical conductivity. Hence, copper is essential in today’s society. The mining for copper in Queenstown, Tasmania was founded in 1883, but first started in 1896.

Copper mining led to the formation of acid rain because Acid mine drainage (AMG) was formed into the river system by natural processes when the pyrite bedrock was exposed to oxygen and water. This is because …show more content…

〖2NO〗_(2(g))+H_2 O_((I))→H〖NO〗_3(aq) +HNO_(2(aq))
Weak acid does not ionise in water completely, but nitric acid is a strong acid and completely ionises in water to form nitrate and hydronium ions, this occurs in the atmosphere.
〖2NO〗_(2(g))+〖2H〗_2 O_((I))→H_3 〖O_((aq))〗^++〖NO_(3(aq))〗^- +HNO_(2(aq))

Both sulfuric and nitric acid ionise in water droplets in the atmosphere to produce hydronium ions, which results in the pH of rainwater below 5.6. This mixture falls onto the Earth’s surface as acid rain. Thus, acid rain is caused when both oxides are released into the atmosphere. (Chemistry Essentials book)
Nitric acid: 〖HNO〗_3(aq) +H_2 O_((I) )→H_3 〖O_((aq))〗^++NO_(3(aq))^-
Sulfuric acid: H_2 SO_4(aq) +2H_2 O_((I))→ 2H_3 O_((aq))^++SO_4(aq)^(2-)

Image 1 illustrates the formation of acid rain. 1) Vehicles produces 〖NO〗_X and fossil fuels emits 〖SO〗_2, which are released in the atmosphere. 2) is when the chemicals are transformed into acid particles that are transported long distances. 3) is when the acid particles fall to the ground in wet and dry forms. 4) these acid particles are harmful to the environment, including soil, forests, lakes and …show more content…

A scrubber is used to remove gases and destroys the harmful chemicals in the atmosphere, which prevents the formation of acid rain. Additionally, FDG works by “spraying a wet slurry of limestone into a huge chambers where the calcium in the limestone responds with the sulfur dioxide in the flue gas.” When sulfur produces 〖SO〗_2, the fumes gas goes through the scrubber where a spray mixture of limestone and water reacts with the 〖SO〗_2. It produces calcium sulfate (when 〖SO〗_2 consolidates with limestone), known as synthetic gypsum. Scrubbers reduce the health risks of the local residents and workers. It is extremely important to remove sulfur dioxide because it combines with water in the air to form sulfuric acid (acidic compound) when released into the atmosphere. Thus, scrubbers are utilized to remove acidic gases as it filters out the sulfur dioxide leaving water released as

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